Powers of a telescope

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There are three features of a telescope that enable them to extend the power of our vision: a telescope's superior light-gathering ability enables us to see faint objects, a telescope's superior resolving power enables us to see even the tiniest of details, and the magnification power enables us to enlarge tiny images. Department stores and camera shops which do not know anything about telescopes, loudly proclaim their telescope's magnifying power. Magnification is the least important power of a telescope. Amateur and professional astronomers know that the light-gathering power and resolving power are the most important. These two abilities depend critically on the objective, so they make sure the optics of the objective are excellent.

Light-Gathering Power

The ability of a telescope to collect a lot more light than the human eye, its light-gathering power, is probably its most important feature. The telescope acts as a ``light bucket'', collecting all of the photons that come down on it from a far away object. Just as a bigger bucket catches more rain water, a bigger objective collects more light in a given time interval. This makes faint images brighter. This is why the pupils of your eyes enlarge at night so that more light reaches the retinas. Very far away, faint objects can be seen only with BIG objective telescopes. Making faint images brighter is critical if the light is going to be dispersed to make a spectrum.

The area of the objective is the determining factor. Since most telescope objectives are circular, the area = p × (diameter of objective)2/4, where the value of p is approximately 3.1416. For example: a 40-centimeter mirror has four times the light-gathering power as a 20-centimeter mirror [( p402/4) / ( p202/4) = (40/20)2 = 4].

light-gathering power depends on 

Resolving Power

Another important power of a telescope is its ability to make us see really small details and see sharp images. This is its resolving power. Objects that are so close together in the sky that they blur together into a single blob are easily seen as separate objects with a good telescope. The resolving power is measured in the absolute smallest angle that can be resolved. The absolute minimum resolvable angle in arc seconds thetaR = 252,000 × (observation wavelength) / (objective diameter). The wavelength and diameter must be measured in the same length units (i.e., both wavelength and objective diameter given in meters or both in nanometers). A telescope with one arc second resolution would be able to see a dime from about 3.7 kilometers (2.3 miles) away. Modern telescopes are able to count the number of lines in President Roosevelt's hair on a dime at that distance.

resolution depends on number of 
wavelengths that fit across the objective

The desire is to make thetaR as small as possible. This can be done by making the observation wavelength small (e.g., use UV instead of visible light) or by making the objective diameter large. Another way to understand it is the more waves that can be packed on the objective, the more information the telescope detects and, therefore, the more detailed the image is. A 40-centimeter telescope has two times the resolution of a 20-centimeter telescope at the same observing wavelength (thetaR for the 40-centimeter telescope is one-half the thetaR for the 20-centimeter telescope). However, fluctuations in the atmosphere will usually smear images into a fuzzy blob about one arc second or more across so the resolution is usually limited to the resolution from a 12.5-centimeter telescope on the ground. I will discuss the atmosphere's effect on images further in the next section and ways you can compensate for it.

Aerial view of Arecibo The desire for greater resolving power is the main reason why radio telescopes are so enormous compared to their optical counterparts. Radio wavelengths are LARGE so the radio telescope must be LARGE to get decent resolving power. The Keck 10-meter telescope is considered a very large optical telescope. However, it is easily dwarfed by the HUGE 305-meter Arecibo Radio Telescope at the Arecibo Observatory. A picture of this telescope is shown at left. This telescope was built in a natural bowl-shaped valley in Puerto Rico. Clicking on the image will show the telescope from other perspectives.

interferometers improve resolution

Another way to increase the resolution is to connect telescopes together to make an interferometer. Radio waves from an object reach each telescope in the interferometer at slightly different times, so the waves are out of sync with one another. Knowing the distances between the telescopes and how out of sync the waves are, the signals can be combined electronically to create an image of exceptional resolution. The image has the same sharpness as one taken by a single instrument that would extend from one end of the interferometer to the other. The light-gathering power is equal to the sum of the light-gathering powers of each individual telescope.

ground view of VLA A spectacular example of such a system is the Very Large Array shown here. This telescope is made of 27 radio dishes, each 25 meters in diameter, on a Y-shaped track. Fully extended, the Very Large Array is 36 kilometers across and has a resolution of around one arc second (depending on the radio wavelength). It has the light-gathering power of a 130-meter telescope. Aerial views are shown below.

aerial view  of Very Large Array Very Large Array

The Very Large Baseline Array is a huge interferometer that uses ten telescopes placed in sites from Hawaii to the Virgin Islands. This telescope is the 8,600 kilometers across and has a resolution as good as 0.0002 arc second! With a resolution about 50 times better than the Hubble Space Telescope, it is able to detect features as small as the inner solar system at the center of our galaxy, about 26,000 light years away. Astronomers are developing plans to build radio telescopes out in space to make interferometers much larger than the Earth. Astronomers are also connecting optical telescopes to increase their resolving power.

VLBA sites

Magnifying Power

The ability of a telescope to enlarge images is the best-known feature of a telescope. Though it is so well-known, the magnifying power is the least important power of a telescope because it enlarges any distortions due to the telescope and atmosphere. A small, fuzzy faint blob becomes only a big, fuzzy blob. Also, the light becomes more spread out under higher magnification so the image appears fainter! The magnifying power = (focal length of objective) / (focal length of eyepiece); both focal lengths must be in the same length units. A rough rule for the maximum magnification to use on your telescope is 20 × D to 24 × D, where the objective diameter D is measured in centimeters. So an observer with a 15-centimeter telescope should not use magnification higher than about 24 × 15 = 360-power.

magnification enlarges fuzzy blob

The set of four figures below shows the effect of a larger objective size. They have the same magnification. These are ideal images of two stars separated by 0.5 arc seconds which would be the angular separation for stars at the Sun and Jupiter's positions if the system was 33 light years from us. The frames are 1.5 arc seconds square and are at the observation wavelength of 500 nanometers. The resolving power is given by thetaR and they all have the same brightness---the light in the bottom images from the large telescopes is just more more concentrated than for the small telescopes. The image from the 0.1524-meter telescope (image A) would take 30 minutes to make, but the image from the 5.08-meter telescope (image D) would take only 1.6 seconds! The exposure times for the other telescopes are given.

The pictures clearly show the increase in sharpness as the objective size is increased. The size of each of the blobs is the size of the smallest detail that can be seen with that telescope under ideal conditions. Atmospheric distortion effects (smearing of the binary star images to a blob the size of the entire frame) and obscuration and diffraction by the secondary and its supports are NOT shown here.

resolution of 0.15-m objective resolution of 0.5-m objective

resolution of 2.4-m objective resolution of 5-m objective


interferometer light-gathering power magnifying power>
resolving power


  1. Light-Gathering Power = p×(diameter of objective)2/4.
  2. Resolving Power thetaR = 252,000×(observation wavelength/diameter of objective). Better resolving power has smaller thetaR.
  3. Magnifying Power = (objective focal length) / (eyepiece focal length).

Review Questions

  1. Of the three powers of the telescope (light-gathering power, resolving power, magnification) which is least important? Which depend on the size of the objective mirror or lens?
  2. How many times brighter will a 60-centimeter telescope make a 10-second exposure image than a 12-centimeter telescope?
  3. How many times better resolution does a 48-centimeter telescope have than a 12-centimeter telescope?
  4. Will a shorter or longer wavelength enable us to see smaller details?
  5. Why do radio telescopes have to be so large?
  6. How can an interferometer be used to improve resolution?
  7. What is the maximum magnification that should be used with a 20-centimeter telescope?
  8. Would a 30-power telescope with lens 4 centimeters across be better for observing a faint, faraway object than a 60-power telescope with lens 3 centimeters across? Why or why not?

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last updated 07 February 1999
Nick Strobel -- Email: strobel@lightspeed.net

(661) 395-4526
Bakersfield College
Physical Science Dept.
1801 Panorama Drive
Bakersfield, CA 93305-1219