Select Astronomy Related Links
Museums & Planetaria
Our Blue Planet
The Sun
The Moon
Comets & Meteors
The Planets
The Stars and Beyond
Odds n' Ends
- Heavens-Above
- see the Space Shuttle, International Space Station and satellites
pass overhead from your backyard.
- SETI -
Join the search for extraterrestrial intelligence... download
a free screen saver program that will scan data from some of
the world's largest radio telescopes for intelligent life elsewhere.
- The Weather Channel
- Will you see the stars or clouds tonight?
- About
- Urban Legends - You saw it on TV, read it in the paper
and heard it from a friend... but is it really true?
- Urban Legends
Reference Pages - OK, you're still not sure.
- Committee for Skeptical Inquiry - Additionally,
if you want to take a thoughtful look at the strange and unexplained
then check out this organization!
Additional Links
Astronomical Sites - Hundreds
of additional links provided by the Twin
City Amateur Astronomers' Allan Timke. Some links may be
out of date.. but give them a try!
Last updated 7/7/03.
me to the top of this page.