C6: VideoGraph (and VideoGrab)



VideoGraph is a program that allows the user to play QuickTime movies captured live, from videodisk or videotape, and analyze the motion events they depict. It helps one make the mental connection between concrete, real-word situations and their abstract mathematical representations by synchronizing the video display with kinematics graphs. By clicking the mouse on a graphed data point, one can make the video instantly jump to the relevant image frame. Alternately, stepping through the video back and forth or making it play continuously also moves the marker from point to point on the graph.

VideoGrab is a companion utility program that greatly simplifies the capture of video from a computer-controlled VCR or a videodisk player. VideoGrab automatically creates QuickTime movies and stores it on the computer. Because the Physics Department does not have either of these pieces of hardware, we will have to forego the use of VideoGrab.

This project may seem out of place under Assistive Software and Hardware, but not really. This program will assist YOU to learn how to interpret graphs, an important component of some of the upcoming activities. What is the physical significance, for instance, of the area under a curve in a velocity versus time graph? What relevance does the slope of a line have in a position versus time graph? These are things you'll need to know as you teach physics and progress through this course.

Because one of the goals of this course is to help students become independent in thought and action, this project will not be demonstrated for the student. The student will obtain the software and documentation, and learn how to run this simple program by oneself. You may ask questions of the course instructor if you choose, but the hope is that you will demonstrate the ability to install software and learn how to run it yourself.



1. Obtain the VideoGraph Macintosh User's Manual from the PHY 302 course instructor. This folder contains the original diskettes and documentation needed for you to learn how to run this software.

2. Install the necessary software on a computer in MLT 307-B, and run through the tutorial with the assistance of the User's Manual.

3. Once you are reasonably proficient at using this program, and understand the meaning of all components (and can answer the questions outlined above and similar), then contact your course instructor to arrange a time to demonstrate your ability.

4. When you have finished working with this program, be certain to remove the application and all associated files from the computer that you used.


The evaluation of this project will be on the basis of a demonstration interview. The student should be able to, without assistance during the interview, to demonstrate the use of all functions on the pull down menus, and answer the questions about the use of the program. The score on this activity will be based upon the demonstrated knowledge and skill of the student at the time of the demonstration interview.

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