The Monthly Skyline
The Illinois State University Planetarium maintains a 24-hour listing programs and special events. Skyline is made possible by the cooperative efforts of the ISU Planetarium
and the Twin City Amateur Astronomers, "Partners in Astronomy Education." Skyline is updated at the end of each month. Skyline sky information for the current month is found below. Information about
the ISU Planetarium's programs can found on-line here or by telephone at (309) 438-5007.
Skyline for October 2023
We are currently updating this page. Please check back again soon!
Meanwhile, check out Sky & Telescope magazine's This Week’s Sky At a Glance for happenings in the current night sky!
If you enjoy the night sky then consider purchasing the Abrams Planetarium Sky Calendar – a
day-by-day graphical representation of the night sky. Sky Calendar comes with monthly star maps,
and can be ordered for only $12 per year, starting any time. It's a wonderful gift idea.
If you are looking for free monthly star charts then check out
For a more detailed description of sky events, please visit Garry Beckstrom's monthly What's up in Tonight’s Sky.
me to the top of this page.