D5: FieldPlots



FieldPlots is a simple application that allows students to create an electric field graphically by plotting field lines and equipotentials on the computer screen. You can learn FieldPlots very simply by running the program, following on-screen instructions, and trying out the various options.



Obtain the FieldPlots diskette and Teacher's Manual that accompanies it, or identify with the aid of your course instructor the computer that has the program already loaded on it. Load the program on a Macintosh computer if necessary. Read section I of the user's guide to get a quick overview of what the program does. Read section V to see how you can use the program quantitatively. Read section VI for some ideas about using FieldPlots in teaching or learning about electric fields.



There are no written components to the evaluation associated with this project. You will, however, be required to take part in a demonstration interview with the course instructor. The course instructor will ask to be shown how to use the FieldPlots application. In addition, you will be asked to explain and demonstrate how FieldPlots could be used effectively in a classroom situation.


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