A9: Electronic File Transfer Using Fetch



Internet is the "home" of millions upon millions of non-WWW accessible files-- but only if you have the correct sort of software required to "fetch" these files. Some of these files are simple text, others are applications. Files can be sent back-and-forth on Internet with the use of such FTP (file transfer protocols) as "Fetch." The strategy of using "Chooser" to retrieve files, is not useful for computers not on your network, or on your network but using a UNIX operating system. This project will instruct you in the use of Fetch to obtain files from that part of the Internet that is not part of your immediate network, and are not readily available via the WWW.

NOTE: You will need an account on the Physics Department's computer Entropy before you can perform this exercise, and complete the associated exercises marked by an asterisk (*) in the PHY 302 course syllabus. See your course instructor to have an account set up on Entropy.


  1. Read all about Fetch in Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh by Adam C. Engst (pp 307 - 311).
  2. Using a departmental computer, use the Apple menu to launch Fetch. When the "New Connection..." window opens, select ftp.info.apple.com as your host (from "shortcuts" if necessary). Leave login name, password, and directory blank. Hit the OK button. Fetch will take you to the program archive at the Apple Information Services.
  3. Double-click on Apple_Support_Area to see the many useful files you have access to.
  4. You can download any file found in the archive by merely selecting it with your mouse, and then clicking on "Get File." The file will be transferred to your desktop. Nothing could be easier.
  5. Note that you can also upload files using the "Put File" command. Unless you have an account on the computer you have accessed, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to upload any file.
  6. You will ultimately use Fetch to upload your personal web page to Entropy. To gain access to your WWW folder on Entropy, use Fetch. Logon to entropy.phy.ilstu.edu using your usual logon name and password. You will need an account on the Physics Department's computer Entropy before you can perform this aspect of the exercise.
  7. Note that you can also use Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer to ftp sites. Try to access Apple Information Services using one of these we browsers and the URL: ftp://ftp.info.apple.com. By merely clicking on an application such as you would a hyperlink, the requested file is transported to your computer. You cannot upload files using this technique.



Arrange a 5-minute demonstration interview with your PHY 302 course instructor to show that you can use Fetch to both get and put files on Entropy.


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