List of Publications

Excitonic-State Trapping and Quasi-Adiabatic Population Transfer in a Two-Band Semiconductor
S. Hughes, W. Harshawardhan and David Citrin,
Physical Review B .

Harmonic Generation in Quantum Wells viewed as Resonant Photon Tunneling through a Time-dependent Barrier: An Exactly Solvable Model
David Citrin and W. Harshawardhan,
Physical Review B 60, 1759 - 1763 (1999).

Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Signal under Coherent Population Trapping Conditions
W. Harshawardhan and G.S. Agarwal,
Physical Review A 58, 598 - 604 (1998).

Multiple Landau - Zener Crossings and Quantum Interference in Atoms driven by Phase Modulated Fields
W. Harshawardhan and G.S. Agarwal,
Physical Review A 55, 2165 - 2171 (1997).

Inhibition and Enhancement of Two Photon Absorption
G.S. Agarwal and W. Harshawardhan,
Physical Review Letters 77, 1039 - 1042 (1996).

Controlling Optical Bistability using Electromagnetic - Field - Induced - Transparency and Quantum Interferences
W. Harshawardhan and G.S. Agarwal,
Physical Review A 53, 1812 - 1817 (1996).

Realization of Trapping in Two-Level System with Frequency Modulated Fields
G.S. Agarwal and W. Harshawardhan,
Physical Review A 50, R4465 - R4467 (1994).

Optical Phase Conjugation by Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Halogenated Methanes
B.R. Prasad, Harshawardhan Wanare, S. Raghuveer, C.K. Subramanian and P.S. Narayanan,
Current Science 65, 979 - 980 (1993).