Notes and References

1. Notes for JOHANN JOSEPH BRUNS: > April 7, 1880 Box 141-142 #2164 > "In the name of the Benevolent father of all ÝI Joseph Bruns of > Mercer County Ohio do make and publish this my last will and testament. > Item 1: I give an devise to my beloved wife in lein of her dower > all of my property as long as she may live n__l estate as well as personal > property but she mush pay the following payments and debts, and at the > Death of my wife all property that is left after paying such of my heirt > two hundert dollars wich I want my wife to pay them or each of them > excepting my daughter Mary whom I want to have one hundred dollars more > because her having a cripled hand > Item 2: My daughter Agnes has recieved her two hundert dollars, > and she has also recieved two hundert dollars for the time she worked for > me while over age the balance what is done me they will have to pay back > to my wife > Item 3: I will that my wife pay one hundert dollars for _apes for > my _o_ld as soon as I am dead > Item 4: I will that my wife pay on hundert dollars for mapes for > her so_ld when ever she thinks best to do so > Item 5: I will that my wife deduct fiftly dollars for every year > that any of my children may not stay at home with her when they are under > twenty years of age off of said first payment coming to them > I desire that no apraisement and sale be made of my property and > no bond given by my wife and that the event will order the same > I hereby revoke all former wills by me made > in testimony here of I have ________ act Ýmy ___ and seal this > 15th day of March AD 1880 > Joseph Bruns > Signed and aknowledged by said Joseoph Bruns as his last will and > testament in our presence and signed by us in his presence > Henry L__martz > August Schmidt" > > Box 141-142 #2164 ÝApplication for Letters of Administration, with will > annexed > "The state of Ohio, Mercer County, SS. IN PROBATE COURT. > John Kramer being duly sworn, says that Joseph Bruns a resident of the > Township of Butler in said county, died, testate on or about the 15 day of > March 1880; that the last will and testament of said decedent has been > duly admitted to probate and record in Mercer County, Ohio, Probate Court; > that the said decedent died leaving Anna Mary Bruns his widow, which widow > died on or about the 14 day of April 1900 and the following persons are > his only heirs at law:
2. > Notes for CATHERINE FRANCES KRAMER: > Frances is a Precious Blood Nun. ÝShe was trained in Ft. Wayne, Indiana > and renamed Sister Mary Eustachia. > > > More About CATHERINE FRANCES KRAMER: > Burial: Salem Heights, Dayton, Montgomery co., Ohio255 > Religion: 31 May 1928, Becme a nun - Sister Mary Eustachia255

Theresa Maria Goluszek-Stewart corrected Sophie Marie Mitkus to Sophie Anna Mitkus (July 18, 2011)

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