8:00 AM Section
Fall 1994
1. INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Carl J. Wenning
Office: UHS 308 and Moulton Hall 322
Office Hours: By appointment, but generally available 1/2 hour before class.
Telephones: 438-2496 (ISU office), 454-4164 (hm), 438-3227 (UHS office)
2. CLASSES: UHS Room 309
MTWF: 8:00 - 8:55 AM and R: 9:00 - 9:45 AM
Due to special programs, assemblies and meetings, it will be necessary to operate on a different schedule occasionally. See your 1994-95 Student Handbook for the UHS calendar of events.
3. REQUIRED TEXT: Conceptual Physics by Paul G. Hewitt, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., 1992. Available through ISU's Bone Student Center Book Store.
4. REQUIRED ITEMS: Folder for notes and handouts, note paper, scientific calculator, pencils, eraser, etc.
5. COURSE OBJECTIVES: One objective of this course is to provide an overview of the major conceptual developments in historic and contemporary physics. It might be thought of as a lay person's guide to what physicist have had to say about the universe. From the earliest periods of recorded history humanity has asked questions and sought answers relating to the physical world. As a result of these inquiries, the knowledge of the human species has advanced. Thus, a second objective is to develop within the student an understanding of the scientific processes and theories designed to provide answers to the questioning mind. A third objective it to instill a certain appreciation for the science of physics as a quest to know and understand the physical world. Yet a fourth objective is to help the student understand the science and issues surrounding the use of modern technology which has its basis in physics. The intended outcome of this course is the development of an ability to think in a critical manner using both concrete and abstract examples from physics as models.
6. GRADING: There are four nine-week grading periods during the school year. Additionally, four progress reports will be given, one approximately mid-way through each nine-week grading period. The dates of these events are as follows:
Progress Reports Given: End of 9-Week Grade Period: September 12, October 17, November 14, December 16, February 6, March 20, April 24, and May 30 .
You work in Physics will be evaluated in the following manner:
Point values will be awarded for the following:
9-Week Exam Lab Reports
Chapter and/or Unit Tests Homework Problems
Quizzes Special Projects*
*Special projects may be assigned and given point values from time to time. These items include but are not limited to written reports, worksheets, etc.
9-week exams will be comprehensive in nature. Students will be responsible for all content in the 9-week session. Point totals will be announced in advance.
Chapter and/or unit tests will be given at the completion of chapters and special units and will focus on material in that chapter or unit. Chapter and unit tests will be worth 25 points each.
Quizzes will be given periodically, usually with advanced warning, but not always. Quizzes will be worth 5 points each.
Lab Reports will be due after laboratory activities. Each lab report will be graded on the basis of format (written up correctly), originality (each student does own work), data (completeness and accuracy), and conclusions (drawing conclusions on the basis of scientific observations). Lab reports will be worth 10 points each.
Homework problems will be assigned regularly. It is essential that you do the problems to the best of your ability. Copying them from others constitutes plagiarism and will do no one any good. The answers will be provided to you in most cases as a way for you to check your understanding. Homework problem sets will generally be worth four points. Two points will be subtracted from accumulated homework scores if no homework is turned in. The student can bring his homework score up from a -2 to a +1 by turning in the missing assignment to the instructor within 24 hours of the original due date.
Missed exams, quizzes, lab work, and so on must be made up. Most make-up testing will be conducted after school hours by appointment at the instructor's university office, Moulton 322.
You will be evaluated by the instructor on the following factors based upon daily observations:
- respect for others (harassment, fighting)
- student interaction (class participation)
- attitude (makes an effort to succeed)
- punctuality (in seat and prepared when class starts)
- behavior (disruptive, damage to property)
- academic honesty (cheating, plagiarism)
- personal integrity (theft, dishonesty)
Cumulative point totals will be posted periodically by social security number so that students can have an idea how well they are doing. Formal letter grades will be assigned at the end of each 9-week grading period. Letter grades will be based on the following criteria:
90% of total points = A
80% of total points = B
70% of total points = C
60% of total points = D
Below 60% is too terrible to contemplate!
The instructor reserves the right to curve grades at the end of the 9-week grading period if he feels it is necessary. Grades for individual tests, quizzes, and labs will not be curved.
From time to time extra credit projects may be made available. These projects are optional. They can add significantly to a student's point total and, therefore, should not be ignored.
7. COURSE POLICIES: After each exam, the instructor will go over the exam in class. Students should look over the questions that they missed. If the student feels that his or her response is tolerably correct, he or she may appeal the question in writing. All appeals must be presented to the instructor within one week of the original test date. Appeals should contain the following enumerated data: 1) student name, 2) question number, 3) response of the instructor, and 4) student response. Following this essential data, explain why you think your response is better than or at least as good as your instructor's response. Each student is responsible for his or her own appeal; summary correction to test scores will not be made. Appeals not adhering to the required format will be returned. The instructor's decisions in these matters are final.
8. SCHOOL POLICIES: All school policies will be rigidly enforced -- no exceptions! Students must be familiar with and abide by the guidelines in the UHS Student Handbook pertaining to such areas as discipline, attendance, appearance, & academic honesty, etc.
9. EXPECTATIONS: The instructor assumes that you are mature, motivated, and willing to broaden your understanding of the physical world; that you are curious, objective, and interested in new ideas; and above all, that you are ready, willing, and able to work and study every day. This course is demanding; successful completion requires full determination and dedication from beginning to end.
Your work in this course can be likened to the flight of an airplane. If you cruise at altitude (study regularly), the amount of work required is reasonable; if you are constantly landing and taking off (periodically cramming), it requires more fuel and the odds of a crash (failure) increase. Refer to the EXAM PREPARATION AND FOLLOW UP guidelines for suggestions about time and work load management.
10. TENTATIVE SECOND SEMESTER COURSE OUTLINE: We will be following a unit plan more so than the textbook. The textbook will provide background readings. Please read assigned chapter prior to initial class activities. The instructor assumes that you will have done so. Do so if you expect to understand classroom presentations fully.
Second Semester
Unit 1 - Principles of Conservation, Chapters 7, 8
Unit 2 - Gravitation and the Solar System, Chapters 11 - 14
Unit 3 - The Special Theory of Relativity, Chapters 15, 16
Unit 4 - Thermodynamics, Chapters 21 - 24
Unit 5 - Sound, Light, and the Universe, Chapters 25 - 28
Unit 6 - Optical Systems, Chapters 29 - 31
Unit 7 - The Electronic Revolution, Chapters 32 - 37
Unit 8 - The Atom and Radioactivity, Chapters 38, 39
Unit 9 - Nuclear Radiation and Humanity, Chapter 40
Optional Unit: Unit 10 - Properties of Matter, Chapters 17 - 20