
Welcome to the newly-formed ISU NSTA Student Chapter. The chapter is open to all science teacher education majors with the emphasis on enhancement of science teacher education and student preparation for success in teacher qualification. The chapter will provide students with opportunities to get to know other students such as themselves, and to aid each other in preparation for teacher science exams that will not only cover the student's major study area, but all aspects of science.

The ISU NSTA Student Chapter is independent from the National Science Teacher Association, but will serve as a tool to promote the goals of the NSTA. The purpose of the NSTA Student Chapter is, "to promote the mission of NSTA; to acquaint preservice teachers of science with the support resources available from NSTA; to provide additional professional development in science education to preservice teachers; to acquaint preservice teachers of science with others like themselves at their university or college and across the United States and Canada."

As part of membership, the student chapter will receive a NSTA periodical of their choice, free of charge.

Specifics on the NSTA Student Chapter conditions of formation, constitution, and set-up time line can be found at http://www.nsta.org/chapters.


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held TBA.

Science Deparments

The following are a list of main science departments at ISU offering student teacher education programs:





Student Resources

More information regarding the NSTA and science teacher qualification requirements may be found in the following links:

National Science Teacher Association, http://www.nsta.org

NSTA Student Chapters, http://www.nsta.org/chapters

Illinois State Board of Education, http://www.isbe.state.il.us

Minimum Requirments, http://www.isbe.state.il.us/teachers/Documents/minreq.htm#VI


Contact Information

Web-mistress Rebecca E. Wenning, rebecca1985@starmedia.com

Carl J. Wenning, NSTA Student Chapter advisor, cjwennin@ilstu.edu