Parents' Web Page for Student Teaching


During student teaching (STT 399.72) you will be required to "develop and maintain collaborative relationships with colleagues, parents/guardians, and the community to support student learning and well-being" (objective 9). One of the ways that you can do this is through the preparation of s web page for the parents of your students.In this course, PHY 302, you are required to create and post a web page using computer resources provided you by the university on the University's mainframe. You are encouraged to integrate the required activities of this course with the required activities of student teaching. You can "hit two birds with one stone" by creating a parents web page for student teaching.

Such a web page could include any number of things: syllabus, contact information, teaching and learning resources, extra credit problems, and especially resources for metacognition and student self regulation prepared for PHY 311. (Check this web site carefully for a wide group of resources.) Select resources from this web site and other web sites to provide a resource rich web page that parents can access. Tom Holbrook at University High School has a page for parents that can serve as an example of what you might accomplish at the following URL: