Appendix 7 -- Relevant Course Syllabi























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Instructor: Lois Wisniewski

Office: 888-6960 NCHS 183-B

Mailbox: NCHS main office ISU Biology Department

Home: 454-2750


Selected Topics of Study:

Introduction to science teaching

Lesson and unit planning

National and state goals and objectives, organizations, contests, grants and etc.

Problem solving


Survey laboratory exercises

Cooperative learning techniques

Integrated and interdisciplinary concepts

Field trips and guest speakers

Laboratory safety

Computer software/technology


Social issues: ethics, gender equity, evolution, multiculturism

Grading, parent teacher interactions and interviews

Philosophy of science

Students with special needs

Assignments (Probable, these may be altered as timely opportunities for science enrichment become available):

Paper: What is effective science teaching.

Skills: laboratory set-up, inquiries, demonstrations, live organisms, pre-labs

Unit plan: Design a 10-12 class period unit plan, to include the following lesson plans:

*problem solving activity, *scientific inquiry, *survey lab, *integrated lesson, *speaker or field trip, *social issues, *cooperative learning and *assessment.

The unit will represent your ability to apply the principles of effective science teaching. Attention to state and national goals and appropriate lesson plan format will be expected. Lessons and unit should reflect a knowledge of the levels of learning (knowledge-evaluation), a variety of instructional strategies and adaptations for students with disabilities.

Unit Plan Overview: This overview will include *content as it relates to state goals *Activities and *Forms and point values for assessment.

Clinical Experience: Minimum 40 hours. See manual for specific requirements.

Participation in "Building Bridges" Symposium: Integrating disciplines in teaching.

Final Exam: How my classroom will be reflective of an effective teaching environment.

Participation and Attendance in both classroom discussions/activities and professional opportunities is expected. Absences, if unavoidable, will be met with an alternative assignment.

Grading: All assignments are expected to be completed at a level of 90% or better. In this professional development course we are concerned with MASTERY of the material. Assignments that are unacceptable will be recycled, and revised. If the second attempt at mastery is still unobtainable a conference will be required. At that point, additional tutoring or counseling out of the educational sequence will be discussed.

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FALL 1996


I. Instructor

Michael J. Welsh, B.S., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Office: 442A Felmley (FSA)

Office Hours: M, T, W, R 1:00 - 2:00 PM or by appointment

Phone (Campus): 438-3506


II. Introduction

During this semester we will examine methods which pertain to the teaching of chemistry at the high school level. It is my hope that you will be able to establish your student teaching and then your teaching career with as many teaching ideas and concepts as can be investigated in the time available this semester. The main emphasis of each class meeting will be on helpful ideas that you may use in teaching chemistry. Whether it be handouts, methods on how to teach a particular topic, hints on how to present an effective demonstration, critiques of your presentations to the class, or simply discussions on what teaching is all about.

III. Text

Science Instruction in the Middle and Secondary Schools, Alfred T. Collette, Ph.D., third ed. Chapters and parts of chapters will be assigned to be read. However due to time limitations only the highlights of each chapter assigned will be discussed. You will be responsible for the entire content of the reading assignment.

IV. Scheduled Class Time and Room

Tuesday and Thursday, 5:00 to 6:15 p.m., Room 105, Felmley Hall.

V. Assignments

Assignments will be given for most topics. They should be done neatly and completed on time. Please note that some of our assignments will be individual presentations in front of the class where we will have as our goal improving your teaching techniques. Five percent of your grade will be subtracted for each class day an assignment is late unless special circumstances exist. We all have much to do and we sometimes get behind. If this happens to you and you cannot turn in an assignment on time please see me before or on the day the assignment is due and we will work out a mutual solution.

VI. Class Attendance

You are expected to attend all classes for full credit in this course. If there is a special circumstance please see me.

VII. Student Evaluation

Assignments and Student Presentations 60%

Midterm Exam 20%

Final Exam 20%

Grading Scale

90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

VIII. Clinical Experiences

Chemistry majors who take this course for 3 hours credit will be required to take 35 hours of clinical experiences. Chemistry minors who take this course for 2 hours credit do not have to take clinical experience hours. The minors may, if they wish, take anywhere from 10 to 35 hours of clinical experience. I would suggest taking some clinical experience hours since all of you will most likely teach some chemistry classes. Remember, you must have accumulated at least 100 hours of clinical experiences before doing your student teaching.

IX. Disabled

In order to meet the state requirements on the disabled we are required to spend "fifteen hours" on special problems of students with disabilities. Much of this will be done within our classroom discussions, but we will also have a speaker on the problems of the disabled, and you will interview a handicapped person.

X. Important Dates

Last Day To Drop: Friday, Sep. 20

Midterm Exam Thurs., Oct. 17

Final Tue., Dec. 10 5:30 PM

Course Outline

Week T Th

1 Aug. 20 Go over course logistics; Pass out Philosophy of Education Assignment, Safety and Resource material 22 Students present Philosophy Assignments

2 27 Go over Safety notes; Pass out Lecture Outline notes and assignment; Pass out Lab Demos Assignment 29

3 Sep. 3 Give a Lecture Outline Presentation; Give Topics Survey; Give safety Test 5 Do Lab Demos

4 10 Finish Lab Demos; Pass out Semester Project Information and Problem Solving Assignment 12 Lecture Outline Presentations

5 17 Lecture Outline Presentations 19 Lecture Outline Presentations

6 24 Problem Solving Presentations 26 Chem Topics: Wave Demo and Carbon Geometry Experiments

7 Oct. 1 Problem Solving Presentations 3 Pass out Demonstration notes and assignment; Discuss Share Day assignment; and Start Special Topic

8 8 Special Topic 10 Special Topic; Pass out and discuss Mid-Term Study Guide

9 15 SHARE DAY 17 Mid Term

10 22 IACT Meeting 24 Demonstration Presentations

11 29 Demonstration Presentations 31 Pass out Lab Reorder assign.

12 Nov. 5 Computer Labs 7 High School Exam

13 12 Dr. Judy Smithson 14 Disability Discussion

14 19 Disability Presentations 21 Project Presentations

15 26 Project Presentations 28 Thanksgiving Break

16 Dec. 3 Project Presentations 5 Final Preview/Course Evaluations

17 FINAL TUE., DEC 10 5:3O p.m.

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2 semester hours

Course Description

Teacher Ed Seq leading to 6-12 or K-12 cert (other than Spec Ed). 2.0 overall GPA. 45 hours req. C or better in ENG 101 and COM 110 req.

Focuses on techniques for integrating reading in all content areas and on ways to use libraries effectively.


Consistent with national goals that a 90% high school graduation rate and full adult literacy are both worthwhile and attainable, this class prepares secondary teachers to plan and execute text-based lessons for students, to recognize and account for literacy differences among students, and to provide appropriate strategies for each student to become an independent learner through text. Text is any written material, whether a textbook, a handbook, written instructions, or electronic resource. Literacy includes reading, writing, speaking, listening and observing. The classroom of the 21st century will have students with widely diverse literacy needs: varied learning styles and preferences, unique language backgrounds (including many students for whom English is a second language), and special learning needs. The content area teacher, regardless of subject matter or discipline, must know a broad range of literacy techniques and strategies for every aspect of communication and must be able to develop each student's ability to communicate in order to graduate students who can realize their individual potential in a democratic society.

Course Objectives and Outcomes

This course is designed to enable students to:

1. Know and be able to articulate the need for continued literacy development through grade levels 6-12 in all disciplines, including emergent literacy, functional literacy, workplace literacy, and content literacy.

2. Know and be able to articulate language processes of reading, writing and oral communication inherent in the daily classroom exchange between student and teacher, between student and student, between teacher and text, and between student and text.

3. Explore and practice communication techniques and strategies for students whose first language is not English, specific to a teaching discipline.

4. Explore and select appropriate global planning models for text-based lessons, selected from The Directed Reading Activity, the Directed Reading-Thinking Activity, K-W-L, and The Explicit Teaching Model.

5. Select and practice use of a variety of:

· pre-reading techniques to build and activate prior knowledge and to introduce and develop vocabulary specific to a discipline;

· during reading techniques to make reading purposeful, including construction of content literacy guides specific to a discipline;

· post-reading techniques including effective questioning in discussion and the extension of content knowledge.

6. Analyze text for readability, employing various instruments from reading research. (Ex. Fry Graph, Raygor Graph, SMOG Formula.); analyze student reading ability by using a variety of techniques available to classroom teachers to analyze student literacy skills, including the cloze procedure and the 1-5-10 technique.

7. Locate and analyze current research in content literacy and in English as a Second Language, specific to a teaching discipline and applicable for a variety of individual student needs.

8. Construct an interdisciplinary microteaching lesson based on a single piece of text, collaborating with one or more students from a teaching discipline other than one's own, incorporating techniques for all facets of communication and for the diverse needs of a classroom of the 21st century.

9. Analyze strategies appropriate to text materials for a given discipline, for selected grade levels, and for students with special and diverse needs.

10. Analyze the significance of the "Teacher as Role Model" in incorporating literacy into every discipline, particularly in motivating students to explore their own literacy inclinations and to develop positive attitudes and dispositions towards literacy.

11. Explore and use the varied text resources available to teachers and students, with particular emphasis on electronic resources accessed within and beyond the contemporary library.

Course Topics

The major topics to be considered are:

Literacy Techniques and Strategies for all students

Literacy for Students with Diverse Learning Needs

Literacy for English as a Second Language Students

Library Resources/Use of Technology

Instructional Methods and Activities

Methods and activities for instruction include:

Text readings: class discussion; daily quizzes

Small group discussion

Small group planning and execution of interdisciplinary lesson

Literacy strategies modeled through text readings

Library assignment: use of ERIC Clearinghouse by discipline

Electronic assignments and communication between faculty/students and student/student

*Clinical experience (optional)

*Students can elect to tutor or observe in a 6-12 reading, English as a second language, special needs, or study skills classroom

Evaluation and Grade Assignment

The methods of evaluation and criteria for grade assignment are:


Chapter quizzes - daily; objective item

Unit tests and Examinations- essay, practical application, objective item

Performance Assessment

Development of unique content literacy activities

Development of unique English as a second language activities Interdisciplinary microteaching - planned and executed in teams

Grading Scale

A = 90% B = 80% C = 70% D = 65%

Course Schedule and Policies

See semester schedule book; typically four to six sections per semester; see faculty listed below for specific daily schedule. Class meets 2 hours per week.


Attendance - required; excess absences penalized through daily quizzes

Late assignments - penalized (see faculty schedules for details)

Make-up tests- individual faculty arrange for make-up of major tests or exams;

daily quizzes are not made up, but students drop the lowest two grades


McKenna and Robinson (1997). Teaching through Text: A Content Literacy Approach to Content Area Reading, 2nd Edition. New York: Longman.

Richard-Amato and Snow (1996). The Multicultural Classroom: Readings for Content-Area Teachers. New York: Longman.

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2 semester hours


Course Description:

Teacher Ed Seq leading to 6-12 or K-12 cert (other than Spec Ed only.

2.0 overall GPA. 45 hours req. C or better in ENG 101 and COM 110

req. Incl Clin Exp: 10-15 hrs., Type 1-4, 10.

Focuses on the social, economic, and political forces that influence the development, organization and purposes of secondary schools.


This course is designed to help students acquire a comprehensive understanding of secondary schools in the United States, with particular emphasis on issues related to curriculum and instruction. Class activities involve examination and discussion of readings related to: (1) the curriculum structure, and organization of schools; (2) adolescents; (3) legal concerns of school personnel; and (4) school effectiveness and recent reform efforts. A principle focus will be on the role of teachers, students and others in the functioning of schools as complex, multi-faceted organizations of our society. Students will acquire a broadened perspective of their role as teachers in order to functional as members of a faculty of professionals. Three major themes for the course include: What are secondary schools for? What is effective secondary school curriculum, teaching and learning? How does the teacher maximize student learning and accommodate learner needs in the secondary academic content classroom?

As part of the course, students will complete ten clock hours of clinical experiences. These experiences will allow students to acquire a professional perspective on teaching and to develop a better understanding of their roles as teachers.

Course Objectives and Outcomes

This course is designed to enable students to

1. Acquire and demonstrate an understanding of the structure and organization of schools in the United States through analysis of readings and class discussion

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of adolescents and the larger community in the operation of schools through analysis and discussion of readings and clinical experiences

3. Articulate an understanding of the role of schools and schooling in our society and be able to articulate that role in class discussion and written response

4. Develop perceptions of themselves as professionals so that they demonstrate that perception in clinical experiences and analysis of field experiences

5. Identify and discuss relevant legal issues that impact teachers and school curriculum.

6. Examine issues related to school effectiveness and reform in the United States and particularly as they relate to schooling in Illinois.

7. Facilitate the appropriate use of knowledge bases to assist students in organizing and carrying out appropriate clinical experiences for the course.

8. Demonstrate an understanding of multicultural concerns and critical issues related to diversity in the United States through class discussions and clinical experiences.

9. Explain and demonstrate an understanding of terms and issues related to special needs students, particularly legal issues and requisite instructional accommodations.

10. Demonstrate a knowledge of instructional technology by incorporating appropriate skills into group and individual presentations.

Course Topics

The major topics to be considered are:

Secondary School Organization

Secondary School Curriculum

Secondary School Instruction

School Reform Initiatives

School Funding

Legal Issues for Schools

Needs of Adolescents

Special Needs Students in Secondary Schools

Diversity in the Secondary School

Instructional Technology

Instructional Methods and Activities

Methods and activities for instruction include:


Class discussion

Individual projects (Curriculum Project)

Small group assignments

Small group discussion

Research papers

Electronic assignments and communication between faculty and students/students with other students

Field trips

Guest speakers

*Clinical and field experiences

Students complete ten hours of clinical experience field work in this course. The nature of the clinical experience is typically observation of a secondary school and subject classroom and/or individual or small group tutoring. During the regular academic year, students in C&I 215 observe or tutor at a local public high school or at the local Juvenile Detention Center. Students in selected semesters may participate in field trips to high schools in large urban settings, often Chicago, Peoria or Rock Island, Illinois. During the summer session, students observe and/or tutor in the one area summer school program, housed at University High School.

Evaluation and Grade Assignment

The methods of evaluation and criteria for grade assignment are


Objective Items Tests

Essay Tests

Practical application

Performance Assessment

Group Presentation

Individual Presentation

Clinical experience/analysis

Grading Scale

A = 90% or A = 92% B = 80% or B = 83%

C = 70% or C = 72% D = 65% or D = 63%

(See course instructor for specific information about grading policy and about grading criteria.)

Course Schedule and Policies

See semester schedule book; typically four to six sections per semester; see faculty listed below for specific daily schedule. Class meets 2 hours per week.


Attendance - regular attendance required

Late assignments - penalized; see individual faculty for policy

Make-up tests - see individual faculty for policy

Textbooks (selected from)


Kozol, J. (1991) Savage Inequalities. New York: Harper.

Lorber, M. (1996) Objectives, Methods, and Evaluation for Secondary Teaching. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Powell, A., Farrar, E., and Cohen, D. (1985) The Shopping Mall High School. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Readings Booklet,

"Curriculum and Organization Issues in American Secondary Schooling," compiled by K. Jerich with N. Bettis, faculty in Curriculum and Instruction

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4 semester hrs.

Course Description:

2.0 overall GPA. 45 hours req. C or better in C&I 215 and PSY 215

req The same hour free, daily, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00

p.m. (8:00 a.m. and noon during the summer session) for the 2 to

3-week in-school field experience. All sections of PPST passed. Inclu.

Clin Exp: 55 hrs., Type 1, 2, 4, 5, 10.

Focuses on techniques used by teachers in all subject areas to plan, teach, and evaluate instructional units. Includes microteaching and classroom teaching.


This course focuses on planning, teaching, and evaluating and classroom management. Students will learn how to convert broad goals into instructional objectives. They will learn how to plan instruction that will move students from lower to higher cognitive levels and how to incorporate in those plans a variety of instructional procedures, materials, and evaluation instruments in concert with knowledge of student diversity and special needs of learners. They will also learn how to use technology to facilitate planning, teaching and evaluating. Finally, students will practice their planning, teaching, and evaluation skills in microteaching and actual classroom settings. Students in this course will examine INTASC Principles for Beginning Teachers in relation to their preparation for initial licensure to teach in Illinois.

Course Objectives and Outcomes

This course is designed to enable students to

1. Apply information concerning the goals of education, rationales, instructional models, and instructional objectives in written lesson plans.

2. Develop a 2-4 week instructional unit which illustrates to students how the unit fits into a body of knowledge for a specific subject area, how it enables students to better understand the world around them, and why it is of concern to society.

3. Exemplifying selection of appropriate instructional procedures and materials for an instructional unit, with attention to issues of diversity and special needs.

4. Apply information concerning the purposes of measurement and evaluation, both traditional instruments as well as performance assessments.

5. Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate technology in planning, teaching and evaluating instruction.

6. Teach lessons in a microteaching laboratory setting, within prescribed time limits, using approved lesson plans, and analyzing implications for future lessons.

7. Teach lessons in an actual high school classroom following approved plans, receiving satisfactory evaluations on designated skills and abilities.

8. Write analyses of both microteaching and classroom teaching clinical experiences, focusing on specific curriculum and instruction issues.

Course Topics

The major topics to be considered are:

Philosophies of Education as related to Curriculum and Instruction

Planning Individual and Unit Lessons

Teaching Individual and Unit Lessons

Evaluating Individual and Unit Lessons

Classroom Management

Educational Technology


Special Needs of Learners

Instructional Methods and Activities

Methods and activities for instruction include:

Text readings

Class discussion

Small group discussion

Instructional Technology application

Media resources

*Clinical experiences:


Classroom teaching (University High Laboratory School)

*Students prepare for clinical experiences through a sequential and developmental process. Through text readings and viewing selected videotapes on planning, teaching and evaluating lessons, students prepare for a microteaching exercise prior to classroom experience at University High School or a selected local high school . Students focus on lessons to teach concepts, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. All 216 students attend a Field Experience Orientation meeting early in the semester. At this meeting they meet their cooperating teacher and plan for hours of observation and for teaching three consecutive class period. Microteaching with self, peer and university faculty assessment prepares students for the actual classroom experience. Students incorporate strategies appropriate to the discipline and to effective instruction in a diverse setting, including educational technology. Classroom faculty who accept C&I 216 students work with each one to prepare for the classroom setting in which they will teach. Classroom faculty also evaluate the classroom teaching experience. Students write extensive clinical experience analysis papers in conjunction with university classroom reflective discussion.

Evaluation and Grade Assignment

The methods of evaluation and criteria for grade assignment are


Objective Item Tests

Essay Tests

Analysis Essays

Performance Assessment


Classroom teaching

Grading Scale

A = 90% B = 80% C = 70% D = 65%

Course Schedule and Policies

See semester schedule book; typically four to six sections per semester; see faculty listed below for specific daily schedule. Class meets 4 hours per week. In addition, there is a 55 hour clinical experience component for the course.


Attendance - required

Late assignments - penalized

Make-up tests - see individual faculty for details

Textbooks (selected from)


Bloom, B. (1984) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longman.

Clark, L. and Starr, I. (1996) Secondary and Middle School Teaching Methods. New York: Macmillan.

Lorber, M. (1996). Objectives, Methods, and Evaluation for Secondary Teaching. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Lorber, M. (1997) The Student Guide Book. Supplementary material.

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Robert Fisher

Office: DeGarmo 242 Messages: DeGarmo 232

Phone: 438 8768 Phone 309 438 5425

e-mail Fax 309 438 8659



Methods associated with effective K-9 science instruction. Emphasis placed on activity-based instructional strategies.



The course seeks to provide answers to the following questions:

What are the goals of elementary school science?

How do children learn science?

What programs are available to teach science?

How do I plan a science lesson?

How do I evaluate a lesson in science?

What is appropriate content for an elementary school science curriculum?

What are appropriate materials for teaching science?

How does science relate to the rest of the curriculum?

How are the needs of special students handled in a science classroom?

What the routes to improving science education in the schools?



Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

· state a rationale for science in the elementary school curriculum and identify how science relates to other parts of the curriculum.

· describe goals for elementary school science and use those goals to select materials, methods, and strategies for effective instruction.

· define science literacy and develop lessons which relate to scientific literacy.

· identify appropriate concepts, processes, and attitudes which are developed in elementary school science .

· sequence objectives for learning which allows learning in a lesson to build on prior lessons and/or lays the basis for future learning.

· use schema for selecting and sequencing units of instruction in science: Illinois State Board of Education; National Science Teachers Association; Conceptual Schemes; Critical Thinking Skills;

· select and develop assessment activities for a science lesson consistent with the objectives of the lesson and philosophy of science education.

· select appropriate learning activities to implement a selected instructional strategy for teaching elementary school science.

· select appropriate learning materials for science including textbooks, equipment, audio-visual materials, and microcomputers.

· identify issues relating to Science/Technology/Society for instruction in science.

· describe major trends for the improvement of science education in the schools.

· demonstrate selected science process skills and attitudes which illustrate scientific literacy.



1. Science in the Elementary Curriculum

A. Goals of the elementary school

B. Science and the rest of the elementary school curriculum

C. Society and scientific literacy

2. How do Children Learn Science

A. Stages of intellectual development

B. Principles of learning

C. Studying children

D. Open and Closed learning activities

3. Components of a Science Curriculum

A. The nature of science

B. Scientific literacy

C. The processes of science

D. Attitudes supportive of an investigative orientation

E. Developing concepts

F. Interdisciplinary curriculum

4. Selecting methods for teaching science

A. Investigations B. Laboratory exercises

C. Reading in science D. Writing in science

E. Science projects/fairs F. Computers

G. Learning centers H. Bulletin boards

I. Demonstrations

5. Selecting strategies (models) for teaching science

A. Explicit instruction B. Concept attainment

C. Inductive Thinking D. Scientific Inquiry

E. Problem solving F. Inquiry Training

G. Cooperative learning

6. Selecting materials for teaching science

A. Textbooks B. Other print materials

C. Non-print materials D. Laboratory materials

E. Community resources F. Modifying materials

7. Planning for Learning Science

A. Planning for effective learning B. Sequencing instruction

C. Developing units of instruction D. Developing daily lesson plans

8. Assessment of learning in science

A. Behavioral goals and evaluation

B. Evaluating learning in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.

C. Observations of behaviors

9. Teaching Science

A. Handling materials in the classroom

B. Teaching science to the handicapped student

C. Teaching science to the gifted student

D. Planning for cultural diversity

E. Careers in science

10. Improving Science Education

A. The history of science reform

B. Current concerns for improving science education

C. Professional Associations: Illinois Science Teachers Association, National Science Teachers Association



Instead of a text, reading and reference material is available for purchase.

Examples of science textbooks, science activity books, journals, and video tapes are available in Ideas booklets are available for purchase in bookstores. You may collect such "idea" materials to have as resources for planning science lessons.

Through membership in organizations and subscriptions to magazines, you can obtain useful information for teaching science.


1. Class Participation

An important element of this course is exploring selected science concepts and science activities appropriate for elementary school students. These activities will provide you with an appropriate image of science teaching as well as review concepts in science. Therefore, your active participation in these sessions is important. Although many of the activities will be conducted in small groups, each individual retains the responsibility for his or her own learning. (Objectives 2, 3, 4)

2. Regular Assignments

There are assignments which call for you to demonstrate knowledge or skills that are background to the course objectives. These provide you and the instructor with feedback on how well you are accomplishing the enroute tasks to the major objectives of the course. (All objectives)

3. Planning for Teaching Elementary School Science

As a result of the course you will develop instructional materials for teaching science that can be adapted to classrooms in which you will be teaching. These are not single day lesson plans, but outline the major activities needed to accomplish the stated objectives. These materials will demonstrate objectives listed for the course which relate to planning instruction. (Objectives 3 to 9)

4. Point-of-view on Teaching Elementary School Science

To plan for effective science teaching, you will need to make effective decisions. To make effective decisions you must have a clear notion of the nature of science, the goals for teaching science, and how they relate to the total school curriculum. You will develop a statement which reflects these three elements and present these ideas in written form. The planning for teaching activities will relate to this point-of-view. (Objectives 1, 10, 11)

5. A Science Project

Science projects demonstrate scientific literacy. To demonstrate your ability to integrate and apply science processes in a problem solving manner, you will conduct an investigation and report the results. (Objectives 3, 12)

6. Field Experiences

Experiences in the schools are a significant part of this course. During the year you will be in the schools you will have the opportunity to observe teaching; to talk with administrators, teachers, students, parents, and other personnel; to practice skills of planning, teaching, and evaluating; and, most importantly, to study various aspects of teaching and the school. During these experiences you will have the opportunity to apply what you are learning in this course as well as other current and previous courses. Similarly, you will be able to use the ideas from the schools to illustrate discussions in the classroom. Be sure to bring the evidence for these discussions. (Objectives 1 to 9)


The grade given for your work in this course will be determined by the successful completion of the assigned activities as follows:

For a grade of D:

1. Attendance and active participation in the class sessions with three or less absences*.

2. The successful completion of the field experience.

3. Successful completion of the regular assignments.

For a grade of C:

1. Attendance and active participation in all of the class sessions with two or less absences*.

2. The successful completion of the field experience.

3. Successful completion of the regular assignments.

4. Completion of 3 lessons for teaching science.

5. Completion of the point-of-view paper.

For a grade of B:

1. The successful completion of all of the above plus the following:

2. Completion of two additional lessons for the teaching science.

3. Completion of the science project and a report.

For a grade of A:

1. The successful completion of all of the above including four lessons written at the "A" level.

An "A" level lesson plan is defined as one that goes beyond the "basic" elements outlined in the planning guide. This lesson has each of the basic elements written at a more-than-acceptable level and illustrates several aspects of the point-of-view paper. An evaluation rubric will be provided.


*ABSENCES: If absence is necessary for illness or other basic needs, the absence can be made up by a similar expenditure of effort such as completing one of the following:

1. Outline a series of activities for learning science from an "approved" program.

2. Participate in a field experience such as a nature preserve or planetarium and write an analysis of how this experience could be used in the classroom.

3. Visit a school setting to observe or participate in a science education experience and write an analysis of how this experience could be used in the classroom.



Page Article

2 Burtch, B. (1992) 10 Ways to Become An Exemplary Elementary Science Teacher. The Spectrum.

3 Hurd, P. D. (1991) Why We Must Transform Science Education. Educational Leadership

6 Watson, B. and Konicek, R. (1990). Teaching for Conceptual Change: Confronting Children's Experience. Phi Delta Kappan.

12 Greene, L. C. (1991) Science-Centered Curriculum in Elementary School. Educational Leadership.

17 National Science Teachers Association. (1986) Science Education for Middle and Junior High Students.

18 National Science Teachers Association (1991) Science/Technology/Society: A New Effort for Providing Appropriate Science for all.

20 Yager, R. (1991) The Constructivist Learning Model: Towards real reform in science education. The Science Teacher.

26 Porter, A. C. and Brophy, J. (1988) Synthesis of Research on Good Teaching: Insights from the Work of the Institute for Research on Teaching. Educational Leadership.

38 Rosenshine, B. and Meister, C. (1992) The Use of Scaffolds for Teaching Higher-Level Cognitive Strategies. Educational Leadership.

46 Derry, S. J. (1988/89) Putting Learning Strategies to Work. Educational Leadership

51 Sparks-Langer, G. M. and Colton, A. B. (1991) Synthesis of Research on Teachers' Reflective Thinking. Educational Leadership.

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Robert Fisher

Office: DeGarmo 242 Mail: DeGarmo 232

Phone: 438 8768 e-mail

Office Hours: Mon 3:00 to 4:30 PM, Tue. 8:30 to 10:00 AM, Others by Appointment




Strategies for teaching science that center around developing scientific literacy in the early adolescent child.



Fundamental principles of science methods for the middle school are based upon the promotion of three instructional domains: understanding science, understanding student, and understanding science education.

A. Understanding Science

Science is the pursuit of knowledge, not knowledge itself.

Science assumes that in nature, the world is real, the physical universe is intelligible, and the phenomena of nature are casual, continuous, consistent, dissolvable, and deterministic.

Science is a moral, empirically testable, a self-correcting enterprise, its knowledge is tentative, and its laws and theories differ in nature.

Science is ethical, objective, anti-authoritarian, open-minded, careful and accurate, and is inquiry based.

Science has operational processes that include observation, classification, communication, measurement, hypothesizing, and experimentation.


B. Understanding Students

Students come to educational institutions from different families, races, and cultures.

Student intellectual development is based on previous experience and opportunity.

Student stages of intellectual development are invariant and are prerequisite to the development of succeeding stages.

Student development of operative knowledge (as contrasted with figurative knowledge) is the foundation to learning science.

Students learn through different styles and social/emotional development.

Students can achieve intellectual and modality strength success when they have an opportunity to seek their own solution style within the realm of activity-center science.

Student development, science education curriculum, and instructional practice are interrelated.


C. Understanding Science Education

Science is to be taught for its development of inquiry, reasoning, and perception, not for its informational value alone.

Science is taught for development of processing skills, method, and applied technique.

Science is to be taught for its concepts and literary vocabulary based within the biological, physical, and environmental sciences.

Science is to be taught for its social and environmental implications.

Science is to be taught for its public literacy in that such a person:

a. Understands the nature of scientific knowledge.

b. Accurately applies appropriate scientific domains.

c. Uses processes of science to solve problems and make everyday decisions.

d. Exhibits consistent values as they interact with nature.

e. Understands the interrelationship between science and technology.

Science is to taught as a means of advancing knowledge and explanation.



Goals, Developing Professional Knowledge: Professional knowledge outcomes are based upon developing an understanding of current research and development practices in science education and being able to translate that knowledge into viable curricula, content, and activity for the middle school student.

Each student will be able to:

· Understand the underlying origin and nature of science including its presence and use in society.

· Understand literary interpretations of science through its dimensions, nature, concepts, processes, values, and skills.

· Understand why the emphasis in middle school science needs to be placed on process and problem solving rather than on content.

· Develop an understanding of the necessary components of hands-on, process-oriented, activity-based science.

· Develop an understanding of appropriate learning theory (e.g., intellectual development) to guide middle school students to becoming problem solvers and independent thinkers.

· Understand the necessary components needed for developing a positive attitude toward science, and promoting lifelong thinking skills associated with science.

· Understand the rationale for development of the major science curriculum projects, their primary emphases, and reason for their integrated into the contemporary science curriculum.

· Develop an understanding of criteria necessary for selecting appropriate microcomputer software useful in middle school science instruction.

· Develop an understanding of criteria necessary for analyzing teacher and student resource periodicals useful for teaching and learning science.

· Develop a theoretical understanding of cooperative learning practices, and how they increase student participation and interaction in the middle school science classroom.

Goals, Developing Professional Skills: Professional skill outcomes are based upon the ability to interpret research and development practices, and identify from those, science teaching skills and strategies that promote cognitive development and increased understanding of the natural sciences through everyday middle school science instruction.

Each student will be able to:

· Translate the dynamics of activity-based, inquiry-oriented science teaching into curricula, interest centers, and activities that promote excitement and enthusiasm by middle school students.

· Develop questioning skills necessary for promoting problem solving inquiry in middle school science.

· Identify the science process skills developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and recognize their integration within the middle school science curriculum.

· Recognize the components of the learning cycle and be able to implement middle science activities in response to its components.

· Identify various problem solving techniques useful to science and how those techniques can be put into action in middle school curricula.

· Identify own and other teachers' behaviors that promote or inhibit learning of science through their classroom climate.

· Identify the procedures necessary for evaluating the intellectual development of middle school students and how to select appropriate materials to meet resulting need.

· Identify the strengths and weakness of each of the major science curriculum projects and how they may best be used in the science curriculum.

· Identify the strengths and weakness of using and selecting a textbook for the middle school science curriculum.

· Write science activities for their students' exploration of science, appropriately incorporating objectives, materials, procedures questions, and evaluation.

· Develop both a long-term and a daily science lesson plan which incorporates hands-on materials philosophy and nature of science.

· Strengthen her/his basic skills as a result of exploration and experimentation.

· Develop a science interest center for their classroom that is constantly changing and unique to those changing circumstances.


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

· state a rationale for science in the elementary and middle school curriculum and identify how science relates to other parts of the curriculum.

· describe goals for elementary and middle school science and use those goals to select materials, methods, and strategies for effective instruction.

· define science literacy and develop lessons which relate to scientific literacy.

· identify appropriate concepts, processes, and attitudes which are developed in elementary and middle school science .

· sequence objectives for learning which allows learning in a lesson to build on prior lessons and/or lays the basis for future learning.

· use schema for selecting and sequencing units of instruction in science: Illinois State Board of Education; National Standards for Science Education; National Science Teachers Association; Conceptual Schemes; Critical Thinking Skills;

· select and develop assessment activities for a science lesson consistent with the objectives of the lesson and philosophy of science education.

· select appropriate learning activities to implement a selected instructional strategy for teaching elementary and middle school science.

· select appropriate learning materials for science including equipment, print materials, multimedia.

· identify issues relating to Science/Technology/Society for instruction in science.

· describe major trends for the improvement of science education in the schools.

· demonstrate selected science process skills and attitudes which illustrate scientific literacy.



A. Nature of the natural sciences

1. Presuppositions of science

2. Science as inquiry

3. Origin as a problem-solving practice

4. Current status in world community

B. Scientific literacy (model for learning)

1. Gather reliable knowledge

2. Developing explanations for knowledge

3. Contributions of Western scientific thought

C. Developing a bridge between the middle school student and the domain of science

1. Nature of the early adolescent child

2. Student development in the thinking and learning process

a. Physical development

b. Intellectual development

c. Learning style development

3. Early adolescent as an "inquiring scientist"

4. Recognizing cultural, ethnic, and gender diversity

D. Role of the middle school teacher

1. Recognizing diversity of needs

2. Structuring the learning environment

3. Developing student dynamics

E. Role of the middle school science curriculum

1. Analysis of science literature

2. Differences between products of science and developing personal process and inventions

3. Structuring student-centered and teacher-centered curriculum experiences

4. Using curriculum to develop process and invention opportunities

F. Developing laboratory skills in middle school science

1. Induction

2. Deduction

3. Exploration

4. Verification

5. Skill development

6. Process development

G. Top-down curriculum planning

1. Developing a teaching philosophy

2. Recognizing strengths of existing students

3. Recognizing physical monetary limitations

4. Structuring an annual plan

H. Interdisciplinary nature of middle school education

1. Using a holistic learning philosophy

2. Developing interdisciplinary connection

3. Collegial planning and collaboration

I. Strategies of student evaluation

1. Test construction

2. Validity and reliability of selected measures

3. Standardized and commercial tests

4. Developing other methods of evaluation



The textbook for the course is in manuscript form and is available for purchase.

Purchase a copy of the National Standards for Science Education.

Additional reading and reference material is available for purchase.

Examples of science textbooks, science activity books, journals, and video tapes are available in Milner's Teaching Materials Centers.

Through membership in organizations and subscriptions to magazines, you can obtain useful information for teaching science.



1. Class Participation

An important element of this course is exploring selected science concepts and science activities appropriate for elementary and middle school students. These activities will provide you with an appropriate image of science teaching as well as review concepts in science. Therefore, your active participation in these sessions is important. Absence from the regular class period must be made up in a manner which supports the needs of the learner and is approved by the instructor. Although many of the activities will be conducted in small groups, each individual retains the responsibility for his or her own learning.

2. Regular Assignments

Each week there are assignments which call for you to demonstrate knowledge or skills that are background to the course objectives. These provide you and the instructor with feedback on how well you are accomplishing the enroute tasks to the major objectives of the course.

3. Planning for Teaching Elementary and middle school Science

Learning to teach science begins with learning to use good science curriculum materials. In this course, you will develop plans for instruction for teaching science that can be adapted to classrooms in which you could be teaching. These are not single day lesson plans, but outline the major activities needed to accomplish the stated objectives. These materials will demonstrate objectives listed for the course which relate to planning instruction.

4. Point-of-view on Teaching Elementary and Middle school Science

To plan for effective science teaching, you will need to make effective decisions. To make effective decisions you must have a clear notion of the nature of science, the goals for teaching science, and how they relate to the total school curriculum. You will develop a statement which reflects these three elements and present these ideas in written form. The planning for teaching activities will relate to this point-of-view.

5. A Science Project

Science projects demonstrate scientific literacy. To demonstrate your ability to integrate and apply science processes in a problem solving manner, you will conduct an investigation and report the results.

6. Field Experiences

Experiences in the schools will be scheduled for a minimum of 20 clock hours. The nature of that experience will be designed to meet the needs of the students, taking into consideration prior schedules, student preparation, and the semester schedule.

Important Note: All assignments, except when noted, will be typed. Word processing is required on papers which may need revision and resubmission.



The grade given for your work in this course will be determined by the successful completion of the assigned activities as follows:

For a grade of D:

Attendance and active participation in the class sessions with two or less absences*.

The successful completion of two lesson plans.

Successful completion of the regular assignments.


For a grade of C:

Attendance and active participation in all of the class sessions with two or less absences*.

Successful completion of the regular assignments.

Completion of three lessons for teaching science.

Completion of the point-of-view paper.


For a grade of B:

The successful completion of all of the above plus the following:

Completion of two additional lessons for the teaching science.

Completion of the science project and a report.


For a grade of A:

Complete an analysis paper which relates the five lesson plans to the ideas developed in the point-of-view paper. This will be written in class during the last meeting of the semester.

For two of the five lesson plans, produce an "expanded" version of the plan which incorporates other principles of learning identified in your point-of-view paper.


*ABSENCES: If absence is necessary for illness or other basic needs, the absence can be made up by a similar expenditure of effort such as completing one of the following:

1. Outline a series of activities for learning science from an "approved" program.

2. Participate in a field experience such as a nature preserve or planetarium and write an analysis of how this experience could be used in the classroom.

3. Visit a school setting to observe or participate in a science education experience and write an analysis of how this experience could be used in the classroom.



Jan 8 First class meeting

Jan 15 No Class, Martin Luther King Holiday

Jan 22 §10.

Jan 29 §11.

Feb 5 Due: Draft of "Point-of-view" §12.

Feb 12 Due: Lesson Plan # 1 §13.

Feb 19 §14 .

Feb 26 Due: Lesson Plan # 2 §15.

Mar 4 Due: Prob. for Science Proj. §16.

Mar 18 Due: Lesson Plan #3 §2.

Mar 25 Due: Final Draft/Point-of-View §3.

Apr 1 Due: Lesson Plan #4 §4.

Apr 8 §5.

Apr 15 Due: Lesson Plan #5 §6.

Apr 22 Due: Science Project Demos §7.

Apr 29 Due: All Revised Lesson Plans in Final Form §8.

May 6 §9

Return to Appendix 7 Table of Contents

Return to Extended Table of Contents




I. Course Description


EAF 231: to Philosophy of Education. Philosophical inquiry into educational policies and practices.


II. Rationale

The philosophy of education is concerned with ideas that underlie educational practice and educational policy--especially ideas about tile values and aims of education (including tile best ways to promote those values and aims). Learning 7o communicate. evaluate. and develop ideas about these educational issues should help students 7o direct and organize their thoughts and activities as teachers as learners, and as members of a larger community. (This rationale underlies all of the objectives and topics listed below )


III. Course Objectives and Outcomes This course is designed to enable students

A. Outline the key elements of the educational theories of a few important philosophers.

B. Appreciate some alternative views of educational policy and practice which have challenged those of philosophers in tile "mainstream" Euro-American tradition.

C. Express their ideas concerning educational issues clearly in both writing and speech, giving thoughtful and well-reasoned justifications for their opinions.

D. Evaluate ideas about educational policy and practice in a critical way--thinking about the potential advantages of an idea as well as its limitations or drawbacks.

E. Work effectively with others to research and report upon particular pedagogical issues.

F. Understand and analyze difficult passages of philosophical reading without being "spoonfed" an interpretation.

G. Engage effectively with others in a critical discussion of ideas.


IV. Course Topics

The majors topics of this course are:

A. Ideas about educational policy. and practice which have been derived from a variety of perspectives--both historical and contemporary.

B. Ways in which one's ideas about educational policy and practice are influenced by one's ideas about knowledge, human nature, politics, and important social values.

C. Ways in which one's ideas about educational policy and practice may need to adapt-to-fit the subject matter being taught.

D. Ways in which one's educational aims and methods may need to adjust in order to accommodate different kinds of students, including students at different stages of development.


V. Instructional Methods and Activities

Methods and activities for instruction include:

A. Lecture/discussion

B. Small group discussion

C. Student presentations

D. Video


VI. Evaluation and Grade Assignment A. Methods of Evaluation:


1.3 tests each 12.5% of grade 2. 1 or 2 papers 12.5 % of grade

(For students who write 2 papers. the grade will be based on the best of the two.)

3. Participation in a panel presentation 12.5% of grade 4. Class contribution and attendance 12.5% of grade 5. Final exam or optional final paper 25% of grade

B. Grading Scale:

A = 90% - 100% B = 80% - 89.9% C = 70% - 79.9% D = 60% - 69.9% F = Below 60%


VII. Course Schedule and Policies (see attached)


VIII. Textbooks


The textbooks adopted for this course are:

Plato. The Republic. Tr. Desmond Lee. 2nd Ed. New York: Penguin Books, 1985. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Emile. Tr. Allan Bloom. New York: Basic Books, 1979.

Dewey, John. Democracy and Education. New York: The Free Press, 1966.

Return to Appendix 7 Table of Contents

Return to Extended Table of Contents






Physics 110: Physics for Scientists and Engineers I

Syllabus Spring 1998

Instructor: Dr. Q. Su

Address: Office: 312A Moulton Hall Office hours: walk in

Phone: 438-5392 Email:


Lectures: MLT 214 / MTWF / 11-11:50 am

Labs: Sect. 02: MLT 217 / F / 1-3:50 pm (Mr. Su)

Sect. 03: MLT 217 / F / 8-10:50 am (Mr. Goscha)


The material contained in this syllabus is tentative and subject to change at my discretion.

Objectives & Format:


We will learn basic principles and applications of physics in mechanics and mechanical waves. Basic experimental skills will also be developed in these areas. Lectures will mix with recitations, demonstrations and tests. Only major topics will be discussed during lecture sections. It is essential that you study the relevant sections before each lecture. Materials in the required sections (as well as labs) but not covered in the lectures may be tested. Homework problems and questions raised from the class will be addressed during the recitations. Homework will be collected before each quiz, but not graded. Homework solutions will be posted.


Required Materials:


Text: R.A. Serway, Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Vol-1), 4th ed., Saunders, Chicago, 1996.

Lab manual: Laboratory Manual for Physics 110, ISU Dept. of Physics. (pick up with photo ID)

Other: Scientific calculator, finely ruled graph paper (10 divs/cm).


On Library Reserve:


S. Van Wyk, R. McGrew, R. Serway and L. Cadwell, Instructor's Manual to Accompany Physics for Scientists & Engineers (Vol-1), 4th ed., Saunders, Chicago, 1996.

S. Van Wyk, R. McGrew, J. R. Gordon and R. Serway, Study Guide and Student Solutions to Accompany Physics for Scientists & Engineers (Vol-1), 4th ed., Saunders, Chicago, 1996.

Q. Su, Solutions to Physics 110 Homework / Quizzes / Exams (box binder).

J. D. Cutnell and K. W. Johnson, Physics, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995.

E. Mazur, Peer Instruction, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1997.

J. Hatton, P.B. Plouffe, Science & its Ways of Knowing, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1997.

R.P. Feynman, The Character of Physical Law, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1965.

L.M. Lederman, The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?, Delta, 1994.

D.N. Schramm, L.M. Lederman, From Quarks to the Cosmos: Tools of Discovery, Freeman, 1995.



Mid-term Exams (2 x 100 pts) 200 pts

Quizzes (8 x 35 pts) 280 pts

Reading Quizzes (best 20 x 2 pts) 40 pts

Labs (6 x 40 pts) 240 pts

Essay (40 pts) 40 pts

Final Exam 200 pts

total 1000 pts


The high boundaries are A>880, B>740, C>600, D>450. The exact grade boundaries may be lower. They will be determined according to your overall performance. In borderline cases I may consider steady improvement, a good performance on the final exam, attendance and homework.


Quizzes will generally consist of 2 multiple choice or true-false type problems (conceptual and short calculations, 2.5 pts each) plus 2 show-your-work type problems (15 pts each) selected from homework with minor modification. Mid-term Exams will generally contain 15 multiple-choice or true-false type problems (4 pts each), together with 2 show-your-work type problems (20 pts each). Final Exam generally contain 30 multiple-choice or true-false type problems (4 pts each), together with 4 show-your-work type problems (20 pts each). In the final 50% of the content will be related to the class material after Exam#2; the other 50% of the content will cover rest of the material taught in the semester, including possibly the labs. Reading Quizzes will be offered frequently before lectures. Each reading quiz will generally consist 2 multiple choice or true-false type problems (2 pts maximum, 0.5 pts minimum for attendance) relating to the post/pre lecture reading. An Essay is due at the end of the semester for a maximum of 40 pts. All tests will be close-book. You will be allowed to bring to each test (and the final) a formula sheet (8.5 x 11 in) displaying only formulas and physical constants (no sketches, nor words). The formula sheet should be turned in together with each exam.


For the Essay you may either report on a talk from the physics colloquium sequence, or may write about other issues of general interests. The issues should focus on questions like: (1) What is science? Is it embodies by the "scientific method" learned in high school science? Do curiosity, serendipity, and other imponderables play a role? Are astrology and other pseudo-science really science? (2) How does science affect society? An obvious but partial answer is "through technology", but what can be said concerning ethical questions about technology or the global effects of large-scale technological changes? Does science have a role to play in larger societal issues, e.g. should those in scientific professions be called on to provide advice on public policy? (3) How is science impacted by society? Do societal influences affect the scientific questions that are asked, the way the answers are pursued, or perhaps even the answers themselves? Points on related topics will be discussed in class. You are welcome to use the suggested readings on reserve: Science & its Ways of Knowing, by J. Hatton and P.B. Plouffe, The Character of Physical Law, by R.P. Feynman, The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?, by L.M. Lederman, or search the internet for other related readings.


Make-ups and Absences:


Make-up quizzes, exams or labs will be allowed only for excused absences due to illness, death in your immediate family, or other significant reasons. A written statement from hospital or other offices will be required. No other projects or papers will be allowed as make-up or extra credit.



Monday, Jan. 26 will be the last day to drop the course with no withdrawal grade assigned. Friday Feb. 13 will be the last day to drop the course with a WX grade.



Solutions to homework, quizzes and exams will be available in the physics departmental office (Moulton 311). You may check them out for an hour. Solutions are also available at the reserve desk in the Milner library. Quiz and exam solutions will be posted in the glass case across from Moulton 208.

Homework Assignments:


The following are suggested homework problems. Problem-solving is probably the best way to learn physics and is good preparation for the quizzes and exams. Feel free to work together on these problems. If you encounter difficulty and your peers cannot help, see me outside of classes. You may drop by at other times if my office door is open, and I will generally be glad to help you. Leave a phone or an electronic mail message for further questions or make an appointment.


Chap. 1: 5,8,10,13,17,20,25,27,34,46,52,53,55,59

Chap. 2: 3,5,6,7,8,15,25,27,28,31,35,43,46,51,54,55

Chap. 3: 1,7,9,15,23,27,29,30,39,43,46,47,49

Chap. 4: 1,3,5,6,7,11,17,20,24,26,31,33,36,38,43,46,49,75

Chap. 5: 2,13,15,16,21,24,30,33,40,42,43,47,50,55,61,65

Chap. 6: 1,4,5,7,13,14,15,17

Chap. 7: 3,7,16,17,21,37,45,49,54,55,62

Chap. 8: 1,6,11,13,17,19,22,25,29,35,57

Chap. 9: 2,5,15,18,21,25,34,37,43,47,52,56,61

Chap. 10: 1,7,8,11,13,17,19,20,21,23,25,32,43

Chap. 11: 7,8,9,11,14

Chap. 12: 2,3,5,7,8,12,23,31,42

Chap. 13: 3,7,11,13,19,24,25,29,47,57

Chap. 14: 1,3,5,7,8,9,11,12

Chap. 16: 2,4,5,6,8,9,13,14,18,19,21,23,25,33

Chap. 18: 1,2,3,5,7



Students will ordinarily work in pairs in the laboratory. Students are expected to be on time. Prelab reading of the lab manual (or relevant text and class notes) is expected. Instructions are frequently given at the beginning of an experiment and might not be repeated for late-comers. Persons who are habitually late will not be allowed to use their partner's data.


Laboratory Rules


1. The experimental work station is to be left in the condition that you found it.


2. Please report promptly any breakage or any inoperable equipment.


3. Data is to be entered in ink directly into the data sheet provided for each experiment. Data is never to be copied over or entered in pencil.


4. Data sheets are to be stamped or initialed by the lab instructor before leaving. Reports with unstamped data sheets will receive no credit.


5. Members of a team will take data collectively. Laboratory reports are to be written individually.


6. Laboratory reports should either be typed or written legibly in ink. Reports which are in pencil or which are illegible will be returned ungraded and receive no credit.


7. Graphs may be drawn in pencil. A graph should have a title and its axes should be properly labeled. Graphs should be drawn on finely ruled graph paper in full size.


8. Lab reports are due one week following the performance of the experiment. They are to be given to the instructor in lecture or in his office or left in the plastic box on the counter in the physics department office (by 4:30 pm the following Friday). Late reports will be penalized 4 points per day or fraction of a day. The grading scale is 0 - 40.


9. Your lab report should contain the following:


(a) A cover sheet provided by your lab instructor

(b) Statement of purpose

(c) Concise description of procedure

(d) Calculations and analysis

(e) Data sheet

(f) Conclusions

(g) Answers to assigned questions


Although all these elements should be present in your report, no particular order is requested (except, of course, for the cover sheet). The entire report is to be written in a logical style using proper grammar and complete sentences. Pay particular attention to estimation and analysis of error. For instance, never suggest a possible source of error without making some attempt to quantify that error. The items listed on the cover sheet (the omission of which will be noted by the grader and therefore largely determine your grade) provide a good checklist for the self evaluation of your report prior to its submission.



Date Section Topic Lab


1/12 Syllabus, Introduction to class

1/13 1.1 - 1.3, 1.5 The physics of cats, Standards, Conversions of Units

1/14 1.4,1.6-1.8, 2.1 "Powers of Ten" video, Dim analysis, 1-d coordinate


1/16 2.1 - 2.2 vav, v, sav, Derivative calculus rules Errors, Calculus


1/19 Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday!

1/20 2.3 - 2.5 aav, a, Kinematic equations

1/21 Exercises, Free fall demo


1/23 Recitation Quiz #1


1/26 3.1 - 3.2 Vector and its addition

1/27 3.3 - 3.4 Properties of vectors, Unit vectors

1/28 4.1 2-d motion, Position, Velocity, Acceleration


1/30 4.2 - 4.3 Projectile motion A-1


2/2 Demos on projectile motion

2/3 4.4 - 4.5 Circular motion

2/4 4.6 Relative motion


2/6 Nature of Science, Is astrology science? Exercises


2/9 Recitation Quiz #2

2/10 5.1 - 5.4, 5.6 Forces, Newton's laws

2/11 5.5 Weight


2/13 5.7 Exercises on weight and normal forces A-5


2/16 5.7 - 5.8 Tension, Friction

2/17 Special guest lecturer, Nobel Laureate, Prof. L.M. Lederman

2/18 5.8, 6.1 - 6.2 Exercise on Static Friction, Centripetal force


2/20 Recitation Science, movies, and stereotypes, Quiz #3


2/23 Recitation

2/24 EXAM #1 Chapters 1 - 6

2/25 Questions on Exam #1


2/27 7.1. - 7.3 Work, Scalar product A-7


3/2 Integral calculus rules

3/3 7.4 - 7.5, 8.2 Power, Conservative forces

3/4 8.1, 8.3 - 8.4 Kin. & pot. energies, Mechanical energy conservation


3/6 8.5, 8.8 Energy conservation law with nonconservative forces


3/7-3/15 Happy Spring Vacation!



Date Section Topic Lab


3/16 Exercises

3/17 Recitation Quiz #4

3/18 9.1 - 9.2 Impulse, Momentum


3/20 9.3 - 9.5 Collisions; simple explanation of gas pressure A-13


3/23 9.6 - 9.7 Center of mass, System of particles

3/24 10.1 - 10.4 Rotational kinematics

3/25 10.5 - 10.8 Moment of Inertia, Torque and angular acceleration


3/27 Exercises


3/30 Recitation Quiz #5

3/31 Recitation

4/1 EXAM #2 Chapters 7 - 10


4/3 Questions on Exam #2 A-16


4/6 11.2 Vector product

4/7 12.1 - 12.4 Equilibrium of a rigid body; forces on backs and elbows

4/8 Exercises


4/10 Recitation Quiz #6


4/13 14.1 - 14.3 The law of gravity, Weight

4/14 13.1 - 13.2 Simple harmonic motion, Mass attached to a spring

4/15 13.3 - 13.4 Energy, Pendulum


4/17 Exercises B-3


4/20 Recitation Quiz #7

4/21 16.1 - 16.3 Waves, One-dimensional traveling waves

4/22 16.4 - 16.5 Superposition of waves, Speed of waves in string


4/24 16.6 - 16.7 Wave reflection and transmission, Sinusoidal waves


4/27 18.1 Wave interference

4/28 Exercises

4/29 Recitation Quiz #8


5/1 Recitation


5/7 Final Exam, Thursday, 7:50 am, MLT 214.

Return to Appendix 7 Table of Contents

Return to Extended Table of Contents



Physics for Scientists and Engineers II

Autumn Semester 1998



Dr. Daniel Holland

Moulton Hall 313C

(309) 438-3243

Office Hours: TBA



Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd edition by Serway



Physics, Parts 1&2, by Halliday and Resnick

Physics, by Tipler



The course will consist of lectures (MTWR 10:00-10:50 AM in Moulton 214) laboratory sections (T 6:00-8:50 and R 6:00-8:50 PM in Moulton 204), and a cooperative learning task that should help to improve your science literacy. The lectures will present the main ideas of the course and will include topics that deserve emphasis. Note, however, that physics is NOT a subject that can be learned simply by listening to lectures and/or reading books: you need to work things out for yourself! Thus, homework assignments are an essential part of learning the course material. It is up to the student to take responsibility for completing the homework assignments since they will not be collected. Solutions to the assigned problems may be found at the reserve desk in Milner Library and in the Physics Department Office (Moulton 311). In physics we stress the understanding of basic concepts and creative problem solving using those concepts, not memorization of facts. Hence, in solving problem sets, the student should try to understand the underlying physics rather than treating each problem as a completely new adventure. I guarantee that the more homework you do, the more you will learn. It is only through solving problems that you develop your analytical skills and your physical intuition. As an additional incentive to keep up with the lectures, this semester we have instituted out of class quizzes using the web based tool, Mallard. A student may try to take any given quiz up to 10 times. Each time, Mallard will generate a new quiz so that you will never see the same quiz twice. Only the highest score will be counted toward your grade.



There will be three hour long exams and one final exam for the course. Your total score for will be determined as follows:


Hour Exams (3 at 16%) 48%

Science Literacy Project 7%

Mallard Quizzes 10%

Labs (8) 15%

Final Exam 20%

TOTAL 100%

The exams will test for both conceptual understanding (multiple choice questions) and problem solving ability. You will be allowed to bring a single 8 1/2 x 11 "cheat sheet" to exams. This sheet may have anything you want written on it. (I will not look at them or collect them.)

Letter grades are not assigned on an individual exam, but will be determined only at the end of the course when all scores are in. There are no hard and fast letter grade boundaries (i.e. I do not grade on a strict percentage basis) nor is there a statistical formula used to determine grade boundaries (i.e. I do not grade on a curve). Instead, statistics are used as a guide to determine underlying standards. When needed, factors such as class participation, improvement, industriousness, etc. may be used in borderline cases. Statistics will be given on each exam so that you may estimate where you stand in relation to the rest of the class.

Laboratory reports will be graded on a 15 point scale. The first 5 points is based on attendance, i.e. if you show up and do the lab (make sure that the UTA signs off on your data sheet) you get 5 points. The remaining 10 points are for the report itself.

NO MAKE-UP LABS WILL BE GIVEN. (This is because the lab set ups are put away after the lab is done.) If you know in advance that you cannot attend your lab section, it is generally not a problem to go to the other section. To account for possible absences, the lowest lab grade will be dropped.

Make-up exams will only be given in cases of excused absences due to illness, serious illness or death in your immediate family, or other significant reasons. Make-up exams will typically be problems taken from other textbooks at the same level, and may be more difficult than regular exams. No extra projects or papers will be allowed as make-ups or for extra credit.

Peer grading will be employed as part of the Science Literacy Project, and will take place through the use of rubrics established by the students prior to commencing their projects. Students will grade one anothers' individual and group efforts.



The laboratory experiments are designed to give you hands-on experience with some of the phenomena being studied in class, and to develop your experimental techniques. It is to your advantage to read the lab instructions before going to the lab session. A complete description of the lab write up will be given in the first lab session.

Lab manuals may be picked up in the physics office with a valid student ID if you registered for the class. You may not send a friend to pick yours up for you. Lab reports will be due in the Thursday lecture the week following the one in which the lab was done. Late labs will be accepted with 10% deducted for each school day late.


Students enrolled in PHY 111 are required to participate in a cooperative learning activity in which they will utilize problem-based learning strategies to examine a controversial issue related to physics in particular and to science in general. In this project teams of students will work together on the solution of a problem, and create a web page in which the solution to that problem is enunciated. Cognitive coaching will be used to assist students in their efforts. The goals and objectives of this team effort are to be found below, as well as the location of the problem statement.

Cooperative Learning strategies will be used throughout this problem-based learning experience. Students will be arranged into small teams by the cognitive coach.

Problem-based Learning is an instructional approach whereby a teacher models appropriate actions, coaches students, and then fades from the scene leaving the students to become more and more involved in the educational process as active problem solvers.

Cognitive Coaching will be used to assist teams of students in their problem-solving efforts. The role of the cognitive coach is NOT to solve the problem for the students. Rather, the cognitive coach provides frameworks, strategies, and help sessions for teams as necessary. The cognitive coach will meet with problem-solving teams as needed during mutually-agreeable times.

Goals associated with this project are to:

· develop student understanding of the interconnectedness of the sciences,

· relate the major concepts of biology, chemistry, and the earth/space sciences to the teaching of physics, and

· relate the concepts of physics to contemporary, historical, technological and societal issues.

Objectives associated with this project are to:

· develop true problem-solving abilities,

· build a multi-discipline knowledge base,

· integrate knowledge from a variety of disciplines (biology, chemistry, the earth/space sciences, and physics), and

· help students understand the nature of the scientific process.

The Problem statement can be found on the WWW at the following URL:


Homework and exam solutions will be available at in the Physics Department Office (MLT 311). Practice exams have already been placed in the folder for the class. You are encouraged to come for help or general discussion during office hours. If you cannot make the scheduled hours, you may make an appointment with me or stop by and try your luck.





Date Chapter Topic Comments

Chapters 19 &20 Temperature, Heat and the First

Law of Thermodynamics no lab

Chapters 20 & 21 First Law (cont.)

Kinetic Theory of Gases C2: Specific Heats of


Chapters 21 & 22 Kinetic Theory (cont.)

Heat Engines C3: Heats of


Chapters 22 & 23 Entropy and the Second Law of

Thermodynamics, Begin E&M. no lab

Chapters 23 & 24 Electric Fields

Gauss's Law no lab

Exam #1

Chapter 24 Gauss's Law (cont.)

no lab

Chapter 25 Electric Potential D2: E-field mapping


Chapter 26 Capacitance and Dielectrics

D10: Capacitance



Chapter 27 & 28 Current and Resistance, Ohm's Law

DC circuits no lab

Exam #2

Chapter 28 DC circuits D1: Ohm's Law


Chapter 29 Magnetic Fields D8: Kirchhoff's


Chapter 30 Sources of Magnetic Fields no lab


Chapter 31 Faraday's Law no lab


Chapter 32 Inductance

D11: Flip Coil

Chapter 33 AC Circuits

D15: Oscilloscope


Final Exam:



Homework Assignments by Chapter

(Others may be added during the semester.)

Underlined problems are to be turned in.


Chapter 19: Temperature

1, 8, 10, 20, 27, 32,35, 44, 46, 52, 72


Chapter 20: Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics

3, 7, 15, 25, 29, 32, 38, 41, 45, 52, 62, 65, 74


Chapter 21: The Kinetic Theory of Gases

1, 6, 10,16, 19, 23, 25, 29, 45, 48, 53


Chapter 22: Heat Engines, Entropy, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

1, 5, 7, 9, 18, 21, 35, 38, 45, 51


Chapter 23: Electric Fields

2, 5, 9, 14, 15, 24, 26A, 27, 36, 39, 43, 47, 54, 73


Chapter 24: Gauss's Law

6, 8, 12, 14, 24, 29, 30, 42A, 44, 47, 50, 56


Chapter 25: Electric Potential

4, 6, 12, 23, 25, 28, 31, 38, 47, 48, 54A, 66, 67, 76, 77


Chapter 26: Capacitance and Dielectrics

4, 8, 15, 16, 30, 33, 35, 38, 58, 68, 78, 82, 85


Chapter 27: Current and Resistance

3, 6, 16, 22, 28, 37, 46, 59, 63


Chapter 28: Direct Current Circuits

6, 12, 18, 21, 29, 36, 44, 50, 55, 66, 71, 80


Chapter 29: Magnetic Fields

4, 8, 14, 21, 23, 33, 41, 42, 55, 56, 68


Chapter 30: Sources of Magnetic Fields

5, 10, 16, 25, 38, 47, 56, 58, 64, 71, 75


Chapter 31: Faraday's Law

3, 11, 14, 16, 27, 28, 36, 41, 60, 66, 69


Chapter 32: Inductance

4, 14, 22, 36, 39, 49, 52, 56, 60, 76


Chapter 33: Alternating Current Circuits

2, 9, 19A, 24, 27, 31, 37, 45, 55

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Dr. Sadri Hassani

314 Moulton Hall

Tel: 438-3427

Office hours: MWF 9:00-10:00 and 11:00-12:00 or by appointment

Textbooks: PIP Packet #85.

Overview: The purpose of this course is to prepare you for the upper level physics courses. It starts with the knowledge of mathematics you gained in calculus, and very quickly builds up on it while heavily stressing a physical point of view. This point of view may appear new to you at first, but getting used to it is the primary objective of this course, and is absolutely essential for your understanding of physics. Examples and applications in physical situations, intended to facilitate your comprehension of this point of view, will be greatly emphasized.

Course Outline: The course will cover eight major topics of undergraduate mathematical physics. These are: Coordinates and Vectors, Differentiation, Integration, Series, Complex Algebra, Vector Analysis, Differential Equations. More advanced topics such as Fourier Series and Special Functions (Legendre Polynomials, Bessel Functions, etc.) will be briefly discussed in the context of series and PDEs. No prior knowledge of these advanced topics is assumed.

Tests, Homeworks, Examples, and Projects

Tests: The tentative content and time of the hour exams and the final are as follows:

Hour exam When we are done with Covering

#1 chapter 2 chapter 1 and 2

#2 chapter 3 chapter 3

#3 chapter 6 chapters 4 and 6

#4 chapter 7 chapter 7

#5 chapter 8 chapter 8

Final the course everything covered

A total of 8 pop quizzes will be given periodically. A typical quiz will test you on (part of) an example that has not been covered in the class, but is discussed in detail in the book.

Homeworks are probably the most important part of the course, and the most effective way of learning the material. They will be collected occasionally without prior notice. Do not be fooled by the small weight given to this portion of your grade! I encourage collaboration on homeworks, but what you hand in should be your own way of doing problems: Do not copy from other peoples' homework; you will only hurt yourself! To be able to succeed in homeworks and tests

It is absolutely necessary for you to

be able to reproduce the examples

without looking at the book!

Following this advice is the cure for the perennial lament "I understand the lectures and the book, but I can't do the problems." When collected, one or two problems from the homework set will be chosen at random and graded. Homeworks, exercises, examples, and questions will be discussed every Tuesday evening. I encourage you to come and see me early in the semester if you have great difficulty with the course!

Grades: Your total grade is divided as follows:

Homeworks (approximately) 40 points

Tests 5 x 100 = 500 points

Quizzes 8 x 20 = 160 points

Comprehensive Final 200 points

Total (approximately) 900 points

Your letter grade will be based on the distribution curve of the total score of all students in the class.

Schedule: The following is a tentative schedule.

Coordinates and Vectors 4 lectures (2 weeks)

Differentiation 3 lectures (1.5 weeks)

Integration 6 lectures (3 weeks)

Series 2 lectures (1 week)

Complex Algebra 2 lectures (1 week)

Vector Analysis 7 lectures (3.5 weeks)

Differential Equations 6 lectures (3 weeks)

Comprehensive Final: Wednesday May 7 at 10:00 a.m.

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Fall 1997


Daniel Holland

Moulton 313C; 438-3243

Office Hours: TBA

Text: Marion and Thorton: Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems Other useful texts:

Symon, Mechanics (somewhat wordy)

Fowles, Analytical Mechanics (very good for F = ma type problems, particularly noninertial reference frames)

Barget and Olsson, Classical Mechanics ( I'm not very familiar with this one but it seems OK) More advanced texts:

Goldstein, Classical Mechanics (Most beautiful mechanics book ever written, but problems are very difficult) Landau and Lifshitz, Mechanics (Covers everything in Goldstein in one third of the space, very dense. ) Copies of these books may be found in the physics conference room or the library. There are many other books on mechanics that you might like better.

In going from the 100 to the 200 level classes, the nature of classes undergoes a remarkable transformation. In the 100 level classes the major emphasis is on learning physical concepts, (e.g. force, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics) with less emphasis on problem solving techniques. As such homework problems if they counted at all were a small part of the grade and most test questions were of the "plug and chug" nature. In the 200 level classes we begin to start developing problem solving technique. For instance, in classical mechanics we already know all of the physics that there is: F = ma, and that's about it! This does not mean that this is the easiest way to solve the problem at hand, but theoretically if we know the forces on an object we can solve for the motion. In this class we will start with F = ma and then go on to more advanced problem solving techniques (Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics). Since realistic tests of your "problem solving capabilities" are difficult for one hour exams, the homework becomes a sizable portion of the grade. This semester the grading scale will be

Homework 25% Computer Assignments 15% Exams (3 x 14%) 42% Final (comprehensive) 18%

Homework problems should be written out neatly and turned in on time. If you have not completed a homework set, turn in what you have completed since partial credit is better than none. Late problems will be given 1/3 credit since problem solutions will be posted on the due date.

Computer assignments should be treated like numerical laboratory reports. DO NOT just staple a bunch of printouts together and turn them in as this will not yield much credit. Data without interpretation is not worth much. Point out the important aspects of your results and relate them to the physics of the problem.

For exams you may have one sheet of paper with anything that you want on it plus the use of your mathematical handbook.

DATES Lecture/Reading Notes

Aug 18 - Aug 22 Chap 1 Coordinate systems and kinematics

Aug 25 - Aug 29 Chap 1,2 Newtonian Mechanics of single particles

Sep 01 - Sep 05 Chap 2 Conservation Theorems, Rockets

Sep 08 - Sep 12 Chap 3 Oscillations, Phase diagrams, damped oscillators,


Sep 15 - Sep 19 Chap 3 Driven-Damped Oscillations, Physical Systems, Superposition

Sep 22 - Sep 26 Chap 10 Noninertial reference frames ( Fowles chapter 5)

Sep 29 - Oct 03 Chap 10 Centrifugal and Coriolis force. Motion relative to the earth

Oct 06 - Oct 10 Chap 6 Calculus of variations Euler's equation

Oct 13 - Oct 17 Chap 6 Geodesics EXAM #2

Oct 20 - Oct 24 Chap 7 Hamilton's Principle, Lagrangian Dynamics

Oct 27 - Oct 31 Chap 7 Lagrangian Dynamics, Hamiltonian Dynamics

Nov 03 - Nov 07 Chap 7,8 Central Force Motion

Nov 10 - Nov 14 Chap 8 Orbital Dynamics

Nov 17 - Nov 21 Chap 8 EXAM #3

Nov 24 - Nov 28 Chap 9 Dynamics of systems of particles, Collisions

Dec 01 - Dec 05 Chap 9 Cross sections, Rutherford Scattering


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Fall 1997


Richard Martin

Moulton Hail 3 12F

Office hours: to be announced

Basic Info: Class time: TR 9:35 - 10:50 a.m. Moulton 202.

Textbook: Introduction to Electrodynamics, by David Griffiths.

Course Content:

The course will cover selected chapters (typically 1,2,4,5,6,7) from Griffiths - we can't hope to do it all in one semester. In particular, we will cover vector calculus, and electric and magnetic fields in vacuum and in materials. The more difficult problem of solving for combined electromagnetic fields will be left for PHY 340.

Course Structure and Grading:

Welcome to the 200-level in Physics! Life is a little different here than in the elementary classes. For one thing, there is no lab directly associated with this class - PHY 270 will give you plenty of experience in the lab. Also, the material now is sufficiently sophisticated that it cannot be tested in depth in a 1 hour exam. Hence, the homework problems become an even more important part of the course - it is there that you can begin to solve more realistic problems (which can take more than 20 minutes allotted for an exam problem). There will be assignments on a more or less weekly basis, which are to be handed in for grading one week later. Computer projects also become more involved at this level, so you are allowed more time to complete them - usually with a two week due date. Some of the homework problems and projects will introduce you to ideas not presented in lecture, but still important in the course. Full solutions will be available in the glass case on the second floor, as well as in the Physics department office. Collaboration and exchanging ideas on the homework problems is allowed (even encouraged), but copying is not; each student must write up the solutions independently. Any copying detected will result in, at minimum, a zero for both parties on that assignment.

In physics, we stress understanding of concepts and creative problem solving - skills that simply cannot be learned only by reading a book or listening to someone else. In other words, you need to get your hands dirty and EXERCISE (i.e. do problems and write programs) yourself. Through homework you develop not only your analytical and mathematical skills, but your physical intuition as well. If you really keep up on the problems and lectures, the tests should take care of themselves!

In addition to homework and computer projects, there will be three hour exams and one final exam for the course. Your total grade will be determined as follows:

Exams 50% Final Exam 16% Homework 17% Computer Projects 17%

The hour exams will test both problem solving ability as well as conceptual understanding of the material. You will be allowed to bring to the exams one 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper with formulas (or whatever) written on it. The finny exam is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 10:00 a.m.

Late homework and absences:

You'll have one week for homework and two weeks for computer projects. That's plenty of time if you don't wait until the night before the due date. Late homework and computer projects will lose points daily. However, you should always hand in any work you have done, to receive partial credit - e.g. don't feel that if you didn't get a computer program to work perfectly that your efforts are worth nothing: 35% is a lot better than zero... For obvious reasons, No homework or computer projects will be accepted after the solutions have been posted.

To account for possible absences or illness, the lowest homework score (not computer project) and test score will be dropped. Make-up exams will be allowed only if one exam has already been missed and then only for excused absences due to illness, serious illness or death in your immediate family, or other significant reasons. Make-up exams usually contain problems from other textbooks and may be rather different than regular exams. No other projects or papers will be allowed as make-up or extra credit.


There are some materials on reserve in the library to help you learn the course material. Ask for the Physics 240 materials at the reserve desk. Other texts are recommended for their alternative viewpoints, by the way. Often looking at a topic from different points of view can clarify it in your own mind.

You are encouraged to come for help or general discussion during office hours. In particular, don't beat your head against the wall on a homework or computer problem you are stuck on. More often than not a few words of explanation can clear up the block. If you cannot make the scheduled hours, feel free to make an appointment with me or stop by and try your luck.

Note on Computer assignments:

Computer assignments are not unlike labs in other courses: you are given a small project with some instructions and will be expected to use computational methods to solve the problem. You will hand in a write-up explaining what you did and how, and showing and interpreting the results - often graphically. Hand in a copy of the source code also, with brief comments describing what each part of the program does. Note that only a program listing with a graph will earn few points - English words of explanation are also needed.

Computer programming, per se, is not taught in this course although algorithms for solving specific problems will be discussed in class. If you have taken a programming course, you should have no trouble in this class. On the other hand, students with no prior exposure to programming have also been highly successful in completing the projects - although it may require a bit more work at first. Stop by my office if you need help.

An introductory manual for the computer system, including a brief introduction to FORTRAN, is available at PIP's at a reasonable cost. Copies also reside in the computer labs, Moulton 304 and 308. If you are not familiar with FORTRAN, you may also find a FORTRAN textbook to be a useful item - the library has several (FORTRAN 90 is the best for our purposes). I will also be available for help. If you already know another programming language available on the RS6000's (e.g. C) you may use it, but I will require more extensive comments.

The computer labs are open at least 8 am to 5 pm weekdays. The lab gets mighty busy the night before assignments (in any 200-300 level course!) are due, so it behooves you to start early. Most assignments simply cannot be done the evening before the due date: you won't have enough time. Writing and debugging good programs is an evolutionary process: some trial end error is almost always involved - so account for this in your time budget.

Typical Course Content

I. Math Review' (2 weeks)

· div, grad, cud (2)

· line, surface, volume integrals (2) · Dirac delta functions (2)


II. Electrostatics in Vacuum (4 weeks)

· Coulomb's law and electric field (2)

· Gauss' Law and symmetry (1)

· electric potential (2)

· electrical work and energy (1)

· boundary conditions and conductors (1) · multipole expansion ( 1 )

· Laplace's equation and over-relaxation method (2)


III. Electrostatics in matter (3 weeks)

· atomic polarizibility, suscseptibility, and polarization (2) · dielectric constant and D (1) · generalization of Gauss' Law, work and energy (2)


IV. Magnetostatics (5 weeks)

· current and Ohm's law (2) · Biot-Savart law (2) · Magnetic force ( 1 ) · Ampere's law (1) · Vector potential (1) · Magnetic dipole expansion (1) · Magnetic fields in matter (3)


V. Electrodynamics (1 week)

· Faraday's law (1)

· Maxwell's equations (1)

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Spring 1998


1. Instructor: Dr. George Rutherford (308-A Moulton Hall)


2. Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday

1:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.

Moulton Hall 304


3. Course Goals: The major goals of this course are consistent with goals for laboratories as enunciated by the American Association of Physics Teachers' Committees on Laboratories and Physics in Undergraduate Education.


· engage each students in significant experiences with experimental processes, including experience designing investigations;

· help each student develop a broad array of basic skills and tools of experimental physics and data analysis;

· help students master basic physics concepts;

· help students understand the role of direct observation in physics and to distinguish between inferences based on theory and the outcomes of experiments; and

· help students develop collaborative learning skills that are vital to success in many lifelong endeavors.


4. Methodology: In this course, you will gain an understanding of experimental physics techniques with an emphasis on measurement certainty. Experiments are chosen that cover a range of topics to provide experimental support for the principles discussed in the lecture courses. You will also learn to write scientific reports that demonstrate your understanding of each experiment and allow a reader at your experience level to understand the experiment.


5. Grading: The average student will complete six experiments. The grade that you earn in this course is determined by a combination of your in class performance, interim data analysis, and written reports. Preliminary computer generated graphs and associated calculations are normally due on the Thursday of even numbered weeks (the first week of classes is week 1). Reports for each experiment are due on the following Tuesday (two weeks after you begin an experiment). The penalty for a late report or preliminary data analysis is 0.5 points per week (reports are graded on a scale of 1-10). The penalty is assessed as soon as the assignment is late. Ordinarily, we will discuss your preliminary analysis during the Thursday class. Reports are due on Tuesdays on weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. Each report will have a cover sheet on which I will record the date that you begin and complete an experiment, present your preliminary data analysis, and turn in your completed report. The schedule is determined on a case by case basis for students completing more involved experiments.


6. Reports: Reports should be prepared on a word processor. Equations can also be easily handled on a computer. Make sure superscripts, etc. are represented correctly (symbols such as ^ are generally unacceptable). You have a large number of computers available for your use. Choose a computer and printer with word-processing, graphics, and printing capabilities equivalent to what is available in Moulton 308. Graphs must be done with graphics software.


First semester students complete abbreviated reports for their first three, fifth, and sixth lab reports, and they complete a full report for the fourth report. The fourth report will probably be returned for a rewrite. Second and third semester students may complete a full report after the first experiment. The balance is limited to abbreviated reports.


Full reports include an abstract, an introduction, discussion of the theory and experimental procedure, data analysis (including error or uncertainty), sample calculations, and a conclusion. Each section of the report should demonstrate your understanding of the experiment and theory. It should not be a paraphrased version of a textbook or a handout.


Abbreviated reports include an abstract, data analysis, sample calculations, and brief discussions for each graph or calculation. The abstract includes the purpose of the experiment, a brief general description of what was done, and the results of the experiment. The abstract should be limited to less than 150 words (well constructed, briefer abstracts are desirable). Typically, data analysis involves graphical displays of data, data tables, etc. Each figure, table, or graph must have an explanatory caption. Sample calculations are completed for every major type of calculation. Even a calculation or string of calculations completed with the aid of a spreadsheet should be done in sample format so that you have verified that the computer calculated exactly what you think you programmed it to calculate.


Be sure not to use a graph where the data points are connected by straight lines unless it is appropriate. Splines and other numerical fits to data that do not originate from a theoretical prediction of what your experimental results should be are usually inappropriate. While you will work with a partner in the laboratory, you are expected to analyze your data and write your report independently of your partner (this includes entering data into the computer).


7. Attendance: You need to attend two periods each week until you are through with a given apparatus. Please let me know if this presents a problem. More information will be provided at the first class meeting.


8. Prerequisites: Physics 112 and 217 are prerequisites for this course. If you do not have this background, the responsibility and heavier load are your burden. We recommend that you do not attempt two semester hours of 270 credit at one time, because past experience shows most individuals do not do well with a two credit hour load.


9a. First Semester Experiments:

1. Speed of Sound

2. Kater's Pendulum

3. Charge to Mass Ratio of the Electron

4. Stochastic Nature of Radioactivity

5. Prism Spectrometer


Each student will do experiments 1 through 5, and one experiment from the next section.


9b. Second Semester Experiments:

1. Cavendish

2. Speed of Light

3. Coulomb Balance

4. Diffraction

5. Gamma Ray Spectroscopy

6. Coherence Length of Light

7. Ballistic Galvanometer

8. Reflection of Polarized Light

9. Fiber Optics

10. Chaotic Dynamics of an Electronic Bouncing Ball

11. Band Gap of a Semiconductor

12. Magnetic Field with a Flip Coil

13. Q of a Resonant Cavity

14. Fourier Decomposition of a Wavefunction

15. Damped Harmonic Oscillator


Each student will do approximately 6 of the above experiments.


Students enrolled in the second semester of this course are expected to work with a much greater degree of independence than during the first semester. Once a project is selected, students will work their way through the project being certain to include the following steps as appropriate:


· Locate resources for conducting a potential experiment.

· State the theory base from which you will draw hypotheses.

· Formulate hypotheses informed by knowledge and prior research of others.

· Design procedures to test selected hypotheses.

· Design procedures to eliminate or reduce risk in potentially hazardous activities.

· Justify the use of your particular experimental design.

· Conduct systematic controlled experiments to test hypotheses.

· Collect, organize, and analyze data accurately and precisely.

· Make estimates of uncertainty in collected data.

· Explain the existence of unexpected results in a data set.

· Apply statistical methods to make projections and to test the accuracy of results.

· Interpret the reliability factors associated with statistical methods.

· Reject or retain as tenable each hypothesis in light of experimental data.

· Note whether research findings support theory.

· Make, present, and defend your conclusions from data collected as part of the investigation in written form.


Students are expected to work their way through these projects, taking advantage of the opportunity to conduct inquiry-based, open-ended investigations in physics. The course instructor should be considered as more of a resource than a guide.

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Spring 1996 2:00-2:50 p.m. M, W, F Moulton 215



Textbook: Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles (2nd ed.) by Robert Eisberg and Robert Resnick (John Wiley, N.Y.)



Instructor: Dr. Khondkar Karim

Moulton 313-A Telephone 438-5070

Office Hours: M, W, F 10:00-12:0 a.m., by appointment or walk-in



Course Objectives:


I would like to introduce you to the physics of the quantum world. You will learn the rules of this bizarre world. The events leading to the 'spectacular' failure of classical mechanics and the subsequent development of the 'desperate' new quantum mechanical laws will be discussed. You will learn how to apply these laws to simple systems (e.g., one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, particles trapped in potential wells, hydrogen atom, diatomic molecules, etc). We shall discuss the philosophical implications of these laws: the quantum reality and the branching worlds.





The final letter grade of a student will be based on three regular exams, the final exam, and the homework. The points are distributed as follows:


regular exams 3x100 =300

final exam 1x150 =150

homework =150

total =600


The final exam is comprehensive. Make up exams may be given only under extraordinary circumstances. The letter grade of a student will be determined from the curve of the distribution of the total score of all students in the class. However, students receiving 90%, 78%, 68%, and 55% of the total score are guaranteed to receive, respectively, the letter grades "A", "B", "C", and "D". Allowance will be given for a specially bright or dull class.

Tentative schedule:


Topics # of Lectures


1. Introduction: 3

Old Quantum Theory

Quantal Reality


2. Schroedinger's Equation 4


3. One-dimensional problems:

Step Potentials 3

Barrier potentials 3

Square Well potentials 3

Simple Harmonic Oscillator 4


4. Hydrogen atom 10


5. Multi-electron atom 10








I wish to guide you on an excursion

which is long and rather difficult

but worth the trouble,

so I am going to climb ahead of you,


--Stanislaw Lem in Imaginary Magnitude

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A. Catalog Description


PSY 215 Educational Psychology (3 credit hours)

Application of psychology to education covering human learning in school setting;

evaluation and measurement of learning outcomes, developmental factors and learning,

and social factors of learning.


B. Objectives


The student will:


1. Compare and contrast the various aspects of human theories of learning and development

2. Identify various exceptionalities/diversities which impact classroom experiences for teacher and learner.

3. Display knowledge of appropriate evaluation and measurement techniques which impact learning


4. Identify and apply various behavior management techniques to be used in the classroom.

5. Recognize and evaluate teachers' use of psychological principles in the classroom.


C. Outline of the Course


1. Theories of Learning: Cognitive



Information Processing

Schema theory

Higher-order thinking (concept learning, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity)

2. Intelligence

Psychometric perspectives



3. Exceptionality in Learning Learning/Cognition


Types of disabilities

4. Evaluation and Measurement of Learning Outcomes

Traditional testing and performance/authentic assessment

Standardized testing

5. Classroom Management

Behaviorist theories of learning: Classical and operant conditioning

Social Learning theory

prevention and intervention of classroom problems

motivation theories

6. Individual and Contextual Influences on Achievement

Socioemotional development and the self (identity, self-concept)


Culture, poverty, ethnicity





D. Learning Experiences


1. Take part in lectures and discussion

2. Show good attendance and participation skills

3. Read all assigned readings

4. Complete assignments and group learning experiences

5. Complete 10 hours of elementary, middle, or secondary observations, and assignments associated with the observations

6. Complete classroom management plan

7. Take three exams


E. Texts and Readings


Eggen, P. & Kauchak, D. (1997). Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms, 3rd ed. Columbus, OH: Merrill.

Emmer, E., Evertson, C.M., Clements, B.S., & Worsham, M.E. (1997). Classroom management for secondary teachers, 4th ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon.


F. Evaluation Procedures


1. Objective and/or essay quizzes/tests covering concepts discussed in the classroom

2. Classroom management project

3. Clinical experiences assignments

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