D2: TI-GraphLink 2 (v. 2.3)



Using graphing calculators in physics class can be relatively easy when you are dealing with individual steps and discrete functions. However, should you ever attempt to have students load programs into the calculator keystroke-by-keystroke, you may be in for some big problems.

As students program from a listing they are prone to make a significant number of errors. They may skip lines of code, make entry errors, and have a hard time finding embedded functions. This, of course, assumes that the students are already familiar with programming procedures associated with the calculator in question. Indeed, it may be that not all students own the same type of graphing calculators adding to the list of headaches the teacher will encounter. Not to worry, there is a solution for at least some of these problems.

Texas Instruments has created a program, TI-GraphLink, that allows microcomputers to communicate with calculators through an electronic connection. A teacher can write or obtain a number of calculator (or CBL) programs with the desktop computer, and then download the files to students' calculators in a matter of minutes. In this exercise you will acquaint yourself with TI-GraphLink, find a source of graphing calculator files on the Internet, and then program a TI-73, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, or TI-92 Plus programmable calculator. Note: TI-GraphLink 2 does not support TI-82 or TI-85 calculators. Nonetheless, version 1.0 does. See your course instructor to obtain this program and to receive a verbal orientation. The steps below (a-k) do not apply to version 1.0.



1. Complete project E1 before attempting this project.

2. Obtain the TI Resource CD from your course instructor and familiarize yourself with TI-GraphLink 2. Please not that the 24-page PDF handbook available on the CD has been printed out and is available through your course instructor; so please use this document if necessary. Insert this CD into a MLT 307-B computer and start the application. Acquaint yourself with the program and practice sending programs, groups, and images to the TI-82, TI-83, or TI-85 graphing calculators. You also may want to learn how to send files from the calculator to the microcomputer. Below are some quick-start steps you can follow. Print them out before beginning this exercise because you will be required to restart your computer after loading the required files.

a) Load the TICD resource disk into your computer' Once its iconappears on the desktop of your computer, double click on this icon.
b) Double click on the TI-GraphLink icon to start the application.

c) Double click on the appropriate calculator iconthat you will be using in this activity.

d) Double click on the USA iconand hit "Continue" to read the License Agreement. Click on "Accept" once you have read and agreed to the terms of software usage.

e) You now should be at the installer. Quit all running applications other than TI-GraphLink before continuing. Click on the "Install" button to install TI-GraphLink and associated software files.

f) Restart your computer by clicking on the Restart button.

g) Find the TI-GraphLink folder that has been created on your hard drive, and open it. Double-click on the icon for the TI-Graph Link application to start it.

h) Read the TI-GraphLink Quickstart Help file and then close the window. You are now ready to employ this application.

i) Make certain that your calculator and the computer are linked through the appropriate cable, and that your calculator is turned on.

j) Under the pull down menu Connection, select the type of calculator you have chosen to link to the computer. Select Connect when the Connection window appears. You should now see a window that shows the contents of your calculator.

k) To transfer files (groups, programs, lists, etc.) to and from your calculator, make use of the drag-and-drop ability of the TI-GraphLink application.

3. Find and download the TI-GraphLink programs from the above named web sites or CD that is suitable for physics teaching and the TI calculator you are using. Please note that Texas Instruments maintains a Web site for graphing calculators, CBLs, and CBL2's at the following URL: http://education.ti.com/product/accessory/link/features/features.html. You can often get similar information from the Vernier Web site at the following URL: http://www.vernier.com/calc/index.html.

4. Create a data table (L1 and L2) on your graphing calculator. Use the following data set:

 t (s)

d (m)









Import this data set into Graphical Analysis from the graphing calculator and print out the fitted curve giving, also, the fitted equation and constants.


The student should make an arrangement with the course instructor for a demonstration interview. Procedures 3 and 4 above should be demonstrated in the presence of the course instructor after you become facile with the process.

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