Planet Interiors

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I have already discussed several observations and techniques you can use to get initial clues of what a planet's interior is like. I will summarize them and then discuss ways to increase the accuracy of those rough initial models. Methods and observations already mentioned are:

  1. The planets have flattened spherical shapes from the action of gravity and the centrifugal effect of their rotation. In Planet Properties table the amount of the rotational flattening is the oblateness. The amount of flattening also depends on the fluidity or elasticity of the interior's material.
  2. Compute the overall average density of the planet.
  3. Compare the surface material density with the overall density to find out how much differentiation has occurred.
  4. Determine the composition of surface and atmosphere material from landers or remotely with spectroscopy.
  5. The presence of a magnetic field requires the interior to have a liquid metallic component.

Astronomers have several other tools to probe the interiors of planets. By carefully observing the rotation of a planet, you can detect the precession (wobbling) of its rotation axis (the precession of the Earth's rotation axis is discussed in the coordinates section of the Astronomy Without a Telescope chapter). The rate of precession depends on a parameter called the moment of inertia which tells you how much the mass is concentrated toward the center. The Earth's core is considerably denser than its surface. The jovian planets have even greater concentration of their mass at their cores than the Earth does.

The mass distribution of a planet can be probed by observing the motions of satellites (moons or spacecraft) in the planet's gravitational field. Mass lumps in the surface layer can be detected, as well as, asymmetries in the overall mass distribution. For example, the center of the Moon's mass is 2 kilometers closer to the Earth than the center of its overall shape (the geometric center). The Moon's crust on the Earth-facing side is several kilometers thinner than the crust on the far side. This is probably a remnant of the Earth's gravity acting on the early Moon's molten interior billions of years ago. Mars' center of mass is north of the geometric center. This is associated with the fact that Mars' southern cratered highlands stand about four kilometers higher than the northern volcanic plains.

The rate of heat loss from the warm interior and the rate at which the temperature increases at greater depths closer to the core are important parameters for determining the interior structure. On the Earth, scientists can drill several kilometers into the crust and measure the temperature difference between the bottom of the hole and near the top. For the jovian planets, infrared telescopes are able to detect their large heat flows.

For the terrestrial planets, the most useful data comes from seismology---the study of the interior from observations of how seismic waves (``planetquake'' waves) travel through the interior. Seismic waves slightly compress rock or cause it to vibrate up and down. They are produced when parts of a planet's crust suddenly shift and can be felt on the surface as a quake. These quakes have been studied extensively on the Earth, so I will focus on the use of earthquakes in what follows but remember that the same principles can be applied on any solid surface where instruments, called seismometers, are placed to study the jolts. Seismometers were left on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts and the Viking 2 lander on Mars had a working seismometer but persistent buffeting by the martian winds prevented it from being able to definitely detect any marsquakes (the seismometer on Viking 1 did not work).

The speed, amplitude, and direction the seismic waves move depend on the particular type of wave and the material they pass through. Just as a physician can use an ultrasound to get a picture of your anatomy or of a fetus, you can use seismic waves to get a picture of the Earth's interior (though it is a bit cruder than the physician's ultrasound). Earthquakes will produce two main types of waves: P (pressure) waves and S (shear) waves.

S and P 
seismic waves

P waves are like sound waves---matter in one place pushes against adjacent matter compressing it. The result is a series of alternating stretched and compressed rock propagating in the same direction as the compression. It is like what happens when you stretch out a Slinky horizontally on a long table and give one end a sudden horizontal shove. You will see a wave of compressed metal coil move across the length of the Slinky to the other end. P waves can travel through solid and liquid material and move faster than S waves.

S waves are like waves in a jerked rope---matter moves up and down or side to side. Liquid matter prevents S waves from spreading. Timing of the arrival of seismic waves from at least three stations in a triangular array allows the earthquake center to be located. Seismometers on the opposite side of the Earth from the earthquake detect only P waves so there must be liquid material in the Earth's core. The size of the liquid core can be constrained from how far away a seismometer can be and still detect both S and P waves.

the interior with seismic waves

Seismic waves refract (bend) inside the Earth because of the change in speed of the waves as they move through material of variable density, composition, and temperature. Abrupt changes in direction occur at the boundary between two different layers. P waves entering the core are bent toward the Earth's center so they only reach the part of the Earth's surface opposite the earthquake. There is a shadow zone between the P waves that pass through the mantle only and those that pass through the mantle and the core. The shadow zone location also puts constraints on the size of the liquid core. It has a radius of about 3500 kilometers and is made of an iron-nickel alloy with a small percentage of sulfur, cobalt, and other minerals and has a density of around 12 (water = 1). Very weak P waves are felt in the shadow zone, indicating that a smaller solid component resides at the very center with a radius of about 1300 kilometers and a density around 14. Even though the temperature of the interior increases toward the center, the high pressures in the inner solid core make it solid while the outer metallic core remains liquid.

The mantle is made of hot but not quite molten iron-rich silicate minerals like olivine and pyroxene and is around 2800 kilometers thick. The density increases from about 3.5 below the crust to over 5 at the core boundary. Even though the mantle is not liquid, it can deform and slowly flow when stressed. Convective motions in the mantle rub on the crust to produce earthquakes and volcanoes.

The crust is broken up into chunks called plates with densities around 3. Oceanic plates are made of basalts (cooled volcanic rock made of silicon, oxygen, iron, aluminum, & magnesium) and are about 6 kilometers thick. The continental plates are around 20 to 70 kilometers thick and are made of another volcanic type of silicates called granite. The mantle convection causes the crustal plates to slide next to or under each other, collide against each other, or separate from one another in a process called plate tectonics. The Earth is the only planet among the terrestrial planets that has this tectonic activity.

Putting the pieces together

From these observations and knowledge of the physical laws of nature, astronomers can construct and refine computer models of the planet interiors. The three parameters of pressure, density, and temperature determine the state of the material and a relation called the equation of state relates the three parameters to each other. It tells what the density is for a given pressure and temperature. For rock, the equation of state is complex and somewhat uncertain. Rocky materials of different compositions and phase or state of the material (solid, liquid, gas) all will have different equations of states. (In contrast, the equation of state for stellar interiors is fortunately much simpler---see the Stellar Structure chapter for a discussion of the equation of state in stars.)

Planets exist in a balance between the compression of gravity and the pressure of the liquid and solid. Deeper layers experience more compression from the overlying material so the balancing outward pressure must increase. (This principle can also be applied to the gas of atmospheres to show why the atmosphere is thicker closer to the surface.) The computer model calculates the density in each layer from the equation of state with appropriate values of the temperature at that depth. The computer program starts off with the observed surface conditions and layer-by-layer, works its way toward the center. If the model does not arrive at a value of the total planet mass by the time it reaches the center, it must be revised. The models are checked against the other observables described above (moment of inertia, oblateness, gravity field measurements, heat flow, etc.) and refined further.

What follows is a brief description the other planet interiors found from putting all of the observations and theory together (see also the figure below). Mercury has a very large iron core about 3500 kilometers in diameter that makes up 60% of its total mass) surrounded by a silicate layer only 700 kilometers thick. Its core is probably partially molten. Venus's interior is very much like the Earth's except its iron-nickel core probably makes up a smaller percentage of its interior. Mars has a solid iron and/or iron-sulfide core 2600 to 4000 kilometers in diameter, surrounded by a silicate mantle and rocky crust that is probably several hundred kilometers thick.

The jovian planets are made of lighter materials that exist under much higher pressures than can occur anywhere on the Earth. Direct observations of their structure are still limited to the top several hundred kilometers of their atmospheres. Using those observations, computer models are calculated to predict what their interiors are like. Jupiter's hydrogen, helium atmosphere is at least 1000 kilometers thick and merges smoothly with the layer of liquid molecular hydrogen. The liquid hydrogen layer is about 20,000 to 21,000 kilometers thick. The pressure near the center is great enough to squeeze electrons from the hdyrogen atoms to make the liquid metallic hydrogen layer that is around 37,000 to 38,000 kilometers thick. Jupiter probably has a silicate/ice core twice the diameter of the Earth with about 14 times the Earth's mass. Although the core is made of silicates and ices, those materials are much different than the silicates and ices you are familiar with here on the Earth because of the pressures that are many times greater than the pressures at the Earth's core and temperatures in the 20,000 to 30,000 K range. Saturn is a smaller scale version of Jupiter: silicate core 26,000 kilometers in diameter, ice layer (solid methane, ammonia, water, etc.) about 3500 kilometers thick beneath a 12,000-kilometer thick layer of liquid metallic hydrogen, liquid molecular hydrogen layer around 28,000 kilometers thick, and atmosphere about 2000 kilometers thick.

The compression on Uranus and Neptune is probably not enough to liquify the hydrogen. Uranus and Neptune have silicate cores 8000 to 8500 kilometers in diameter surrounded by a slushy mantle of water mixed with ammonia and methane around 7000 to 8000 kilometers thick. This mantle layer is probably responsible for their strange magnetic fields which are not centered on the planet centers and are tipped by large degrees from their rotation axes. At the top is the 9000 to 10,000-kilometer thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. Tiny Pluto probably has a rocky core half its size surrounded by an ice mantle/crust.

planet interior structures


equation of state seismology

Review Questions

  1. What methods of determining the structure of planet interiors can be done from Earth-bound observations? What methods require observations by spacecraft flying by a planet or in orbit around it? What methods require spacecraft to land on the surface or travel into the planet's interior?
  2. Suppose spacecraft are orbiting two identical-looking planets having no natural moons. The spacecraft orbiting the first planet has a perfectly elliptical orbit and the spacecraft orbiting the second planet has a nearly elliptical orbit but with small accelerations. What does this tell you about the interior of the two planets?
  3. Why is the placement of seismometers on a planet's surface so beneficial for understanding the planet's interior?
  4. Why will seismology never be possible on the jovian planets?
  5. Compare and contrast the structure of Jupiter with that of the Earth.
  6. Compare the thicknesses of Saturn's various layers to the corresponding layers in Jupiter.
  7. How are the interiors of Uranus and Neptune different from the interiors of Jupiter and Saturn?


Venus, Earth, and Mars are approximately at the same distance from the Sun. This means they formed out of the same material and had approximately the same initial temperatures 4.5 billion years ago. Long ago these three planets probably had moderate enough temperatures suitable for life. However, Venus is now much too hot for life and Mars is too cold for life. What happened to these two planets and why are they so different from the comparative paradise here on Earth? This section explores these three planets in more detail in order to answer this important question and what it might say for the future of the Earth.


Pictures of Venus (larger, higher-quality ones---allow for download time over a slow modem!)

cloudy atmosphere
of Venus

Venus is about 95% the size of the Earth and has 82% of the Earth's mass. Like the Earth, Venus has a rocky crust and iron-nickel core. But the similarities stop there. Venus has a thick atmosphere made of 96% carbon dioxide (CO2), 3.5% nitrogen (N2), and 0.5% other gases. Venus' surface air pressure is 91 times the Earth's air pressure. Venus' surface pressure is the same as what you would feel if you were 1 kilometer below the ocean surface on the Earth. A human cannot survive at depths greater than just 70 meters below the ocean surface without special diving suits or a submarine. If you want to send someone to Venus, that person would need to be in something like a diving bell.

The Venus explorer would also need a very powerful cooling system: the surface temperature is 737 K (= 477ƒ C)! This is hot enough to melt lead and is over twice as hot as it would be if Venus did not have an atmosphere. Why does Venus have such a thick atmosphere and why is it so hot on its surface?

Greenhouse Effect

greenhouse effect: visible light enters and 
infrared energy is trapped

Venus is so hot because of a huge greenhouse effect that prevents heat from escaping to space. Plant nurseries use greenhouses to keep their plants warm during the winter months. Energy in the form of visible light from the Sun passes through the glass walls and glass roofs of a greenhouse and heats up the plants and soil inside the greenhouse. The air in contact with the plants and soil gets warmed up. The glass walls and roofs prevent the hot air from escaping to the outside. The same sort of thing happens to the interior of your car when you leave it out in the Sun with the windows rolled up.

On a planet, certain gases like carbon dioxide or water vapor in the atmosphere prevent heat energy in the form of infrared light from leaking out to space. These so-called ``greenhouse gases'' allow visible light from the Sun to pass through and heat up the surface. The surface gets warm enough to emit infrared light. Some of the infrared light is absorbed by the greenhouse gases and radiated back toward the surface, keeping the surface warm. On Venus, the super-abundance of CO2 in its atmosphere is responsible for the huge greenhouse effect. Venus' greenhouse effect probably started from the presence of a lot of water vapor, but Venus is now a very dry place.

Runaway Greenhouse

Venus was originally cooler than what it is now and it had a greater abundance of water several billion years ago. Also, most of its carbon dioxide was locked up in the rocks. Through a process called a runaway greenhouse, Venus heated up to its present blistering hot level. Because Venus was slightly closer to the Sun than the Earth, its water never liquified and remained in the atmosphere to start the greenhouse heating. As Venus heated up, some of the carbon dioxide in the rocks was ``baked out.'' The increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide enhanced the greenhouse heating. That baked more carbon dioxide out of the rocks (as well as any water) and a runaway feedback loop process occurred. This feedback loop occurred several billion years ago so Venus has been very hot for several billion years. The water Venus originally had is now gone because of a process called dissociation.

Ultraviolet Dissociation of Water

UV breaks apart water molecules into 
oxygen and hydrogen

Venus' water was always in the gaseous form and could reach high enough in the atmosphere for ultraviolet light from the Sun to hit it. Ultraviolet light is energetic enough to break apart, or dissociate, water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The very light hydrogen atoms were able to escape into space and the heavier oxygen atoms combined with other atoms. Venus' water was eventually zapped away. The Earth's ozone layer prevents the same thing from happening to the water here.

Hydrogen/Deuterium Ratio

How is it known that Venus originally had more water? Clues come from comparing the relative abundances of hydrogen isotopes on Venus and Earth. An isotope of a given element will have the same number of protons in the atomic nucleus as another isotope of that element but not the same number of neutrons. An isotope with more particles in the atomic nucleus will be more massive (heavier) than one with less particles in the nucleus.

two isotopes of

Ordinary hydrogen has only one proton in the nucleus, while the isotope deuterium has one proton + one neutron. Therefore, deuterium is about twice as heavy as ordinary hydrogen and will stay closer to the surface on average. Gases higher up in the atmosphere are more likely to escape to space than those close to the surface.

On Earth the ratio of ordinary hydrogen to deuterium (H/D) is 1000 to 1, while on Venus the proportion of deuterium is about ten times greater---the H/D ratio is 100 to 1. The H/D ratio on Venus and Earth are assumed to have been originally the same, so something caused the very light hydrogen isotopes on Venus to preferentially disappear. An easy explanation for it is the ultraviolet dissociation of water.

different ratios
of hydrogen isotopes point to dissociation of water vapor

A summary flowchart of what happened on Venus is given on the Earth-Venus-Mars summary page. Water vapor started the greenhouse heating. Carbon dioxide was baked out of the rocks, further aggravating the greenhouse effect. A runaway greenhouse started. The end result was all of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the water dissociated away. The flowchart on the Earth-Venus-Mars page up to the last arrow occurred several billion years ago. The diamond at the end describes the current state: CO2 maintains the extremely hot temperature.


Pictures of Mars (larger, higher-quality ones---allow for download time over a slow modem!)

Mars Pathfinder Homepage
Links to Pathfinder mirror sites Use this to find copies of the Pathfinder homepage if the link above is overloaded
Mars is about half the diameter of the Earth and has 1/10th the Earth's mass. Mars' thin atmosphere (just 1/100th the Earth's) does not trap much heat at all even though it is 95% carbon dioxide (CO2). The other 3% is nitrogen (N2). Because the atmosphere is so thin, the greenhouse effect is insignificant and Mars has rapid cooling between night and day. When night comes the temperature can drop by over 100 K (180ƒ F)! The large temperature differences create strong winds. The strong winds whip up dust and within a few weeks time, they can make dust storms that cover the entire planet for a few months.

Liquid Water

dry river valleysWhat makes Mars so intriguing is that there is evidence for running liquid water in its past. Some geologic features look very much like the river drainage systems on Earth and other features points to huge floods. The Mars Pathfinder studied martian rocks in the summer of 1997 and found some rocks are conglomerates (rocks made of pebbles cemented together in sand) that require flowing water to form. Abundant sand also points to widespread water long ago. Where there is liquid water, there is the possibility for life to arise.

Tiny structures in a meteorite that was blasted from Mars in a huge impact of an asteroid look like they were formed by ancient simple lifeforms. However, there is still a lot of debate among scientists on that but strong evidence of contamination by terrestrial organic molecules has probably killed the possibility of conclusive proof of martian life in the meteorite. The dissenters are not wanting to be partypoopers. They just want greater certainty that the tiny structures could not be formed by ordinary geologic processes. The great importance of discovering life on another world warrants great skeptism---``extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence''. The search for martian life will need to be done with a sample-return mission or experiments done right on Mars.

Mars' surface air pressure is much too low for liquid water to exist now. At very low pressure, water can exist as either frozen ice or as a gas but not in the intermediate liquid phase. If you have ever cooked food at high elevations using boiling water, you know that it takes longer because water boils at a lower temperature than at sea level. That is because the air pressure at high elevations is less. If you were several miles above the Earth's surface, you would find that water would boil (turn into steam) at even room temperature! The fact that Mars had liquid water in the past tells us that the early Martian atmosphere was thicker and the surface was warmer from the greenhouse effect a few billion years ago.

Life may have started there so current explorations of Mars are focussing on finding signs of ancient, long-dead life. Any lifeforms living now would have to be living below the surface to prevent exposure from the harsh ultraviolet light of the Sun. Mars has no protective ozone layer, so all of the ultraviolet light reaching Mars can make it to the surface. The Viking landers that landed in 1976 conducted experiments looking for biological activity, past or present, in the soil but found the soil to be sterile and more chemically reactive than terrestrial soil from the action of the harsh ultraviolet light. What changed Mars into the cold desert of today?

view of Mars' surface Pathfinder's view of
Mars' surface

Two views of Mars from two generations of Mars explorers: Viking 2 lander on left and Mars Pathfinder on right.

Atmosphere Escape

There are several ways for Mars to have lost its atmosphere:
Mars' low gravity let the atmosphere leak away into space;
A lot of impacts of asteroids blasted part of the atmosphere away. Such large impacts occurred very frequently in the early solar system several billion years ago. The energy of the impacts could have been enough to push the gas away from a planet with small gravity.
Mars had a reverse greenhouse effect, called a runaway refrigerator, occur. Since Mars was slightly further from Sun than the Earth, Mars' initial temperature was lower. This meant that the water vapor condensed to form a liquid water layer on the surface. Gaseous carbon dioxide dissolves in liquid water and can then be chemically combined with rocks. This would have happened on Mars long ago. The removal of some of the carbon dioxide caused a temperature drop from the reduced greenhouse effect. This caused more water vapor to condense, leading to more removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide and more cooling, etc. The runaway feedback process is called a runaway refrigerator. This runaway process occurred a few billion years ago, so Mars has been cold for a long time. Mars' water is now frozen in a permafrost layer below the surface and the atmosphere is very thin.

runaway refrigerator

The runaway refrigerator is described in a flowchart on the Earth-Venus-Mars page. The flowchart up to the last dashed arrow occurred several billion years ago. The box at the end describes the current state: frozen water and carbon dioxide below the surface and a very thin atmosphere.

A combination of these effects.
Human explorers will need to use spacesuits on Mars' surface. The low pressure would kill them in a fraction of a second without something to provide an inward pressure on their bodies (far faster than movies like Total Recall would have you believe, but moviemakers don't want to kill off the bad guy too quickly and Arnie must survive!). Explorers will also need to contend with temperatures that are way below the freezing point of water even during the day and have enough shielding to block the abundant ultraviolet light from the Sun.


Picture of Earth (larger, higher-quality one---allow for download time over a slow modem!)

our home planet

Our home planet, the Earth, is the largest of the terrestrial planets with a diameter of 12,742 kilometers and a mass of 5.977 × 1024 kilograms. It has moderately-thick atmosphere that is 78% nitrogen (N2) and 21% oxygen (O2). It has the right surface temperature and atmospheric temperature for life and liquid water to exist. It is the only place that has either of these things. Some water is also in the form of water vapor and ice. <

Free Oxygen

Compared to the other planets, the Earth has a bizarre atmosphere! The presence of free oxygen (O2) is very unusual because oxygen loves to chemically react with other atoms and molecules. The oxygen in our atmosphere would soon disappear if photosynthesizing organisms like plants did not regenerate the oxygen. In the process of photosynthesis, plants take in water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight and convert them to carbohydrates and oxygen. The oxygen is given off as a waste product and the carbohydrates are stored as a source of energy to be used later by the plants. Since life keeps oxygen in the form of O2 and its fragile cousin, ozone (O3) around, absorption lines of these two molecules from a planet beyond our solar system would be one signature of life on that planet.

Liquid Water

the greenery of the Tahaa IslandsMost of the Earth's water is liquid and some is frozen. The rest that is water vapor works with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to create a small greenhouse effect, raising temperature about 30ƒ C. This natural greenhouse effect makes it warm enough on the surface for liquid water to exist. Besides making life possible, the liquid water also helps to keep the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide from getting too high. Carbon dioxide dissolves in liquid water to form ``carbonic acid'' (soda water). Some of the dissolved carbon dioxide will combine with minerals in the water and settle to the ocean floor to form limestone. The amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide is also kept in check by biological processes.

Life's Role in the Carbon Cycle

Plants extract atmospheric carbon dioxide in the photosynthesis process and use it to form organic compounds. Most of the carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere when plants decay (or are burned). Some organic material (plants and bacteria) is deposited in marine sediments. The organic material in the marine sediments may be converted to oil, natural gas, or coal if the temperature and pressure conditions underground are right. This locks up the carbon dioxide until these fossil fuels are extracted and burned. Burning them releases the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.

Aquatic plants extract carbon dioxide dissolved in the water to use in their photosynthesis process. Aquatic animals use the carbon dioxide and calcium in the water to make shells of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). When the animals die, their shells settle to the ocean floor where, after years of compacting and cementing, they form limestone, locking up the carbon dioxide. Some of the carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere via geologic heating processes such as volcanism.

This whole process of the cycling of the carbon dioxide in the water, life, rocks, and air is called the carbon cycle or the carbon dioxide cycle in geology and oceanography. There is the equivalent of 70 atmospheres of CO2 locked up in the Earth's rocks. The contribution of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels by humans is a new input into this cycle with unknown consequences. Could this artificial input into the carbon cycle upset the natural balance and create a runaway greenhouse effect like that on Venus? Maybe. How much would it take to tip the balance? We don't know. We do know that the amount contributed by human activity has had an effect.

A flowchart of the carbon cycle on the Earth is given on the Earth-Venus-Mars page. While the flowcharts for Venus and Mars show what happened long ago, the flowchart for the Earth shows the cycle as it currently operates.

Cold Trap

The Earth has a layer of ozone 30-60 kilometers (20-40 miles) above the surface. Ozone is a fragile molecule made of three oxygen atoms bound together and can be split apart by ultraviolet light. This interaction of ozone and ultraviolet light prevents most of the ultraviolet from reaching the surface. The blocking of ultraviolet light enables life to exist on the land---the full range of the solar ultraviolet light would kill lifeforms living on the land. The ozone layer also shields the water from being dissociated by the ultraviolet light.

The temperature of the atmosphere decreases with increasing altitude above the surface up to the ozone layer. The temperature below the ozone layer is below the freezing point of water. If water vapor gets up too high in the atmosphere, it condenses and rains back to the surface. This height is below the ozone layer, so the water vapor does not get high enough to be dissociated---there is a ``cold trap'' below the ozone layer.

Within the past couple of decades, the ozone layer has been partially destroyed by some of the chemicals used in modern devices. One class of ozone-destroying chemicals are called chlorofluorcarbons (CFC's) that are used in aerosol sprays, the cooling fluid in older refrigerators and air conditioners and in making styrofoam. Most of the industrialized nations have taken steps to reduce the production of CFC's, but the CFC's already in the atmosphere will take some time to disappear and the ozone destruction will continue for a while. You may have heard that some ozone is produced by engines here on the surface. Unfortunately, that ozone does not make it to the ozone layer high up. Also, ozone can damage our respiratory system.


dissociation greenhouse effect ozone
photosynthesis runaway greenhouse runaway refrigerator

Review Questions

  1. What distinguishes Venus from the rest of the planets? Why is Venus so hot?
  2. What is a runaway greenhouse?
  3. If the clouds of Venus were perfect reflectors of visible light from the Sun so that no visible light reached Venus' surface, what would happen to the surface temperature? Explain your answer.
  4. If the atmosphere of Venus trapped all of the infrared light from the surface, what would happen to the surface temperature? Explain your answer.
  5. How does the ultraviolet-water interaction explain why Venus is so dry? How is the same process prevented on the Earth?
  6. If Mars' atmosphere is over 90% carbon dioxide like Venus', why does it have such a small greenhouse effect?
  7. What atmospheric phenomenon can quickly wipe out any view of Mars' surface from above? What causes this phenomenon?
  8. Why does Mars have such a thin atmosphere? What is the runaway refrigerator?
  9. How does liquid water remove carbon dioxide gas from an atmosphere?
  10. Why does a less massive moon of Saturn have a more extensive atmosphere than Mars and Earth? (Recall the factors that affect atmosphere thickness.)
  11. What distinguishes Earth from the rest of the planets? What is so unusual about its atmosphere and what produces this unusual feature?
  12. What are the different ways that life removes carbon dioxide from the Earth's atmosphere?
  13. Where do coal, oil, and natural gas come from? What happens when they are burned?
  14. What is a natural way that most of the carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere on Earth?
  15. What is a non-natural, human activity that returns a lot of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?
  16. What are the benefits of the presence of the ozone layer?
  17. Is the greenhouse problem on Earth different from the ozone problem? How so?

Moons and Rings

This section gives a brief discussion of the large moons in the solar system and the characteristics of the rings found around all of the jovian planets. The best known moon is the only other object that humans have explored directly---the Earth's moon. I will discuss the Moon first and then move to the large moons of the jovian planets. The two moons of Mars and most of the moons of the jovian planets are small, rocky objects about the size of a large city or smaller. Most of them are probably asteroids that wondered too closely to the planet and got trapped by the planet's gravity.

The Earth's Moon

The Moon is about one-quarter the diameter of the Earth---if placed on the United States, it would extend from Los Angeles to almost Washington D.C. The Moon has held a special place in history. This is because it moves quickly among the stars and it changes---it goes through a cycle of phases, like a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (see the Moon motions document). The Moon is also primarily responsible for the tides you experience if you spend any time near the coast (see the tides section of the gravity chapter). When Galileo looked through his telescope, he discovered a wondrous place. The Moon became a place to explore. Galileo discovered impact craters, mountains and valleys. The Moon is rough like the Earth.

full moon without a telescope

The Moon also has large, dark smooth areas covering about 17% of the Moon's surface that people originally thought were seas of liquid water so they are called mare (Latin for ``seas''---they are what make out the face on the Moon). Now it known that the mare are vast lava flows that spread out over many hundreds of square miles, covering up many craters that were originally there. The mare material is basaltic like the dark material on the Earth's ocean crust and that coming out many of our volcanoes (e.g., the Hawaiian islands). Mercury also has maria but they are lighter in color because of the different chemical composition and they do not stand from its heavily cratered areas.

Liquid water cannot exist on the Moon because of the lack of an atmosphere---the Moon has only 1/81 the Earth's mass and about 1/6th the Earth's surface gravity. If there is any water to be found on the Moon, it will be in a frozen state in a place of constant shade such as deep craters near the poles. Recent missions have discovered some of those ice blocks near the poles. The ice blocks will be the source of water for any humans that decide to set up bases on the Moon.


The Moon's surface is almost as old as the Earth. The rough highland regions are 3.8 to 4.2 billion years old and the younger maria are between 3.1 and 3.8 billion years old. All of the planets and moons experienced a period of heavy bombardment about 3.8 billion years ago that lasted for about 500 million years as most of the remaining chunks of rock left over from the formation of the solar system pelted the planet and moon surfaces. The Moon, some of the moons of the giant planets, and Mercury preserve a record of this bombardment. The record of this heavy cratering was erased on the Earth long ago because of erosion and geologic activity that continues to this day. The Moon has no erosion because of the lack of liquid water and an atmosphere and it is small enough that its interior cooled off long ago so geologic activity has essentially ceased (an occasional very small moonquake can still occur). The small size of the Moon meant that not much heat could be stored from its formation and its small size also means that any remaining heat can easily escape to space (the ratio of its surface area to its volume is larger than that for the Earth).

Volcano craters are above the surrounding area on mountaintops while the craters from impacts are below the surrounding area with raised rims. The craters on all of the moons except Io, Mercury, and most of the ones on Mars are from impacts. The kinetic energy of the impacting meteorite or asteroid is converted into heat, sound, and mechanical energy---the projectile explodes on impact. The explosion is what carves out the crater so all craters are round (otherwise they would be oblong in shape). The rock on the surface of the planet or moon is bent backward, upward, and outward so the amount of material ejected is much larger than the projectile. Large craters will have a central peak formed by the rock beneath the impact point rebounding upward and they may also have terracing of the inner walls of the crater from the collapsing of the crater rim inward. The size of the craters having central peaks depends on the size (gravity) of the planet or moon: on the Moon craters larger than about 60 kilometers in diameter have central peaks while the crater diameter on the Earth need be larger than just 1 to 3 kilometers.

making of a complex crater

The number of craters per unit area on a surface can be used to determine an approximate age for the planet or moon surface if there is no erosion. The longer the surface has been exposed to space, the more craters it will have. If you know how frequently craters of a given size are created on a planet or moon, you can just count up the number of craters per unit area. This assumes, of course, that the cratering rate has been fairly constant for the last few billion years. The heavy bombardment of about 3.8 billion years must be taken into account when using the crater age dating technique. For example, the highland regions on the Moon have ten times the number of craters as the maria, but radioactive dating (explained in the next chapter) shows that the highlands are approximately 500 million years older than the maria, not ten times older. Careful studies of how the craters overlap other craters and other features can be used to develop a history or sequence of the bombardment on the moons and planets.

Interior and Composition

The strong tides from the Earth pulled the early Moon's liquid interior toward the Earth, so the far side's crust is now about 130 kilometers thick while the near side's crust is about 65 kilometers thick. The thinness of the near side's crust is also why there are more mare on the near side than the far side. The near side was thin enough to be cracked apart when large asteroids hit the surface and formed the mare but the far side crust was too thick.

Our knowledge about the Moon took a huge leap forward during the Apollo missions. One main science reason for going to the Moon was to return rock samples to find about their ages and composition. Using their knowledge of geology gained from the study of Earth rocks, scientists were able to put together a history for the Moon. The Apollo astronauts also left seismometers on the Moon to detect moonquakes that can be used to probe the interior using seismology.

The Moon's density is fairly uniform throughout and is only about 3.3 times the density of water. If it has an iron core, it is less than 800 kilometers in diameter. This is a sharp contrast from planets like Mercury and the Earth that have large iron-nickel cores and overall densities more than 5 times the density of water. The Moon's mantle is made of silicate materials, like the Earth's mantle, and makes up about 90% of the Moon's volume. The temperatures do increase closer to the center and may be high enough to partially liquify the material close to the center. Its lack of a liquid iron-nickel core and slow rotation is why the Moon has no magnetic field.

Lunar samples brought back by the Apollo astronauts show that compared to the Earth, the Moon is deficient in iron and nickel and volatiles (elements and compounds that turn into gas at relatively low temperatures) such as water and lead. The Moon is richer in elements and compounds that vaporize at very high temperatures. The Moon's material is like the Earth's mantle material but was heated to very high temperatures so that the volatiles escaped to space.


There has been a variety of scenarios proposed to explain the differences between the Moon and Earth. The one that has gained acceptance after much study is the giant impact theory. Earlier theories came in a variety of flavors.
  1. The capture (pick up) theory proposed that the Moon formed elsewhere in the solar system and was later captured in a close encounter with the Earth. The theory cannot explain why the ratios of the oxygen isotopes is the same as that on the Earth but every other solar system object has different oxygen isotope ratios. The theory also requires the presence of a third large body in just the right place and time to carry away the extra orbital motion energy.
  2. The double planet (sister) theory said that the Moon formed in the same place as the Earth but it could not explain the composition differences between the Earth and Moon.
  3. The spin (daughter or fission) theory said that the Earth rotated so rapidly that some of its mantle flew off to the form the Moon. However, it could not explain the composition differences. Also, the spun-off mantle material would more likely make a ring, not a moon and it is very unlikely that the Earth spun that fast.

The giant impact theory proposes that a large Mars-sized object hit the Earth and blew mantle material outward which later recoalesced to form the Moon. The Earth had already differentiated by the time of the giant impact so its mantle was already iron-poor. The impact and exposure to space got rid of the volatiles in the ejecta mantle material. Such an impact was rare so is was not likely to have also occurred on the other terrestrial planets. The one ``drawback'' of the theory is that it has a lot of parameters (impactor size, speed, angle, composition, etc.) that can be tweaked to get the right result. A complex model can usually be adjusted to fit the data even if it is not the correct one (recall Ptolemy's numerous epicycles). But the giant impact theory is the only one proposed that can explain the compositional and structural characteristics of the Moon.

Jupiter's Large Moons

Jupiter holds a special place in history because of the discovery by Galileo in 1610 of four large moons orbiting it. This observation gave Galileo strong evidence against the popular Earth-centered universe of his day. Like the Earth, Jupiter was a planet with moons orbiting it. Galileo took the Jupiter system to be like a miniature solar system. These four satellites are called the Galilean satellites in honor of their discoverer. In order of increasing distance from Jupiter they are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Since then, twelve other moons have been discovered orbiting Jupiter. The Galilean satellites are of particular interest here.


The Galilean moon closest to Jupiter is Io. Io has no impact craters even though it has a rocky, solid surface. The surface must be very young because something has erased the impact craters. Even though Io has nearly the same size and density as the Moon, Io is the most geologically active world in the solar system. Io has many volcanoes and all of its craters are volcanic in origin. It is so active despite its small size because of the enormous stresses it experiences from Jupiter.

Even though Io is about the same distance from Jupiter as the Moon is from the Earth, Io experiences much stronger tidal stretching because Jupiter is over 300 times more massive than the Earth. Io's orbit kept from being exactly circular by the gravity of its Galilean neighbor Europa and the more distant Ganymede. Io cannot keep one side exactly facing Jupiter and with the varying strengths of the tides because of its elliptical orbit, Io is stretched and twisted. The tidal flexing heats Io's interior to the melting point just as kneading dough warms it up. The heat escapes through powerful eruptions spewing sulfur compounds in giant umbrella-shaped plumes up to almost 300 kilometers above the surface. The tidal heating from Jupiter has driven away much of the volatile materials like water, carbon dioxide, etc. Io's surface is a splotchy mixture of orange, yellow, black, red, and white. The colors are created by sulfur and sulfur dioxide at various temperatures in liquid and solid states.


The next moon out from Jupiter is the smooth, white moon called Europa. It is smaller than Io. Europa is of particular interest to astronomers because of what is below its ice crust. Europa has a rocky core surrounded by a deep ocean of liquid water that is frozen on the surface. The Galileo spacecraft provided high-resolution images of its surface and showed giant blocks of ice that appear to have been broken off and floated away. Europa has no impact craters which means the surface is very young. Europa is farther from Jupiter than Io, so the tides it feels from Jupiter's enormous gravity is less. This means the tidal flexing is less than what Io experiences. The flexing of the ice from changes in the tides, as it moves around Jupiter in its elliptical orbit, creates an impressive system of cracks on the surface. The cause of the dark colors of the cracks is unknown, but it may be due to organic materials.

The ocean of liquid water below Europa's icy surface may extend down serveral tens of kilometers (or more). Could life forms have developed in the warm waters below the icy surface? Recent discoveries of fish, albino crabs, and 10-foot-long tube worms huddled around active volcanic vents on the Earth's ocean floor far below where the sunlight energy can penetrate has bolstered the view that Europa could harbor life below its icy surface away from sunlight. Before the discovery of life around the geothermal vents, scientists thought that all life depended on sunlight. More recently, bacteria have been found to exist in rock a few kilometers below the sea floor and land surface. Clearly, life is more versatile than originally thought.

Ganymede and Callisto

The largest of the Galilean satellites (and the largest moon in the solar system) is Ganymede. Its density of 1.9 times that of water shows that it is made of half rock and half water ice. It has bright grooved areas with few craters and much older dark area with more craters. The bright, parallel ridges may have been caused by a plate tectonic process that was short-lived. Water may have gushed forth or ice squeezed up between the plate margins. Craters on the parallel ridges and older dark areas indicate that Ganymede's geological activity stopped billions of years ago.

The second largest of the Galilean satellites and the farthest from Jupiter is the heavily-cratered moon called Callisto. It has a density of 1.8 times that of water, so it has proportionally more frozen water surrounding a smaller rocky core than Ganymede. Callisto's surface does not appear to have undergone any sort of geological activity. Callisto has a huge impact site called Valhalla that was produced about 4 billion years ago. When the asteroid hit Callisto, it exploded on impact. The explosion heated the ice to above the melting point and the shock waves produced a ripple pattern away from the impact site. The ripples later froze so Valhalla now looks like a big ``bull's eye''.


Saturn's largest satellite is the mysterious world called Titan. It has slightly greater diameter, density, and mass than Callisto. It is probably half rock, half ice. What is special about Titan is that it has an atmosphere that is about 1.5 times thicker than the Earth's. Even though, Titan's mass is even smaller than Mars', it so cold that it has been able to hold on to its primordial atmosphere. The atmosphere is made of cold molecular nitrogen with hazy methane clouds that block our view of the surface. Other organic molecules have been detected in its atmosphere. They are probably formed from sunlight interacting with the atmospheric nitrogen and methane. Perhaps some of the organic molecules have settled down to the surface.

Titan's surface probably has frozen methane ice fields with organic material accumulated on the surface. Titan is probably like the early Earth's chemistry. Its very cold temperatures may then have preserved a record of what the early Earth was like before life formed. The Cassini spacecraft now on its way to Saturn (it will arrive in 2004), will launch a probe into Titan's atmosphere and will hopefully send back data of what lies below the hazy layer.


Neptune's large moon, Triton, is about 80% the diameter of the Moon and has a density of 2.1 times the density of water. It is probably made of about 75% rock surrounded by a thick layer of frozen water. Triton is even colder than Pluto, about 35 to 40 K. Because of the extremely cold temperatures, nitrogen can be frozen on its surface. On other moons and planets, nitrogen is a gas. Some of the nitrogen on Triton is gaseous and makes up its thin atmosphere. Triton has a young surface with smooth frozen lakes and cantaloupe-textured terrain of unknown cause.

Triton has many black streaks on its surface that may be from volcanic venting of nitrogen heated to a gaseous state despite the very low temperatures by high internal pressures. The nitrogen fountains are about 8 kilometers high and then move off parallel to the surface by winds in the upper part of its thin atmosphere. Another unusual thing about Triton is its highly inclined orbit (with respect to Neptune's equator). Its circular orbit is retrograde (backward) which means the orbit is decaying---Triton is spiralling into Neptune. Triton's strange orbit and the very elliptical orbit of Neptune's other major moon, Nereid, leads to the proposal that Triton was captured by Neptune when Triton passed too close to it. If it was not captured, Triton was certainly affected by something passing close to the Neptune system.


rings of the jovian planets

All of the jovian planets have a system of rings. Jupiter has four faint rings: a flattened main ring, a puffier inner ring, and two wispy outer rings that are inside the orbit of Io. The rings are made of very small, dark particles the size of smoke particles. They are produced by dust kicked up from the tiny innermost moons of Jupiter by impacts on the moons.

Saturn's Rings

The planet with the spectacular ring sytem is Saturn. Icy particles spread out into large, flat rings make up Saturn's ring system that can be seen with even low-power telescopes on the Earth's surface. The rings of the other jovian planets are dark and faint, so they were discovered only relatively recently with either powerful telescopes or by spacecraft flybys.

Saturn's rings were discovered by Christian Huygens in 1659. Galileo's telescope was too small to make them look like more than just a couple of bumps on either side of the planet. In 1675 Giovanni Cassini discovered a gap between the two large (A & B) rings, now called the Cassini division in his honor. With improved telescopes, astronomers were able to see that one of the large rings was in fact, two rings (B & C) and there is a gap in the A ring (the Encke division). There is also a hint of another ring closer to the planet than the C ring (the D ring). When the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft flew by, astronomers found more rings and complex structure in the rings.

The rings that are visible in even low-power telescopes on the Earth (A, B, and C) extend from about 74,000 kilometers to about 137,000 kilometers from Saturn's center (or 1.23 to 2.28 Saturn radii). The rings are very thin, less than a few hundred meters thick. A scale model of the rings with the width equal to a single piece of regular paper would be 70 to 100 meters across! In 1859 James C. Maxwell (of electromagnetism fame), showed that the rings could not be solid, but, rather a swarm of particles. A solid ring the width of Saturn's ring system would become unstable and break up. James Keeler proved Maxwell correct in 1895 when he measured the doppler shifts of different parts of the rings and found that the outer parts of the ring system orbited at a slower speed than the inner parts. The rings obeyed Kepler's third law and, therefore, must be made of millions of tiny bodies each orbiting Saturn as a tiny mini-moon.

More recently, astronomers bouncing radar off the rings and analyzing the reflected signal found that ring particles must be from a few centimeters to a few meters across. When the Voyager spacecraft went behind the rings with respect to the Earth, astronomers could measure the particles sizes from how Voyager's radio signal scattered off the particles and from how sunlight scattered through the rings. The ring particles range in size from the size of a small grain of sand to the size of a large house, but on average, they are about the size of your clenched fist. Spectroscopy of the rings shows that the particles are made of frozen water. Collisions between the ring particles keeps the ring system very flat and all of the particle orbits circular.

The Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft confirmed the presence of the inner D ring and discovered two other rings beyond the outer A ring: a narrow F ring just outside the A ring and a broad, but faint E ring. The broad rings we see from the Earth are actually systems of thousands of tiny ringlets each just a few kilometers wide, so the rings look like grooves in a phonograph record (youngsters only familiar with CD's will have to ask their parents or grandparents about them). Voyager also found some unusual things in Saturn's ring system: rings that change shape, eccentric ring shapes (some even twist around each other to make a braid), and dark features that look like spokes extending radially outward across the rings.

The grooved pattern of Saturn's rings are probably the result of spiral density waves forming from the mutual gravitational attraction of the ring particles. Narrow gaps in the rings are most likely swept clean of particles by small moonlets embedded in the rings. The tiny moons can also act as shepherd satellites. Two shepherd satellites with one orbiting slightly outside the other satellite can constrain or shepherd the ring particles to stay between the moonlet orbits. The narrow F ring is the result of two shepherd satellites about 50 kilometers across with orbits about 1000 kilometers on either side of the F ring. The shepherd satellites are probably also responsible for the braids and kinks in the F ring, but how they do that is unclear.

Bigger gaps in the rings (such as the Cassini division) are the result of gravitational resonances with the moons of Saturn. A resonance happens when one object has an orbital period that is a small-integer fraction of another body's orbital period, e.g., 1/2, 2/3, etc. The object gets a periodic gravitational tug at the same point in its orbit. Just as you can get a swing to increase the size of its oscillation by pushing it at the same point in its swing arc, a resonance can ``pump up'' the orbital motion of an object. Particles at the inner edge of the Cassini division are in a one-two resonance with the moon called Mimas---they orbit twice for every one orbit of Mimas. The repeated pulls by Mimas on the Cassini division particles, always in the same direction in space, force them into new orbits outside the gap. Other resonances with Mimas are responsible for other features in Saturn's rings: the boundary between the C and B ring is at the 1:3 resonance and the outer edge of the A ring is at the 2:3 resonance. It is amazing what a simple inverse square law force can do!

The dark spokes in Saturn's B ring were a surprise. The different orbital speeds of the ring particles should quickly shear apart any radial structure in the rings, but the spokes clearly survived the shearing! The spokes are probably caused by very tiny dust particles hovering just above the rings by their interaction with Saturn's magnetic field or by electrostatic forces created from ring particle collisions.

Where did the rings of Saturn come from? Studies of the various forces on the ring particles show that the rings are transient---they did not form with Saturn as part of the formation of the main planet, nor will they always be there. The rings of Saturn are within the distance at which a moon would experience extreme enough tidal stretching to be torn apart. This distance is called the Roche limit, after M.E. Roche who developed the theory of tidal break up in the 1849. The exact distance of the Roche limit depends on the densities of the planet and close-approaching moon and how strongly the material of the moon is held together. The classical Roche limit considers a moon held together only by its internal gravity. Such a moon would break up at a distance of about 2.44 planetary radii from the center of the planet.

Saturn's rings lie within Saturn's Roche limit so it is likely that they were either formed by the breakup of a moon that came too close or particles too close to Saturn to ever form a large moon. Another possibility is that large collisions on the large moons outside the Roche limit spewed material into the region inside the Roche limit. Saturn's E ring lies outside Saturn's Roche limit and is most concentrated at the orbit of the icy moon, Enceladus. Eruptions of water vapor from Enceladus probably are the source of the E ring material.

rings proportional to planet 

A more informative way to compare the planet ring systems: scale them relative to the diameter of each planet.

The Rings of Uranus and Neptune

Uranus' rings were discovered in 1977 from measuring the intensity of light from a star as Uranus passed in front of it. Astronomers were originally intending to learn about Uranus' atmosphere from how the light passed through the top cloud layers and to measure both the diameter of Uranus and the star accurately from timings of when the star was totally blocked. They noticed that the star blinked off and on before Uranus itself passed in front of the star. The star also blinked off and on after Uranus itself had moved out of the way. The symmetry of the winking out of the star as the rings passed in front of the star pointed to their existence. Later infrared observations gave astronomers more information about them. Neptune's rings were discovered in the same way a few years after the Uranus' rings discovery. Voyager 2 gave a much better view of the rings when it flew by Uranus in 1986 and Neptune in 1989.

The rings of Uranus and Neptune are much darker than Saturn's rings, reflecting only a few percent of what little sunlight reaches them (they are darker than pieces of black, burned wood) while Saturn's rings reflect over 70% of the Sun's light. The rings are also much narrower than Saturn's rings. Uranus' outermost and most massive ring, called the Epsilon Ring, is only about 100 kilometers wide and probably less than 100 meters thick. The other ten dark and narrow rings have a combined mass less than the Epsilon Ring. The six rings of Neptune are less significant than Uranus' and the ring particles are not uniformily distributed in the rings. Like Saturn's F ring, the rings of Uranus and Neptune are kept narrow by shepherd satellites. The narrowness and even clumpiness of the rings means that the rings can last for only a short time---a million years or so, unless the rings are replenished by material ejected off the moons in large collisions.


giant impact theory mare resonance
Roche limit

Review Questions

  1. What do the mare look like on the Moon and why are they so smooth?
  2. Why does the Moon not have erosion?
  3. What two reasons explain why the Moon is geologically dead?
  4. How can you use the number of craters to determine the age of a planet's or moon's surface?
  5. The lunar highlands have about ten times more craters on a given area than do the maria. Does this mean that the highlands are ten times older? Explain your reasoning.
  6. In what ways are the Moon and Mercury like each other? In what ways are they different from each other?
  7. In what ways are the Moon and the Earth like each other? In what ways are they different from each other?
  8. In what ways is the giant impact theory better at explaining the formation of the Moon than other Moon formation theories?
  9. Why is Io such a geologically-active moon? Describe how its interior is kept molten.
  10. What is the interior of Europa like?
  11. What is so unusual about Europa's surface?
  12. Why is Europa another good place to look for life beyond the Earth?
  13. What causes the parallel ridges on Ganymede?
  14. What is Callisto like and how do you know the age of its surface?
  15. Compare/contrast Titan with our Moon (size, mass, surface conditions, etc.)
  16. What is so special about Titan?
  17. What is Titan's atmosphere made of and why is it so thick?
  18. How is Titan probably like the early Earth?
  19. What are Saturn's rings made of and how do we know?
  20. What unusual things were found in Saturn's rings and what are the likely causes?
  21. What formed the rings of Saturn and when were they made?
  22. How cold is Triton and what is it made of?
  23. Is Triton's surface young or old and what causes some of Triton's strange surface features?
  24. What is unusual about Triton's orbit?
  25. Compare/contrast the rings of Uranus and Neptune with Saturn's rings.
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last update: 26 April 1999

Nick Strobel -- Email:

(661) 395-4526
Bakersfield College
Physical Science Dept.
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