

The Problem

Your Task

A Sample

The Process





Team Reflection




Extreme Travel Adventure Challenge

Your Task

Before your team will be invited to participate in the Extreme Travel Adventure Challenge, you must develop, write, and present the best and most adventure-filled travel plan for your specific mission. You must prove to the game show hosts that your travel plan is more likely than any other to succeed, and will be the most thrilling to videotape. Your travel plan must include two parts: (1) a written report, and (2) an oral presentation given to the members of other teams. Each section of your travel plan must show evidence of cooperation, appropriate planning, hard work, detailed knowledge, and critical thinking. Your written travel plan and presentation must contain the following items relating to your particular extreme travel adventure mission:

  • describe the mission providing information about starting and ending points, where and when you will be traveling.
  • geographical study in which you describe the landscape and environment over which you will travel;
  • weather study describing the weather you might expect to experience during the course of the adventure;
  • plant and animal study describing what sort of plant and animals you might find;
  • risk management describing how you will deal with the dangers of your mission presented in your three studies including how you will prevent harm to yourself and your team mates should you encounter any of them;
  • a list and explanation of team member roles;
  • a short description of planning and preparation telling how you will prepare your minds and bodies, and also a listing of the supplies and equipment you will take with you; and
  • a summary telling why your travel adventure will be the most extreme, quickest, and safest.

Support for program number HST-ED-90285.01-A was provided by NASA through a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Incorporated, under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Copyright (c) 2007 Challenger Learning Center at Prairie Aviation Museum and Challenger Learning Center of Northwest Indiana. Staff of Challenger Learning Centers and instructors of classes involved with Challenger Learning Center missions may reproduce this WebQuest guide for classroom and educational purposes. Otherwise this work may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed, in any form or by means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise – without the prior written permission of the copyright owners.

This page is based upon the WebQuest model.

Last updated 7/16/2007