Laboratory School for Science and Technology
Innovative, accelerated education in science and technology



Mission of LSST

To promote excellent scientific inquiry in the areas of STEM—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—by preparing a diverse K to 12 student population to meet the demands of and contribute to the scientific and technological innovation of the 21st century, to transition students for honors and advanced placement STEM classes at the high school level. 

About the LSST Physical
Science Program

LSST is committed to preparing students to succeed and exceed in high school physics—the foundation for all natural sciences. Therefore, LSST students are expected to  enroll in the five courses sequentially. These five courses are offered at two levels: 4th/5th grade and middle school (6th/7th/8th grade). At the middle school level, students will take the same courses but with increased depth and complexity.

About the Instructor

Ron Hurlbut is the mathematics faculty and curriculum developer  for mathematics, technology, and engineering at Illinois Math and Science Academy (IMSA). Prior to IMSA,
Mr. Hurlbut was an optical engineer for Eastman Kodak, and a geophysicist/seismologist, research computer scientist, and research instrumentation engineer for BP Amoco.

Learning at LSST          
Small Classes

LSST classes are small (9 students per class) in order to achieve maximum impact on students’ learning and performance.

Integrative Classroom Environment and Learning
Through the integrative classroom environment—demonstrations and explorations— students experience the fundamental concepts of physical science through an inquiry approach that encompasses the scientific method. LSST’s integrative learning approach demonstrates how science, mathematics, and technology are interrelated.

Sequence-based Learning

Our sequenced-based learning approach provides students with the fundamental building blocks for physical science which is the foundation for all natural sciences. 

Accelerated Learning

Students work in teams and are engaged to think and work rigorously like scientists, promoting critical thinking, problem solving skills, and real world application which are  necessary for building conceptual connections within and across the disciplines of math and science. Current technology is integrated into the learning environment to facilitate higher learning and advance solving capabilities.


Laboratory school for science and technology
Contact:  Esther Wong
PO Box 9116
Naperville, IL  60567-9116
Phone: 630.544.0680