Contrasting Teaching for Scientific Literacy

with Other Ways of Teaching


Contrasting Teaching for nonliteracy and literacy

 Nonliteracy   Literacy
 emphasize instructing, training, informing  emphasize teaching
 observing  doing
 memorizing  thinking
 exposition  inquiry
 dependency  non-dependency
 student passive receptacle  student active learner
 time based  competency based
 goal oriented  process oriented
 emphasis on content  emphasis on student
 content drive  process driven
 teacher-centered activities  student-centered activities
 verification  discovery
 based on teacher needs  based on student needs
 information in isolation  integrated information
 knowledge acquisition  knowledge application
 doing it right  doing the right thing
 understanding in bits and pieces  understanding in context
 recitation favored  argument favored
 reading promoted  doing promoted
 individual learning and competitive learning  cooperative learning
 receiving  sharing
 Nonliteracy  Literacy

Issues Surrounding Teaching for Scientific Literacy

 Nonliteracy  Literacy
 instructing is easier  teaching is more difficult
 emphasis on subject  emphasis on student
 standard assessment  alternative assessment
 emphasis on breadth  emphasis on depth
 emphasis on value of time  emphasis on value of information
 value of knowledge  value of process skills
 preparation for careers  preparation for life
 value of content  value of relationships
 instructing is "efficient"  teaching is time consuming
 emphasis on instrumental value  emphasis on "moral" value
 gloss over all content areas  cover a few areas well
 "cost effective"  "expensive"
 Nonliteracy Literacy

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