D4: Guilty or Innocent?



"Guilty or Innocent?" is a HyperCard stack that requires an application of the laws of physics to solve a question relating to an automobile accident. The lesson uses the physics of motion in one dimension to solve an automobile accident question, "Was the automobile that rammed the back of another exceeding the speed limit (20 mph) or not? In this exercise you will learn about the utility of HyperCard stacks. Should you wish to learn how to create your own HyperCard stack, see the course instructor for assistance.



  1. Obtain an orientation from your course instructor.
  2. Read the teacher's manual that accompanies "Guilty or Innocent."
  3. Use computer #1 in MLT 3087-B where the Hypercard, Version 2.2, application may be found.
  4. Using the diskette with the "converted" HyperCard stacks of "Guilty or Innocent?" (converted by your course instructor from version 1.2 so that the stacks can run under version 2.2), work your way through this activity, collecting data, making calculations, and appearing in court to give testamony.



Evaluation will associated with the written record you have made while working your way through this project. First and and foremost, you must solve the problem to show at what speed the rear car was travelling at when it rammed the car at the stop sign. In addition to showing your written work, you will be required to take part in a demonstration interview with the course instructor.


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