Participation Rubric

PHY 310 -- Readings for Teaching High School Physics
Illinois State University Physics Department
Physics Teacher Education Program
Carl J. Wenning, Program Coordinator

 Course Objective Assessed:

(4a) The student will participate meaningfully in all class inquiry lessons (demonstrating selected science content knowledge, process skills, and attitudes that are closely related to scientific literacy) discussions, and other activities by contributing ideas that reflect more than a recitation of material read.


 Does not meet expectation
(0 points)

 Barely meets expectation
(0.5 points)

 Adequately meets expectation
(1 point)

Exceeds expectation
(1.5 points)

Greatly exceeds expectation
(2 points)
Inquiry Lesson or Class Discussion Sits passively or significantly monopolizes discussion. Rarely contributes or somewhat monopolizes discussion. Regularly contributes to discussion. Makes numerous valuable contributions. Provides exceptional insights.  
Leadership and Service Actively detrimental to achieving class objective(s). Infrequent or inappropriate class behavior. Exhibits appropriate classroom behavior. Provides significant direction or service. Provides significant direction and service.  
Written Assignments Assignment turned in later than noon of next school day. Assignment turned in by noon of next school day. Assignment turned in on time or no assignment due.  N/A  N/A  

Copyright 2000 Illinois State University Physics Teacher Education Program
Arrival Time (On time arrival is 6:45 a.m. or earlier. Multiplier equals 1 unless late; equals 0 for arrival after 8:30 a.m. or for an un- excused absence.)

Late, but arrives between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.

Multiplier = 0.25

Late, but arrives between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.

Multiplier = 0.5

Late, but arrives between 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m.

Multiplier = 0.7

Tardy, but arrives before 7:00 a.m.

Multiplier = 0.8


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