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So, you're thinking about becoming an Illinois science teacher. Great! "What are the next steps?" you might ask. Here are some steps that you can take right now:

Talk with Your
Science Teacher

Your science teacher will be delighted to hear about your interest in science teaching. Feel free to ask your science teacher questions about the profession. There is no better place to start when it comes to learning about a career in science teaching.

Consult with Parents and
other Trusted Individuals

Once you have learned a bit about science teaching, speak with your parents, guardian, relative, school counselor, or other trusted adult about science teaching as a career choice. Ask them to provide their thoughts about you becoming a science teacher.

Prepare for a Career in
Science Teaching

Preparing for a career in middle or high school science teaching requires a Bachelor's degree and completion of the teacher preparation sequence. The latter will consist of a science teaching major, professional studies courses, and general education requirements. You might choose to spend your first year or two at a community college in preparation for a transfer to a university with a science teacher preparation program. This can be an effective way of saving a significant amount of time and money. Nonetheless, in order to do so, be certain to confer with the program coordinator at the university where you plan to transfer. In the mean time, take all the advanced courses you can in science and math while still in high school.

Contact Illinois Science
Teaching Associations

There are a number of active Illinois science teaching organizations that also can help you decide whether science teaching is for you. Some of the following organizations have specialized Web pages for prospective science teachers.

Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers

Illinois Association of Chemistry Teachers

Illinois Science Teachers Association

Chicago Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers

Illinois Association of Biology Teachers

Choose the Best
Science Teaching Program

Choosing the correct science teaching program is an important factor in obtaining the best education available. A good program will prepare you to become the best teacher possible. The decision about which university to attend should be based on information about the quality of its teacher preparation program. The best programs typically will have the following characteristics:

  • A teaching program within a science major.

  • Multiple science teaching methods courses.

  • Science methods courses taught by science faculty.

  • A dedicated program coordinator and/or advisor.

  • Full state and national program accreditation.

  • A significant number to physics teaching majors.

Be certain to make an informed choice. Visit university Web sites, study program brochures, look at available teacher preparation courses, make phone calls, get a personalized tour, ask questions...

Investigate Additional
Science Teaching Information

Don't forget about visiting these import Web sites::


US Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics

Contact the Webmaster
of this Web Page

If you can't find answers to all of your questions, contact the Webmaster of this page. If he doesn't know the answer to your questions, he will investigate them and get back to you as quickly as possible with an answer.


Last updated 7/23/2019 (cjw)





























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