A5: Canon Digital Camera



In this activity you will familiarize yourself with the Canon PowerShot 350 digital camera. You will use the camera to take pictures in a number of settings, and then transfer those digital images to a computer with the use of Adobe PhotoShop. The images will subsequently be saved as JPEG files, and one picture will be printed using the Phaser 350 color printer.



1. Ask your course instructor to familiarize you with the use of the Canon PowerShot 350 digital camera and associated hardware and software.

2. Following the above orientation, again familiarize yourself with the digital camera by reading the PowerShot 350 user's manual (hardware and software) in its entirety.

3. Take two or three pictures using the digital camera. As this is a course designed for physics educators, the pictures should be related in some way to physics teaching or the physics teacher education program here at ISU.

4. Download your pictures using Photoshop on the designated computer in MLT 307-B as shown by your course instructor. Save your best picture to the desktop of the computer you are working on. Connect the PowerShot 350 to the computer and transfer the pictures from camera to computer using the steps below. (Note that the PhotoShop program in MLT 307-B has already been given a Plug-in that allows Photoshop to work with the PowerShot 350.)

5. Use "Chooser:AppleShare" to upload your best picture to the G3 Macintosh computer in Moulton Hall room 308. Save the file in the desktop folder entitled "Shared Folder Emptied Fridays." If you are unfamiliar with Chooser and AppleShare controls, contact your course instructor for details.

6. Once your image file has been uploaded, send an e-mail message to your instructor informing him that the file has been placed on the G3. Also be certain to inform him of the name of the file. Be certain to use the proper extension when naming the file: e.g. image.jpg to designate a JPEG file.



The student will, using the PowerShot 350, acquire, import, and save one JPEG image file of subject matter relevant to either physics teaching or the ISU Physics Teacher Education program. This file will be placed on the G3 Macintosh in MLT 310, and the corresponding color picture will be printed out on the Phaser 350 color printer and handed to the instructor. Evaluation will be based upon the indicated electronic and hard copies.


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