Description: beeleft.gif ISU Beekeeping Club Resource DocumentsDescription: beeleft.gif

 Join us for our next Introduction to Beekeeping workshop!

Visit the ISU Beekeeping Club website for details about our next workshop.

The following files are used in our Introduction to Beekeeping workshops.

If you need Acrobat Reader to access these files, versions for a variety of computer platforms may be downloaded from the Adobe Acrobat website.

Click on title or PDF icon to download each document.

Beekeeping Workshop Printed Handouts

Beekeeping Course Agenda (2014 edition)

Safety in the Bee Yard (2012 edition)

The Beekeeper's Calendar (2012 edition)

Maximizing Honey Production (2012 edition)

Beekeeping Course Survey (2001 edition)

The Honey Bee: Amazing Facts and Feats (2001 edition)

Beekeeping Course Promotional Flyer (2012 edition)

Setting Up Your Apiary (2012 edition)

The Ten Commandments of Beekeeping (2012 edition)

Assembling Frames (2001 edition)

Nectar and Pollen Plants of Illinois (old edition)

Nectar & Pollen Plants of Illinois (2012 edition)

Normal and Allergic Reactions to Insect Stings (2012 edition)

Beekeeping Resources (2001 edition)

Coping with Bee Stings (2012 edition)

Extracting, Bottling, and Selling Honey (2012 edition)

Products from the Hive (2012 edition)

Controlling Swarming (2012 edition)

Getting into Beekeeping: Counting the Costs (2012 edition)

Bee Feeding Recipes

State of Illinois Bees and Apiary Act

Illinois Bees and Apiary Program Inspectors

Apiary Registration Form

Draft ISU Beekeeping Club Constitution

Beekeeping Workshop PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoints used at November 2015 workshop plus additional based on handouts:

PowerPoints used during earlier workshops:

Photographs from First ISU Beekeeping Club Workshop, April 2012.

(Page last updated 11-12-2015, cjw)