A1: Ethics of Technology Use



Ethics represents acceptable standards of behavior. Ethics are based upon the simple principles that (1) do only those things to others that you would have them do to you, and (2) performs only those actions that will sustain the world of computer technology and utilization. In this project you will affirm you understanding and acceptance of ISU's state policies of Appropriate Use and Intellectual Property Rights.

As you work your way through the projects in PHY 302, you will encounter a large amount of proprietary software. This means that the software you will be using is the intellectual property of someone else. This software is copyrighted, and may be used only after the appropriate fees have been paid and agreements consented to. ISU has obtained a license for each of the programs that you will encounter in this course. It is expected that students will comply with both legal and moral obligations while using this software. This implies the following:

Your continuation in this course implies that you accept the state terms and conditions of ethical computer technology use defined below. If you are unable or unwilling to comply with these directives, you should drop this course immediately.



Access, read, and study the content of the following Web pages. If you do not understand something, please ask your course instructor for an explanation.

The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics A very brief narrative designed to give the reader an overview of the issues surrounding the ethical use of computers. Presented by the Computer Ethics Institute.

Educom Code of Ethics The Educom Code is a statement of principle about intellectual property and the legal and ethical use of software, developed by the Educom Software Initiative and intended for adaptation and use by individuals, colleges, and universities.

Illinois State University's Appropriate Use Policy This policy statement sets out guidelines for the appropriate use of Illinois State University's computing and telecommunication networks, computing equipment, and technology resources.

Illinois State University's Intellectual Property Policy This policy statement sets out guidelines for the respect of intellectual property rights ensured by copyright law and fair use standards.



The student will complete a 30-question online Mallard quiz dealing with ethical use of computers and associated hardware and software. The quiz will be based upon the readings described in the Procedure section above. Students must pass this quiz with a score of 90% or above before being allowed to move on to the rest of the course. You may repeat the quiz (varies from version to version) as many times as you need to in order to score 90%. The quiz may be accessed at the following secure URL:


Use the login and password given you in class.
Go to Lessons Page, click on Ethics, then click on Competency Quiz: 30-Item Ethics Test 

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