E0: Orientation to MBL Technology



Microcomputer-based Laboratory (MBL) systems are possibly the easiest form of microelectronic hardware to integrate into the lab setting. There are a number of software and hardware manufacturers producing MBL systems. Among these are the PASCO and Vernier systems.

Please note that the PASCO system has two instruction manuals -- a "User's Guide" and a basic "Experiment Manual." In addition, there are two experiment manuals for more advanced experiments. There are entitled "Physics Labs with Computers: Volume 1," and "Physics Labs with Computers: Volume 2." You will want to familiarize yourself with their content before beginning work with the PASCO system, and as background for the PHY 302 Capstone Project.

When deciding upon which of the many laboratory exercises you should do, keep in mind the following list of available PASCO equipment (to the right of each is the corresponding product number). Additional sensors might be available. Feel free to ask.

Sensors Currently Available for Use with the PASCO Interfaces
RLC Circuit CI-6512 AC/DC Electronics Lab EM-8656
Rotary Motion Sensor CI-6538 Current Sensor CI-6556
Power Amplifier II CI-6552A Charge Sensor CI-6555
Mechanical Vibrator SF-9324 Motor/Generator Apparatus CI-6513
Picket Fence (3) ME-9377 Smart Pulley ME-9387
Laser Switch #9259 Voltage Sensor CI-6503
Pressure Sensor CI-6532 Temperature Sensor CI-6505A
Sound Sensor CI-6506B Photogate (2) ME-9204A
Force Sensor CI-6537 Motion Sensor CI-6529
pH Sensor CI-6507 Heart Rate Sensor CI-6543A
Colorimeter Sensor CI-6509 Plunger Cart with Mass ME-9430
Collision Cart ME-9454 Accessory Bracket with Bumper CI-6545
Intro. Dynamics System ME-9435A Signal Interface II CI-6560
Signal Interface 700 CI-6560 Geiger-Muhler Tube SE-7981



PLEASE: Please do not save any of the changes you make in the following tutorials. If you do so, the next person to use the tutorials may end up very confused.

Access a Mac computer in Moulton 307-B. On the hard drive you will find a file entitled "Science Workshop Folder." Open this folder and therein you will find another folder entitled "Science Workshop Demo." Open this folder and double-click on the "Welcome!" file to begin your introduction to Science Workshop.

After you have completed the above introduction, work through several of the tutorials found in the "Tutorials Folder" found under the "Science Workshop" folder. I recommend "T1-Fruit Battery," "T2-Temperature vs. Time," and "T3-Distance vs. Time-Matched Data" as a bare minimum. You might want to bring in your own citrus fruit (orange, apple, grapefruit, etc.) for tutorial T1, though we do have a bottle of acid that you may use just the same. Tutorial T2 should be done after the temperature probe has been calibrated. See your instructor before beginning this tutorial so that he can show you how to calibrate the temperature probe. Tutorial T3 is best done when working in pairs and so you might want to arrange to work so.


B2. PROCEDURE - Vernier's Logger Pro System

As with the PASCO System, the course instructor will provide you with a brief orientation about the use of Vernier's Logger Pro. Keep in mind that Logger Pro can work both with computers and calculators. It is in essence a hybrid CBL/MBL interface.

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