C2: PEARLS Simulation Software



PEARLS (Physics Electronic Academic Reference Library) Simulation Software is a comprehensive virtual laboratory system for desktop computers. The simulations allow you to explore the behavior of many physical systems by examining the consequences of the equations we use to model these systems. In effect, it "brings the equations to life."

PEARLS is a set of 36 independent simulations and animations that comprehensively address topics usually found in the introductory physics course. Like a film loop, each simulation addresses a single topic. However, a set of controls allows you or your students to explore the effects of various initial conditions and views. Most quantities can be graphed easily, and simulations can be replayed or paused for clarity.

Unlike the old film loops, PEARLS simulations require your students to interact with the software -- they control the simulation's appearance and conditions. You can pose questions to be answered by virtual experiment and set the parameters to match a real experiment in your laboratory.

PEARLS, like many of the other simulations you have encountered in this course, represents a new way of teaching physics. It allows exploration of concepts that might otherwise be impossible, impractical, or just too time consuming to deal with in the traditional classroom setting.


1. Obtain the PEARLS User's Manual and CD-ROM from your course instructor.

2. Following the instructions in the User's Manual, familiarize yourself with PEARLS by running through a representative simulation from each of the eight TOPICS of physics (coordinate systems, fluid mechanics, mechanics, modern physics, optics, relativity, vectors, and waves) represented.

3. Note that the PEARLS CD-ROM contains a massive Experiment Book of laboratory exercises (350+ pages) in the form of PDF (and postscript files) that can be read using Acrobat Reader which is also on the CD-ROM. Also note that the first several pages of the Experiment Book have been printed out and included in the User's Manual.

4. Using the Experiment Book's table of contents found in the User's Manual, select two (2) LABORATORIES from different areas within the eight TOPICS to perform. (A LABORATORY is defined as a series of experiments. A laboratory will have anywhere from two to five experiments. You need do only one of the experiments in each of the two (2) different laboratories for a total of two (2) experiments.)

5. If desired, print out the pertinent pages of the Experiment Book using Acrobat Reader. (You'll need a fast printer to do the job in a reasonable amount of time. Contact your course instructor before printing.) Perform each laboratory, providing written answers to each question in the experiment set.

6. Turn in the printed pages from each of the two laboratories (2 experiments) along with your written responses and test which you will find as part of the review section.


A review of the your written responses and test will serve as the basis of evaluation for this project.

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