A4: Using Bobby to Test Website Accessibility


One may test websites electronically for accessiblity by those with physical disabilities using a web tool. "Bobby tested and approved" is the logo of an electronic tool, named Bobby, produced by the Center for Applied and Special Technology (CAST) (http://www.cast.org/bobby/). The tool checks if Web pages meet the WAI guidelines. Pages must pass all priority 1, the lowest of 3 priorities, checkpoints for approval. One may submit the page Universal Resource Locator (URL) to the site and the results are presented online. Approved sites may display the Bobby-approved icon; the display is optional and not enforced.


  1. Use Bobby (http://www.cast.org/bobby/ ) to test the accessibility of a given web page.
  2. Print out the results of Bobby, and provide to your course instructor for examination.


The print out showing the utilization of Bobby is all that is needed.


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