A8: Chooser



Chooser is an Mac operating system control that allows you all sorts of access to printers, servers, and so on. If you haven't operated a Macintosh computer before, then you need to know about Chooser. Chooser may be found under the AppleMenu on the upper left-hand portion of the monitor.



Click and hold on the colored apple icon. Scan down until you find Chooser, and select it. A screen will appear. In the graphics box to the left, you will observe a number of icons. Among them will be AppleShare and LaserWriter 8. (You may have to scroll down the screen to see LaserWriter 8.) By clicking once on each of these icons, you'll get specific information showing up in the right text box.

AppleShare -- You will see a number of file servers that are potentially available to you -- but only if you logon with a password, or the computers in question have been set up to accept guests. For instance, click on "MLT 308 Scanner Mac G3." Click "OK" and connect as a guest. Click OK at the next screen without responding to the prompt to create special network links every time you turn on your computer. A computer icon with the title "Shared Folder Emptied Fridays" will appear on your desk top.

Double click on the desktop's "Shared Folder Emptied Fridays" icon. You will then see a list of files that you have access to on the MLT 308 Scanner Mac G3 computer. If you want to look at any file or start any program without transferring it to your computer, merely double-click on the application or file icon. An application may start up to allow you view a picture file or what ever. If you merely want to download a file to your desk top without automatic start up, merely drag the associated icon from the server window to your desktop or hard drive.

You can also use a similar technique to transport files from your computer to the MLT 308 Scanner Mac G3 computer. Merely drag the icon of the file you want to transfer to the MLT 308 Scanner Mac G3 desktop icon, and you file will be transferred to the shared folder.

LaserWriter 8 -- Once you click this icon, you will notice a list of printers built in the right-hand window. By clicking on one of these descriptors (e.g., Moulton 307-C Laserwriter) and closing the Chooser window, you have selected it as the desination printer for all of your printing work.


Arrange with your course instructor a 5-minute demonstration interview. Show the course instructor that you know how to transfer files and select printers with the use of Chooser.

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