Inquiry Teaching Rationale

PHY 310 -- Readings for Teaching High School Physics
Illinois State University Physics Teacher Education
Carl J. Wenning, Program Coordinator
Spring Semester 2003

Course Objective Assessed:

(5) Clearly ennunciate in writing a detailed rationale for the inclusion of inquiry practices (demonstrations, labs problem-based learning strategies, etc.) and explain its role in the improvement of science education in the nation's schools.

Every physics teacher should possess a rationale for teaching physics via inquiry. This rationale should address clearly and concisely the question, "Why teach Physics using inquiry?" In this essay you will make the case for inquiry teaching. Prepare detailed comments to the following leads:

  1. What does educational research say about inquiry practices in relation to how students learn? (give and summarize six findings)
  2. What does educational research say about effective learning environments and experiences in relation to student learning? (give and summarize four findings)
  3. Explain the role of inquiry in the improvement of science education in the nation's schools.

In addition, your essay must satisfy the following general criteria:

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