The Star of Bethlehem - a Bible Study

by Carl J. Wenning, Former Director
Illinois State University Planetarium (1978-2001)

(Posted November 3, 2002)

What was the Star of Bethlehem? Was it truly a star in the simple sense of the word? Most astronomers think not. No ordinary star could have performed in the manner of the "star" that led the Magi. Might it not have been something else? Some astronomers have made suggestions, but since astronomers aren't theologians, their interpretations of the star are limited to only ordinary manifestations of nature. This solution is most limiting when one is discussing a Bible story that refers to a virgin birth, miraculous dreams, and angels. All these things are outside the realm of physical science.

In this Bible study you will attempt to obtain a fuller, more complete understanding of the possible nature of the Star of Bethlehem. It is hoped that you will take this opportunity to introduce yourself and your children to hermeneutics – the science of Biblical interpretation.
Begin your Bible study by reading and discussing with your children the various parts of the story surrounding the birth of Jesus. Read in turn each of the following Biblical passages:

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