Learn still more... continued

There are still several additional ways to learn more about the TCAA:

Visit the TCAA web site.

Read back issues of the club's newsletter, The OBSERVER.

Join our club's two listservs. By subscribing to our group’s mailing list, you will receive email messages from the group so you won’t have access to the group's web features (like photos, files, links, polls, calendar, etc.) unless members activate it later. The club now has two email listservs. The main email listserv is known as the TCAA listserv. It will be used to share announcements and reminders about astronomical and club events. To join this main listserv you must do the following:

  1. Subscribe: Send a blank email to TCAA-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Note: You'll be sent a confirmation email from the group. Reply to the confirmation email to activate your subscription.
  2. Unsubscribe: tcaa-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
  3. To post a message: tcaa@yahoogroups.com

A second listserv – TCAA–imaging – is for club astrophotographers as well as those who want to view their images and follow their discussions. It is an easy way to keep up with all the stuff we’re doing at the observatories.

  1. Subscribe: tcaa-imaging-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
  2. Unsubscribe: tcaa-imaging-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
  3. To post a message: tcaa-imaging@yahoogroups.com

Once members join a Yahoo! group, they can manage group and subscription settings whenever it is desired to customize the group experience.

View the following recent online articles by our local newspaper, The Pantagraph:

Email us. You may email your questions to club President Tom Weiland or club Historian Carl Wenning. Both will be delighted to provided detailed responses to your inquiries.

Phone us. You may ask your questions of President Tom Weiland by dialing (309) 830-0167 or of Historian Carl Wenning by dialing (309) 830-4085.

Thanks for checking out the club. We hope that you will join the TCAA and learn yet still more... The sky is the limit!

(Last updated 5/07/2014, cjw)