Spring 1998


1. Instructor: Dr. George Rutherford (308-A Moulton Hall)


2. Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday

1:00 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.

Moulton Hall 304


3. Course Goals: The major goals of this course are consistent with goals for laboratories as enunciated by the American Association of Physics Teachers' Committees on Laboratories and Physics in Undergraduate Education.


· engage each students in significant experiences with experimental processes, including experience designing investigations;

· help each student develop a broad array of basic skills and tools of experimental physics and data analysis;

· help students master basic physics concepts;

· help students understand the role of direct observation in physics and to distinguish between inferences based on theory and the outcomes of experiments; and

· help students develop collaborative learning skills that are vital to success in many lifelong endeavors.


4. Methodology: In this course, you will gain an understanding of experimental physics techniques with an emphasis on measurement certainty. Experiments are chosen that cover a range of topics to provide experimental support for the principles discussed in the lecture courses. You will also learn to write scientific reports that demonstrate your understanding of each experiment and allow a reader at your experience level to understand the experiment.


5. Grading: The average student will complete six experiments. The grade that you earn in this course is determined by a combination of your in class performance, interim data analysis, and written reports. Preliminary computer generated graphs and associated calculations are normally due on the Thursday of even numbered weeks (the first week of classes is week 1). Reports for each experiment are due on the following Tuesday (two weeks after you begin an experiment). The penalty for a late report or preliminary data analysis is 0.5 points per week (reports are graded on a scale of 1-10). The penalty is assessed as soon as the assignment is late. Ordinarily, we will discuss your preliminary analysis during the Thursday class. Reports are due on Tuesdays on weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. Each report will have a cover sheet on which I will record the date that you begin and complete an experiment, present your preliminary data analysis, and turn in your completed report. The schedule is determined on a case by case basis for students completing more involved experiments.


6. Reports: Reports should be prepared on a word processor. Equations can also be easily handled on a computer. Make sure superscripts, etc. are represented correctly (symbols such as ^ are generally unacceptable). You have a large number of computers available for your use. Choose a computer and printer with word-processing, graphics, and printing capabilities equivalent to what is available in Moulton 308. Graphs must be done with graphics software.


First semester students complete abbreviated reports for their first three, fifth, and sixth lab reports, and they complete a full report for the fourth report. The fourth report will probably be returned for a rewrite. Second and third semester students may complete a full report after the first experiment. The balance is limited to abbreviated reports.


Full reports include an abstract, an introduction, discussion of the theory and experimental procedure, data analysis (including error or uncertainty), sample calculations, and a conclusion. Each section of the report should demonstrate your understanding of the experiment and theory. It should not be a paraphrased version of a textbook or a handout.


Abbreviated reports include an abstract, data analysis, sample calculations, and brief discussions for each graph or calculation. The abstract includes the purpose of the experiment, a brief general description of what was done, and the results of the experiment. The abstract should be limited to less than 150 words (well constructed, briefer abstracts are desirable). Typically, data analysis involves graphical displays of data, data tables, etc. Each figure, table, or graph must have an explanatory caption. Sample calculations are completed for every major type of calculation. Even a calculation or string of calculations completed with the aid of a spreadsheet should be done in sample format so that you have verified that the computer calculated exactly what you think you programmed it to calculate.


Be sure not to use a graph where the data points are connected by straight lines unless it is appropriate. Splines and other numerical fits to data that do not originate from a theoretical prediction of what your experimental results should be are usually inappropriate. While you will work with a partner in the laboratory, you are expected to analyze your data and write your report independently of your partner (this includes entering data into the computer).


7. Attendance: You need to attend two periods each week until you are through with a given apparatus. Please let me know if this presents a problem. More information will be provided at the first class meeting.


8. Prerequisites: Physics 112 and 217 are prerequisites for this course. If you do not have this background, the responsibility and heavier load are your burden. We recommend that you do not attempt two semester hours of 270 credit at one time, because past experience shows most individuals do not do well with a two credit hour load.


9a. First Semester Experiments:

1. Speed of Sound

2. Kater's Pendulum

3. Charge to Mass Ratio of the Electron

4. Stochastic Nature of Radioactivity

5. Prism Spectrometer


Each student will do experiments 1 through 5, and one experiment from the next section.


9b. Second Semester Experiments:

1. Cavendish

2. Speed of Light

3. Coulomb Balance

4. Diffraction

5. Gamma Ray Spectroscopy

6. Coherence Length of Light

7. Ballistic Galvanometer

8. Reflection of Polarized Light

9. Fiber Optics

10. Chaotic Dynamics of an Electronic Bouncing Ball

11. Band Gap of a Semiconductor

12. Magnetic Field with a Flip Coil

13. Q of a Resonant Cavity

14. Fourier Decomposition of a Wavefunction

15. Damped Harmonic Oscillator


Each student will do approximately 6 of the above experiments.


Students enrolled in the second semester of this course are expected to work with a much greater degree of independence than during the first semester. Once a project is selected, students will work their way through the project being certain to include the following steps as appropriate:


· Locate resources for conducting a potential experiment.

· State the theory base from which you will draw hypotheses.

· Formulate hypotheses informed by knowledge and prior research of others.

· Design procedures to test selected hypotheses.

· Design procedures to eliminate or reduce risk in potentially hazardous activities.

· Justify the use of your particular experimental design.

· Conduct systematic controlled experiments to test hypotheses.

· Collect, organize, and analyze data accurately and precisely.

· Make estimates of uncertainty in collected data.

· Explain the existence of unexpected results in a data set.

· Apply statistical methods to make projections and to test the accuracy of results.

· Interpret the reliability factors associated with statistical methods.

· Reject or retain as tenable each hypothesis in light of experimental data.

· Note whether research findings support theory.

· Make, present, and defend your conclusions from data collected as part of the investigation in written form.


Students are expected to work their way through these projects, taking advantage of the opportunity to conduct inquiry-based, open-ended investigations in physics. The course instructor should be considered as more of a resource than a guide.

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Spring 1996 2:00-2:50 p.m. M, W, F Moulton 215



Textbook: Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles (2nd ed.) by Robert Eisberg and Robert Resnick (John Wiley, N.Y.)



Instructor: Dr. Khondkar Karim

Moulton 313-A Telephone 438-5070

Office Hours: M, W, F 10:00-12:0 a.m., by appointment or walk-in



Course Objectives:


I would like to introduce you to the physics of the quantum world. You will learn the rules of this bizarre world. The events leading to the 'spectacular' failure of classical mechanics and the subsequent development of the 'desperate' new quantum mechanical laws will be discussed. You will learn how to apply these laws to simple systems (e.g., one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, particles trapped in potential wells, hydrogen atom, diatomic molecules, etc). We shall discuss the philosophical implications of these laws: the quantum reality and the branching worlds.





The final letter grade of a student will be based on three regular exams, the final exam, and the homework. The points are distributed as follows:


regular exams 3x100 =300

final exam 1x150 =150

homework =150

total =600


The final exam is comprehensive. Make up exams may be given only under extraordinary circumstances. The letter grade of a student will be determined from the curve of the distribution of the total score of all students in the class. However, students receiving 90%, 78%, 68%, and 55% of the total score are guaranteed to receive, respectively, the letter grades "A", "B", "C", and "D". Allowance will be given for a specially bright or dull class.

Tentative schedule:


Topics # of Lectures


1. Introduction: 3

Old Quantum Theory

Quantal Reality


2. Schroedinger's Equation 4


3. One-dimensional problems:

Step Potentials 3

Barrier potentials 3

Square Well potentials 3

Simple Harmonic Oscillator 4


4. Hydrogen atom 10


5. Multi-electron atom 10








I wish to guide you on an excursion

which is long and rather difficult

but worth the trouble,

so I am going to climb ahead of you,


--Stanislaw Lem in Imaginary Magnitude

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A. Catalog Description


PSY 215 Educational Psychology (3 credit hours)

Application of psychology to education covering human learning in school setting;

evaluation and measurement of learning outcomes, developmental factors and learning,

and social factors of learning.


B. Objectives


The student will:


1. Compare and contrast the various aspects of human theories of learning and development

2. Identify various exceptionalities/diversities which impact classroom experiences for teacher and learner.

3. Display knowledge of appropriate evaluation and measurement techniques which impact learning


4. Identify and apply various behavior management techniques to be used in the classroom.

5. Recognize and evaluate teachers' use of psychological principles in the classroom.


C. Outline of the Course


1. Theories of Learning: Cognitive



Information Processing

Schema theory

Higher-order thinking (concept learning, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity)

2. Intelligence

Psychometric perspectives



3. Exceptionality in Learning Learning/Cognition


Types of disabilities

4. Evaluation and Measurement of Learning Outcomes

Traditional testing and performance/authentic assessment

Standardized testing

5. Classroom Management

Behaviorist theories of learning: Classical and operant conditioning

Social Learning theory

prevention and intervention of classroom problems

motivation theories

6. Individual and Contextual Influences on Achievement

Socioemotional development and the self (identity, self-concept)


Culture, poverty, ethnicity





D. Learning Experiences


1. Take part in lectures and discussion

2. Show good attendance and participation skills

3. Read all assigned readings

4. Complete assignments and group learning experiences

5. Complete 10 hours of elementary, middle, or secondary observations, and assignments associated with the observations

6. Complete classroom management plan

7. Take three exams


E. Texts and Readings


Eggen, P. & Kauchak, D. (1997). Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms, 3rd ed. Columbus, OH: Merrill.

Emmer, E., Evertson, C.M., Clements, B.S., & Worsham, M.E. (1997). Classroom management for secondary teachers, 4th ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon.


F. Evaluation Procedures


1. Objective and/or essay quizzes/tests covering concepts discussed in the classroom

2. Classroom management project

3. Clinical experiences assignments

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