Adolescent and Young

National Board Certification

November 1997


1. Understanding Students

Accomplished science teachers know how students learn, actively come to know their students as individuals, and determine students' understandings of science as well as their individual learning backgrounds.

2. Knowledge of Science

Accomplished science teachers have a broad and current knowledge of science and science education, along with in-depth knowledge of one of the subfields of science, which they use to set important learning goals.

3. Instructional Resources

Accomplished science teachers select and adapt instructional resources, including technology and laboratory and community resources, and create their own to support active student explorations of science

4. Engagement

Accomplished science teachers stimulate interest in science and technology and elicit all their students' sustained participation in learning activities.

5. Learning Environment

Accomplished science teachers create safe and supportive learning environments that foster high expectations for the success of all students and in which students experience the values inherent in the practice of science.

6. Equitable Participation

Accomplished science teachers take steps to ensure that all students, including those from groups which have historically not been encouraged to enter the world of science, participate in the study of science.

7. Science Inquiry

Accomplished science teachers develop in students the mental operations, habits of mind and attitudes that characterize the process of scientific inquiry.

8. Conceptual Understandings

Accomplished science teachers use a variety of instructional strategies to expand students' understandings of the major ideas of science.

9. Contexts of Science

Accomplished science teachers create opportunities for students to examine the human contexts of science, including its history, reciprocal relationship with technology, ties to mathematics and impacts on society so that students make connections across the disciplines of science and into other subject areas.

10. Assessment

Accomplished science teachers assess student learning through a variety of means that align with stated learning goals,

11. Family and Community Outreach

Accomplished science teachers proactively work with families and communities to serve the best interests of each student.

12. Collegiality and Leadership

Accomplished science teachers contribute to the quality of the practice of their colleagues, to the instructional program of the school, and to the work of the larger professional community.

13. Reflection

Accomplished science teachers constantly analyze, evaluate and strengthen their practice in order to improve the quality of their students' learning experiences.

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