with a


The Problem

Your Task

A Sample

The Process








Design a Space Alien


Solving real-world problems such as Design a Space Alien has helped you to become a critical thinker and active problem solver. By being placed in active roles as critical problem solvers, you come away from this PBL experience understanding personal and societal values, and are much more capable of solving complex, true-to-life problems. In learning to find solutions for such problems you develop and hone important career-related skills such as the following:

  • Communicating
  • Using Technology
  • Working on Teams
  • Making Connections

While allowing a teacher to tell "tell you what you need to know" is much easier than going through the PBL experience, you benefit much more from becoming an active participant in constructing knowledge from experience.

Congratulations on a job well done!

You are now ready to begin work on your next Problem-Based Learning activity - Rendezvous with a Comet.

Support for program number HST-ED-90285.01-A was provided by NASA through a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Incorporated, under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Copyright (c) 2007 Challenger Learning Center at Prairie Aviation Museum and Challenger Learning Center of Northwest Indiana. Staff of Challenger Learning Centers and instructors of classes involved with Challenger Learning Center missions may reproduce this WebQuest guide for classroom and educational purposes. Otherwise this work may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed, in any form or by means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise – without the prior written permission of the copyright owners.

This page is based upon the WebQuest model.

Last updated 7/16/2007