NOSLiT - ScInqLit Self Assessment

PHY 310 -- Readings for Teaching High School Physics
Illinois State University Physics Teacher Education
Carl J. Wenning, Program Coordinator (semi-retired)
Spring Semester 2021


  1. Obtain both NOSLiT and ScInqLiT using the link found on the course outline of this course. These are password-protected files. Obtain the passwords from the course instructor.
  2. Predict how well you did on the text
  3. Take this tests at your leisure, but do not consult anyone or anything while taking the test. The test result is NOT used in figuring the course grade. Results are for the purpose of self-assessment only.
  4. Obtain the answer key for each test from the course instructor, and score you tests.
  5. For each test, make a data table giving the number of each question missed, the question statement with answers, your answer, and the correct answer. If your answer and the key's answer are not the same, explain what you have learned. See a sample table below:
  6. Compare/contrast how well you actually did on each test with how well you thought how you did. Were you surprised?
  7. Explain how you can remediate any deficiency.
  8. Submit your self assessment via email to the course instructor.
Test Question number Question with answers My answer Key answer What I have learned

A scientific hypothesis is best defined as a:

a) well tested explanation supported by lots of evidence from experiments

b) proposed explanation that incorporates available evidence

c) statement of the relationship between two variables

d) prediction of what will happen

d b I was surprised! My teachers never distinguished between prediction and hypothesis. A hypothesis is a tentative explanation; a prediction is a forecast of a future outcome given a set of conditions.