F1: Vernier Logger Pro 2.1



Logger Pro software is designed to work with Vernier's LabPro interface. Logger Pro mated with LabPro constitute essentially the same thing as PASCO's ScienceWorkshop along with its interface, but for a whole lot less money. In addition, LabPro can be programed using a graphing calculator. In effect, it becomes a free standing CBL System. So, the Logger Pro - LabPro combination gives the teacher two distinct systems for the price of one.

In this exercise you will familiarize yourself with the Logger Pro software. In the next exercise (G2) you will use this software in combination with the LabPro interface to conduct one experiment.


  1. Obtain the Logger Pro 2.1 software CD, "User's Manual" and "Tutorials" books, and one Lab Pro interfaced with appropriate connectors from your course instructor.
  2. Install the Logger Pro 2.1 software on the computer (Mac or PC) of your choice that satisfies the program requirements.
  3. Using the "Tutorials" manual, work your way through one of the first two tutorials, either temperature measurement or motion detection. You may choose to do both. The tutorials assume that Logger Pro has been installed and a LabPro interface is properly connected to the computer. Installation instructions are located in the Teacher's Guide" portion of the user's manual.
  4. After you have completed either of the first two tutorials, you'll want to work your way through the advanced tutorials in order to learn how to do specific tasks given below. The advanced tutorials may be done in any order.



This project will be evaluated on the basis of a demonstration interview. You will need to demonstrate each of the seven bulleted procedures listed under item 4 above.


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