Computation parameters associated with this movie are as follows.
Laser field strength is varied linearly within 0.01 a.u. < E0 < 0.4 a.u., laser
frequency w_l = 0.15 a.u., laser pulse is turned on and off in 2 laser cycles and
maintained at its peak value for 30 cycles. The initial position of the
electron is at origin with Vx0=0.1 a.u. bound by the screened Coulomb potential
V(r) = -1 / [r^2+1]^(1/2).
Computation parameters associated with this movie are as follows.
Laser field strength is varied linearly within 1 a.u. < E0 < 40 a.u., laser
frequency w_l = 0.15 a.u., laser pulse is turned on and off in 2 laser cycles and
maintained at its peak value for 30 cycles. The initial position of the
electron is at origin with Vx0 = 0.1 a.u. bound by the screened Coulomb potential
V(r) = -1 / [r^2+1]^(1/2).
Computation parameters associated with this movie are as follows.
Static magnetic field with (scaled) strength varied logarithmically within 0
a.u. < W < 0.7 a.u. Laser field strength is fixed at E0 = 5 a.u., laser
frequency w_l = 0.15 a.u., laser pulse is turned on and off in 2 laser cycles and
maintained at its peak value for 30 cycles. The initial position of the
electron is at origin with Vx0 = 0.1 a.u. bound by the screened Coulomb potential
V(r) = -1 / [r^2+1]^(1/2).
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