Why Teach Physics in High Schools?

(and what those say who are opposed to it)

The key reasons for the study of physics is that physics helps us to:

  1. control and exploit the forces of nature (proves a sense of empowerment)
  2. satisfy human curiosity
  3. understand the body of knowledge we call science so that we may choose between good and bad applications
  4. become aware of nature and its limitations
  5. avoid alienation from the technological world
  6. understand our world because science is a prerequisite for a thorough understanding
  7. distinguish between fact and fiction
  8. lead healthier and safer lives
  9. promote a scientific attitude
  10. provide ourselves with a competent work force to maintain economic growth
  11. build problem-solving skills
  12. understand the greatest of human accomplishment
  13. generate openness to new ideas
  14. provide the simplest of systems to study (in contrast with complex systems encountered in biology and chemistry)
  15. provide content relevant to other fields of study
  16. understand the role that physics has had in shaping history
  17. with the development of a liberal education
  18. provides a common basis for discussion and understandings
  19. understand our own limitations and capabilities
  20. maintain our stewardship of planet earth
  21. gain insight into how people have explained the physical world
  22. become better consumers - we won't get ripped off by outlandish claims
  23. see that nature is inherently comprehensible
  24. federal and state law call for higher accountability among students, and part of the accountability framework is physics
  25. physics is a "central" subject, essential to the understanding of such disciplines as biology and chemistry; check out "Physics First" websites to see some of the argumentation in this area.
  26. physics heavily used in various military careers and these students won't have an opportunity to take physics in the military
  27. physics heavily used in the professions and trades such as doctor, nurse, aviator, plumber, and electrician
  28. physics promotes careers in physical science and engineering, without which the US can not do
  29. physics central to understanding much of the technology we encounter on a daily basis in our vocations
  30. physics provides intellectual challenges in the way that many other courses of study do not

When attempting to justify physics in a high school curriculum, be certain to focus on those things that make Physics unique. Many other disciplines can make many of the same claims above.

Why NOT teach physics?

Here are some reasons (not all good) why a school administration might argue against keeping a physics course during budget short falls, etc.:

  1. physics technology is expensive and costly to keep up to date
  2. not as many student take physics
  3. most universities don't require any physics
  4. not a high school graduation requirement per se
  5. very few physics questions on state exams
  6. much of what is taught in physics can be taught in other courses such as math or chemistry
  7. keeping larger enrollment courses is more cost effective and benefits students disproportionately
  8. concentrate our resources in courses that are less expensive to maintain
  9. students can take physics in college if the want and/or need it
  10. physics is too hard; it attracts those who least need to benefit from it
  11. math prerequisite not met by many students
  12. few students go on to careers in physics
  13. physics tends to separate the gifted from those less advantaged and this is contrary to inclusion principles
  14. dropping physics will affect the least number of students
  15. information in other courses has broad applicability too; what's so special about physics
  16. historic chemists and biologist are better role models than physicists who are a bunch of dead, white, European males
  17. most high school students don't have the mental maturity for the abstract reasoning required by physics
  18. physics places stress on the math department to provide courses that fewer students take
  19. physics has a bad reputation as being "hard" and students' grades suffer as a result
  20. physics is at the end of a lock-step sequence, so it's easy to cut; not so with chemistry and biology which are in an earlier part of the sequence
  21. Latin was once said to improve critical thinking of students; it is now gone from the school curriculum due to the falsity of the claim
  22. we don't have highly qualified physics teachers
  23. why is your attendance so low?

Extra Items:

The Intuitor web page http://www.intuitor.com/ has some interesting statements about the benefits of studying physics.

The American Institute of Physics' "Physics First" webpage http://www.aip.org/isns/reports/2002/034.html also has excellent information about why to study physics.

AAPT Statement of Physics First. American Association of Physics Teachers (13 April 2003)

(Last updated 1/28/2009)