Goals of Science Teaching


Performance Objectives:

PHY 311 Course Syllabus

Please review the following four links:

Goals of Science Teaching (PowerPoint)

Review of the National Science Education Standards (PowerPoint)

National Science Education Standards (NRC) See especially:

  1. The major concepts, principles, theories, and laws of science (See NSES 9-12 Content Standards B-D, pp. 176-190)
  2. The unifying concepts of science (See NSES K-12 Content Standard, pp. 104-105 and 115-119)
  3. Technological applications of science (See NSES 9-12 Content Standard E, pp. 190-193)
  4. The philosophical and historical nature of science (See NSES 9-12 Content Standard G, pp. 200-204)
  5. The practice of scientific inquiry (See NSES 9-12 Content Standard A, pp. 173-176)
  6. Issues related to science and technology (See NSES 9-12 Content Standard F, pp. 193-199)
  7. Science in the community (See NSES 9-12 Content Standard F, pp. 193-199)

Illinois Learning Standards (ISBE) See especially:

  1. Goals 11, 12, and 13.
  2. Applications of Learning

Additional valuable links for reference:

Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards (NRC)

Project 2061: Science for All Americans (AAAS)

Project 2061: Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS)

Scope, Sequence and Coordination (NSTA)


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