Toward a PracticalConception of Teaching

Some Conceptual Problems

Teaching & Teacher Functions

Teaching & Educational Development

Teaching & Teaching Technique

Teaching, Learning, & Coming-to-Know

Five Propositions of Model Teaching

Personal Teaching Philosophy

Is this your concept of teaching?




Some Conceptual Problems

Before teaching can be assessed, and before teaching can be improved, it first must be accurately described.

Improvement requires more than:

a statement of personal preference.

the inclusion of the latest organizational fad.

the inclusion of the latest technological fad.

the inclusion of the latest educational trend.

Improvement requires a normative concept.

not only what is to be done,

but how it is done.

Some Conceptual Problems

Developing a practical concept of teaching

allows for adequate description of "teaching"

allows for assessment

allows for improvement

Teaching is more than what teachers do.

distinguish teaching activities from generic activities

distinguish "teaching" from techniques used

distinguish "teaching" from related activities

Teaching & Teacher Functions

non-teaching functions:

keeping records



teaching functions:

help students to come to know

help students acquire subject matter skills

help students develop better dispositions

* attitudes

* behaviors

Teaching & Educational Development

The goal of teaching can be said to be the intentional development of human potential.

There is a general agreement to bring about changes in students,

but there is little consensus about what these changes should be.

Some changes can be anticipated on the basis of our society.

Teaching & Teaching Technique

There are a host of classroom techniques:

illustrated lectures / lecture demonstrations

laboratory exercises

discussion / recitation

role playing / simulations

research projects / research papers

forums / panel discussions

"divergent" questioning / examinations

field trips / videos / readings

projects /

Employing a technique or a "tricks of the trade" does not imply that one is teaching.


How does one define teaching?

definition all to frequently based on relation to learning

teaching is something that may bring about learning

teaching is something more than just what teachers "do"

Teaching does not necessarily result in learning.

learning is something students do

learning can occur with or without the teacher

learning may not occur in spite of teacher

Teaching is an ethical activity the intention of which is to induce learning.


Teaching is an activity with distinctive tasks and activities.

Teaching is much more than the sum of its parts.

Teaching is not just applied learning theory.

Educated students cannot be considered products of the teacher.

Students acquire knowledge on their own sometimes with the aid of the teacher, sometimes in spite of the teacher.

...Learning, & Coming-to-Know

We shouldn't define teaching in relation to learning.

teaching is something which intervenes between the task of the teacher and the student

teaching is a set of activities which result in a student "coming to know"

doing so is a no-win situation (If students learn everything, you're not teaching well; if students don't learn enough, you're not teaching well.)

Students come to know only after they:

learn how (watch as I solve a problem)

learn how to (now you try to solve a problem)

learn to (solve problems encountered daily)

Five Propositions of Model Teaching

Teachers are committed to students and their learning.

Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.

Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.

Teachers think systematically about their practices and learn from experience.

Teachers are members of learning communities.

Personal Teaching Philosophy


Belief Statements

Are you a Teacher or a Preacher?