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  • Currently there is no publication, electronic or otherwise, dedicated to the free sharing of information about PTE experiences or action research.
  • There is a growing need for improvement in PTE in light of national standards and accreditation processes and low-level performance (e.g., courses, resources, and productivity) of most PTE programs.
  • There is a need to share information about and resources from successful PTE programs in order to improve the quality of low performers.
  • There is a need to elevate the important/prestige of PTE within departments of physics in order to gain needed human and material resources.
  • There is a need to improve the professional status of PTE coordinators; currently very little credit is given in the tenure process for this type of action research.
  • An easily and widely accessible forum is needed to instigate and support changes in all aspects of PTE on a national basis.

Page last updated September 22, 2009

Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online is independently
governed by its editorial staff who are solely responsible for its content.
JPTEO is published by the Illinois State University Department of Physics in cooperation with
ISU's Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology (CeMaST).
Copyright 2009 Illinois State University