Computer Simulation Guidelines

(Last updated 3/16/2011, cjw)

Teachers will create and refine (piloting with their students if possible) EITHER one long OR two short worksheets (each from a different simulation) for online sources as (but not restricted to) Voyager, Skygazer, Stellarium, PhET, and NAAP Simulation Labs (including any NAAP Animations). Two long samples are provided; see the course syllabus. A Computer Simulation Worksheet Scoring Rubric will be used to score the submitted project(s); see below. If writing two worksheets, all requirements noted in the rubric must be met by the two worksheets in combination; that is, they will be scored as one long computer simulation worksheet.

  1. Begin by reviewing the scoring criteria for this (these) project(s) as provided in the Computer Simulation Worksheet Scoring Rubric.
  2. Review the Excellent column of the scoring rubric for guidance in completing this (these) project(s).