Teacher Education at Illinois State University



Fall Semester 2021

(Subject to revision; last updated August 5, 2021)



Catalog Description:


1 hr of PHY 270 req.
Applications of electronic technologies to the teaching of high school physics.


Name: Dr. Carl J. Wenning, Physics Teaching Specialist (semi-retired)
ISU Physics Teacher Education Program (Director 1994-2008)

Office Location: Moulton 301B (small hall near elevator)
Office Hours: Thursdays 1:00-3:30 PM or by appointment using Zoom

Mobile Phone: (309) 830-4085 (cell)
E-mail address:
carlwenning@gmail.com (avoid using cjwennin@ilstu.edu if you want a quick response)

Meeting Days/Times/Location:

We meet on Thursdays from 4:40 to 7:30 PM beginning August 19th in Moulton Hall, room 307-B.There will be no formal breaks as you may come and go as you please during open lab work. On certain occasions, we will meet online using Zoom. These classes will be announced in advance.


The focus in this course is on the use of the laboratory experience as a pedagogical tool for demonstrating the nature of science and the processes of physics. Teacher candidates will encounter the computer and other electronic devices as adjuncts in both class and lab settings. In this course students become familiar with a variety of commonly used computer- and cell-phone-based applications for teaching high school physics. The course starts with introductions to hardware and software, and concludes with capstone and research symposium projects that allow students to demonstrate that they understand the experimental nature of science. Readings, project guidelines, examples, scoring rubrics, and other resources will be found hyperlinked to this course syllabus.

Many sessions will commence with the instructor providing an orientation to hardware or computer /cellphone applications. It is therefore imperative that students arrive on time for lab for orientations and be prepared to begin work at the start of the period. Following these orientations, students will complete associated projects independently or in small groups. Students are permitted to work together to accomplish the various tasks in this course (with the sole exceptions of the capstone and symposium experiences). Each student must turn in his or her own unique reports and/or projects. Reports with multiple names on the sheet are not acceptable, and neither are separate identical reports.

Submission of Assignments:

Because this course meets only once per week, no one can expect timely feedback for assignments if students have to wait a week for feedback. Therefore, all assignments (within reason) should be submitted electronically to carlwenning@gmail.com. When assignments are submitted, students should expect to receive feedback within 24 hours. The only way this is possible is if students submit work electronically in original files. (For instance, I cannot provide detailed comments on PDF document.) Submit lab reports as MS Word documents if possible. Students should submit assignments early if they want to take full advantage of the above Assessment-for-Learning Policy.

Assignments and Specific Criteria:

302A: Special Projects (5% of course grade)

Students must complete a number of small projects (e.g., MS Equation Editor, Tracker, Physics Toolbox, etc.).

302B: Reading Quizzes (15% of course grade)

Students will take reading quizzes that assume that teachers candidates have not only read (e.g., Student Lab Handbook, Teaching High School Physics, syllabus-linked PDFs, etc.), but have come to understand the substance of the readings through study. Some reading quizzes will be in hard copy and others will be administered before class using ReggieNet. Teaching High School Physics-associated reading quizzes typically will be available online up to three hours before class and must be completed by the start of class.

302C: Student Teaching Web Page (10% of course grade)

Students must independently design and upload to a publicly accessible Internet server an html-based web page suitable for use during student teaching.

302D: Excel Spreadsheet (5% of course grade)

Students must complete a number of Excel-based exercises that deal with the use of descriptive statistics, data analysis, statistical testing, simulations, and graphing.

302E: Interactive Simulation Worksheet (5% of course grade)

Students must familiarize themselves with a variety of interactive simulations in Physics and then develop a simulation worksheet following specific requirements.

302F: Lab Reports (25% of course grade)

Students will complete six (6) formal labs and turn in lab reports. To complete these lab reports, students need to familiarize themselves with and use guidelines provided.

302G: Inquiry Lab Guidelines Project (10% of course grade)

Students must convert a standard "cookbook" lab into a high school level guided inquiry lab using provided resources and specific guidelines. Student will have another students implement the lab in class. The writer will then revise the guidelines on the basis of this experience before submitting the assignment.

302H: Capstone PowerPoint (5% of course grade)

Students must develop a PowerPoint presentation for use with their Capstone Seminar Presentation (see 302I below). PowerPoint appearance will be judged separated from the presentation. See below.

302I: Capstone Symposium Presentation & Lab Report (20% of course grade)

Students must independently design and conduct a bounded-inquiry capstone experiment and complete detailed written and oral reports (including a PowerPoint presentation). Students will be limited to 10 minutes for the presentation, and this will be followed with up to 5 minutes of questions and answers from the class members and instructor. Presentations will be scored by both peers and the course instructor.

Scores and Grading:

The course grade will be determined on the percentage of total score points earned according to the following schedule:

 A > 94%

 87% < B < 94%

 79% < C < 87%

 70% < D < 79%

 F < 70%

The above grading scale might seem a bit high to the student, but it assumes that students will maximize both learning and accomplishments by taking regular advantage of the instructor's Assessment-for-Learning Policy. Meet with your instructor at any time to see where you stand relative to submitted assignments.

Required Texts and Readings:

Readings will come primarily from TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICS (Carl J. Wenning & Rebecca E. Vieyra, AIP Publishing, Melville, New York, 2020). ISU students, faculty, staff, & retirees as well as alumni and Friends of Milner Library have free online access to these references. The volumes are as follows:

Vol. 1: Teaching High School Physics - The Nature of Physics Teaching

Vol. 2: Teaching High School Physics - Interacting with Physics Students

Vol. 3: Teaching High School Phyiscs - Managing the Physics Classroom

In order to access each of three volumes, do the following:

  1. Click on the appropriate volume link above.
  2. Click on the "BACON - American Institute of Physics AIP - ALLEBOOKS" link.
  3. Log in to your ILSTU account if prompted.
  4. Once you access the aip-scitation-org website, you’ll have full access to the book as a whole or by chapter.

ORDER COPIES: Black & white copies (color covers) are available to ISU students, faculty, and staff via print-on-demand for $30 per volume. Follow the blue MyBook links found on the above page to order copies. Look for discounts. Print-on-demand delivery time is about one week. Color copies are available for $135 each.

N.B. Here are some additional useful titles to which you have free online access through AIP Publishing:

Honoring Teachers As Professions: Stories and Pathways for Growth in Your Classroom and Career

Teaching About Geometric Optics: Student Edition

Teaching About Geometric Optics: Teacher's Notes

F = ma Contests: 2011-2019 Solutions Manual

Instructor's Expectations:

In this course emphasis will be placed on an Assessment-for-Learning Policy. That is, assessments of student performance will be used not only to assign scores, but to improve student performance. Unsatisfactory work will be returned to the student for improvement. A student's score can be improved by appropriate revision and resubmission so long as all deadlines are met or extensions are given. Unapproved post-deadline submissions may be submitted with a 50% penalty for assessed revisions. This policy does NOT apply to quizzes, tests, and the capstone experience.

As can be seen from the Scores and Grading Section above, the instructor expects nothing but the highest quality work from each student. Low-quality work will not be accepted; it WILL be returned with a temporary score for improvement. If the student chooses not to improve and resubmit an assignment, the temporary score will stand.

Academic Integrity:

Each student must do his or her own work; taking advantage of others' work through plagiarism (presenting others' work as your own) will be dealt with according to university policies. Respecting intellectual property rights of others in this course is expected.

Students are expected to be honest in all academic work. A student's name on any in academic exercise shall be regarded as assurance that the work is the result of the student's own thought and study. Offenses involving academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to the following: cheating, computer dishonesty, plagiarism, grade falsification, and collusion. For more information about this important topic, visit the Student Dispute Resolution Web site.

As you work your way through the the course projects, you will encounter a large amount of proprietary software. This means that the software that you will be using is the intellectual property of someone else. Much of this software is copyrighted, and may be used only after the appropriate fees have been paid and agreements consented to. ISU has obtained a license for each of the programs that you will encounter in this course. It is expected that students will comply with both legal and ethical obligations while using this software. This implies that students will not make unauthorized copies of or disseminate proprietary software.

Resources used in this course (applications, books, CD's, sensors, calculators, computer interfaces, etc.) should not be removed from the MLT 307B under any circumstances without the instructor's permission. Course materials are limited, and a number of students have need for these materials at various times outside of the usual and ordinary lab hours. These resources must remain available to all students at all times.

Course Outline:

Homework to be completed before next class period



  1. Read Behavior Dimensions of Course Grades
  2. Read Dr. Wenning's Advice for PTE Majors
  3. Read SAAMEE: A Model for Academic Success
  4. Read AAPT Statement Role of Labs in High School Physics
  5. Read all Set I articles from PTE Student Lab Handbook
  6. Complete Reading Set I Quiz (MS Word download)
  7. Read:Sample Lab Report
  8. Read: Scoring Rubric for Lab Reports
  9. Read: Graphical Analysis User Manual (within app)
  10. Read Teaching High School Physics, Volume 1. Available Google Play Books and Amazon.com
  11. THSP Reading: Chapter 5 – Inquiry in Introductory Physics
  12. THSP Reading: Chapter 6 – Levels of Inquiry
  13. Watch Wenning speak about Levels of Inquiry at the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, on YouTube (26 minutes starting at 2:00)

To be turned in before the start of the next class:



  1. Read all Set II articles from PTE Student Lab Handbook
  2. Complete Reading Set II Quiz (MS Word download)
  3. Complete MS Word Equation Editor Exercise
  4. Read Key Differences: Inquiry vs. Cookbook Labs
  5. Read Requirements for High School Lab Reports
  6. Read Scoring Rubric for High School Lab Reports
  7. Review Lab Report Scoring Sheet
  8. Review Lab Report Cover Sheet
  9. Create a Lab Report for Barbie Bungee Jumping
  10. THSP Reading: Chapter 7 – Scientific Practices & Intellectual Skills

To be turned in before the start of the next class:



  1. Read all Set III articles from PTE Student Lab Handbook
  2. Complete Reading Set III Quiz (MS Word download)
  3. Complete equation editor exercise
  4. Create a detailed Lab Report for The Simple Pendulum including:
  5. THSP Reading: Chapter 8 – Inquiry of Lower Complexity

To be turned in before the start of the next class:




  • Reading Quiz from Teaching High School Physics
  • Vernier's Calculator-Based Ranger (CBR or acoustical motion detector)
  • Introduction to PASCO Capstone software:
  • Levels of Inquiry: Constant Acceleration on an Inclined Plane
    • Discovery Learning
    • Interactive Demonstration
    • Inquiry Lesson
    • Inquiry Lab
    • Real World Application
    • Hypothetical Explanation

  1. Read all Set IV articles from PTE Student Lab Handbook
  2. Complete Reading Set IV Quiz (MS Word download)
  3. Review requirements for and begin work on Authentic Inquiry Lab Project; review Authentic Inquiry Lab Scoring Rubric
  4. THSP Reading: Chapter 9 - Inquiry of Higher Complexity
  5. Create a detailed Lab Report for Constant Acceleration on an Inclined Plane including:
    • dimensional analysis for a=f(l,g) for a fixed angle
    • interpretation of all constants and units in the regression equation
    • derivation from the graph the five classical kinematics equations:
      1. v = vo + at (Hint: y = mx + b)
      2. x - xo = 1/2*(v + vo)t (Hint: displacement equals area under curve)
      3. x - xo = vot + 1/2*at^2 (Hint: use equations 1 and 2 to derive 3)
      4. v-bar = 1/2*(v + vo) (Hint: use defintion v-bar = (x-xo)/t
      5. v^2 = vo^2 + 2a(x-xo) (Hint: use equations 1 and 3 to derive 5)

To be turned in before the start of the next class:



  1. Read all Set V articles from PTE Student Lab Handbook
  2. Complete Reading Set V quiz (MS Word download)
  3. Begin work writing an Authentic Inquiry Lab following Project Guidelines and being careful to review both Differences between Cookbook and Inquiry Labs and Authentic Inquiry Lab Rubric.
  4. Create a detailed Lab Report for Newton's Second Law including:
    • conduct dimensional analysis for a=f(F,m)
    • explain how one conducts a controlled experiment when acceleration is a function of two variables, F and m.
    • give a justification of how a=f(F) and a=f(m) can be equated with F=kma.
    • give a justification for setting k=1

To be turned in before the start of the next class:

  • Reading Set V quiz
  • Detailed lab report for Newton's Second Law
  • Initial draft of Authentic Inquiry Lab



  1. Continue work revising an Authentic Inquiry Lab following Project Guidelines and being careful to review both Differences between Cookbook and Inquiry Labs and Authentic Inquiry Lab Rubric.
  2. Create a detailed Lab Report for Buoyancy including:
    • Include dimensional analysis for B=f(V,rho, and g)
    • Justify how B=f(V) and B=f(rho) is equivalent to B=k*rho*V.
    • Justify association of k with g, the acceleration due to gravity.
    • Conduct an error analysis comparing k value with g; find % error.

To be turned in before the start of the next class:

  • Detailed lab report for Buoyancy
  • Second draft of Authentic Inquiry Lab



  • Introduction to PowerPoint:
  • Levels of Inquiry: Pinhole and Lensed Projected (complex lab)
    • Discovery Learning
    • Interactive Demonstration
    • Inquiry Lesson
    • Inquiry Lab
    • Real World Application
    • Hypothetical Explanation

  1. Continue working on authentic inquiry lab.
  2. Write Interactive Simulation worksheet paying particular attention to the worksheet rubric.
  3. Create a Lab Report for Pinhole and Lensed Projection (No detailed requirements; more or less just documenting your experience for future reference.)

To be turned in before the start of the next class:

  • Interactive Simulation worksheet
  • revised draft of Authentic Inquiry Lab;



  1. Review Excel Tutorial as appropriate
  2. Begin work on Excel Project
  3. Complete two different video analyses using Tracker.


To be turned in before the start of the next class:



  1. Review DreamWeaver Tutorial as appropriate;
  2. Work on Student Teaching Web Development Project
  3. Create one activity for use with an app available on Physics Toolbox

To be turned in before the start of the next class:

  • Web Page Development Project
  • Finalized draft version of Authentic Inquiry Lab
  • Turn in Physics Toolbox activity.



  • Student-created Inquiry Labs (2): Vincent & Colton
    • Formal implementation (45-50 minutes each)
    • Post implementation analysis (10-15 minutes each)
  1. Revise draft copy of Authentic Inquiry Lab paying careful attention to student comments and rubric

To be turned in before the start of the next class:

  • Finalized Student-Created Inquiry Lab (if presented)



  • Student-created Inquiry Labs (2): Joshua & Tony
    • Formal implementation (45-50 minutes each)
    • Post implementation analysis (10-15 minutes each)

  1. Revise draft Authentic Inquiry Lab based on experience paying careful attention to student comments and rubric

To be turned in before the start of the next class:

  • Finalized Student-Created Inquiry Lab (if presented)



  1. Revise draft Authentic Inquiry Lab based on experience paying careful attention to student comments and rubric
  2. Begin Capstone Project preparation and draft report writing

To be turned in before the start of the next class:

  • Finalized Student-Created Inquiry Lab (if presented)



  • In-lab Work Time
  1. Continue Capstone Project experiment and report writing

To be turned in before the start of Capstone Project Symposium:

  • Capstone Project report



  • In-lab Work Time

  1. Conclude Capstone Project experiment and report writing.

To be turned in before the start of Capstone Project Symposium:

  • Capstone Project report

No Class


Thanksgiving Break Week - No Class



Capstone Project Symposium I
4:40 - 7:30 PM, 307-B Moulton Hall



Capstone Project Symposium II
4:40 - 7:30 PM, 307-B Moulton Hall

Important Caveats:

Backup, Backup, Backup! Please make a habit of regularly backing up your computer work -- e.g. make multiple copies. Missing computer files or crashed hard drives are not legitimate excuses for lost work or missed deadlines. When updating versions of work, avoid overwriting earlier versions. The later version might be flawed in some significant way. When making updated versions, label successive projects Job1, Job2, Job3, Job4, etc. You can throw away the very earliest versions if you run out of memory, but be certain to retain the latest two versions at a bare minimum. Make backups of diskettes or flash memories that you will be carrying around. A little bit of effort at the right time now can save a lot of extra effort later (and even a poor grade). Please back up regularly! There is no excuse for doing otherwise.

Also, consider bringing a flash memory to every lab session for backing up course work. If you don't have one, you might want to purchase one. Alternatively, be prepared to save you files to a remote server or copy onto a 100 Meg ZIP disk or similar. Contact your course instructor for a ZIP disk if you would like to borrow one.

Caution: Keep in mind as you progress toward student teaching that as a student teacher your students will have an interest in finding out about you. This will lead them to Internet searches. Don't put anything on a web page, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, etc., that you wouldn't want students, parents, teachers or administrators to see.

Disposition Concerns: The College of Education, in an effort to ensure top quality graduates, provides faculty members and interested others with the opportunity to provide input into the teacher preparation process. One of these inputs is in the area of disposition concerns. Education faculty, in particular, are encouraged to bring to attention of CECP any significant problems associated with the following major areas. If three or more filed dispositions concerns have not been resolved, the teacher candidate will be blocked from advancing in Professional Studies.

Continuing Education/Professional Development for Teacher Candidates:

As a science teacher candidate, you need to regularly update your knowledge about the worlds of science and education. Here are several weekly online journals to which you might consider reading, and some will allow you to subscribe to an e-mail newsletter format so you won't miss a thing: