Name: Year in school(circle): Jr. Sr.
Teacher: Wenning Course: Physics Time: 8:00 AM
Street Address:
Town and Zip:
Names of Parents:
Home Phone: ( ) P.H.A.S.E.:
Birth Date: / / SSN: - -
Math courses and grades you have or are now taking:
Science courses and grades you have or are now taking:
Extracurricular activities you will (or may) participate in this year. Include clubs, teams, band, choir, athletics, student senate, cheer leading, and any others:
After-school job? (circle) YES NO Hours per week worked:
Number of school nights (Sunday through Thursday) you work:
Do you have any handicaps which might affect your work in physics that I should know about? If any, please note briefly:
What are your plans after you graduate from UHS? Be specific.
Explain why you have chosen to take Physics.
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