A3: Computer History



The Illinois Technology Standards require that student performance be assessed with regard to computer history. Chances are, unless you have had some formal training in computer science, you probably aren't all that familiar with computer history. The CD-ROM How Computers Work really does provide an interesting and informative introduction to the history of computers, and I suspect that you will enjoy reviewing the dozen or so vignettes provided.

In this exercise you will learn a bit about computer history and then prepare a brief summary of this history, including something of significance from each decade from the 1940's through the 1990's.



View the "History of Computers" file on How Computers Work CD-ROM, taking notes about major advancements as you go. Be certain to view all files from "Before the 1940's" through "The 1990's and Beyond."



Prepare a one-page, double-spaced history of computers using the notes you obtained while viewing the above CD-ROM. Be certain to cite at least one major event during each of the decades from the 1940's through the 1990's.


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